Cantonese show


Summary: Comprehensive coverage of major news events across Australia and around the world with regular reports from China, Hong Kong/ Macau, Taiwan and other parts of the world. Also featuring lifestyle, youth programs, settlement information and morning talkback to share listeners their views and bring the Cantonese-speaking communities across Australia closer together.

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  • Artist: SBS Radio
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 Current Affair: 'Low level of trust' exists between US and Russia, Tillerson in Moscow says | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson has met with President Vladimir Putin and Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov in Moscow. Tillerson says relations with Russia are at a low point and must improve. Meanwhile, Russia has again cast a veto at the UN Sec... (到訪俄羅斯的美國國務卿蒂勒森,分別與俄羅斯外長拉夫羅夫及總統普京會晤,而敘利亞問題為美俄關係添張力;與此同時,俄羅斯再次於聯合國安全理事會否決譴責敘利亞發生化武攻擊並要求迫令要敍利亞政要配合相關調查工作的議案。詳情請聽鄺美玲及梁焱剛報導。)

 Happy Map: Halong Bay of Vietnam | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

In an interview with Ivan Leung, experience flight attendant James Kwok is going to share with us how relaxing it can be with his boat tour in Halong Bay, Vietnam. (越南的下龍灣被列為世界遺產,同時亦是越南最受歡迎的旅遊景點之一。剛遊歷越南的資深空中服務員郭庭生對下龍灣有何感覺呢?詳情請聽梁焱剛與郭庭生的訪問。)

 10am News Bulletin 13.0 4.2017 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Detailed morning news bulletin       (請收聽本台為大家準備的詳盡早晨新聞。)

 Geopolitical factors dominated markets sentiment | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Geopolitical factors dominated markets sentiment (上日,寰球證券市場呈個別發展,但地緣政治影響市場走勢,相當明顯。上證綜指則續炒『雄安新區』概念,宋慶勤會作出跟進報導,並邀請信永中和國際業務合夥人朱國正先生探討發展『雄安新區』對澳洲企業帶來的潛在商機, 以及最近澳洲樓房價格高企的現象。  )

 Gourmet Express: How to make red and white sauce? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

When you eat spaghetti or steak, it would be great to have a white sauce or red sauce to go with it. Otherwise the dish will be tasteless. May Lee and Winmas Yu will talk about the skill in making white and red sauce in this episode of Gourmet Ex... (醬汁是西餐菜式的靈魂,如果食意粉與牛扒而沒有用白汁及紅汁,便會令食物失色,想學點整好味的醬汁,請聽李太與余睿章的介紹。)

 Law and You - Why is 18C so important? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Previously, the Federal Government proposed changes to Section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act, which was ultimately vetoed in the Senate. In this episode of Law and You, Winmas Yu asks Jasper Law regarding the definitions of the specific te... (早前,聯邦政府建議修訂《種族歧視條例*的18C條款,爭議不斷。修正案最終在參議院激烈辯論後,予以否決。余睿章在今集「知法守法」請教郭世元律師,條例中有關字眼的定義。究竟,若果法案一旦獲得通過,公眾的言論自由是否被收窄?  )

 10am news bulletin 12.04.2017 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Detailed morning news bulletin   (詳盡早晨新聞  )

 Rush hour commuter chaos as MTR battles multiple glitches in one day | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Trains between Kowloon Tong and Kwun Tong were suspended, with limited services elsewhere. Replacement shuttle buses were brought online. Service disruptions continued until around 8:30pm last Monday. Two commuters fainted during the confusion ... (上星期,香港新的航空交通管理系統出現了問題,不過,另一個影響範圍更加大嘅公共交通系統也於本週出現故障。話説一列港鐡列車因斷電,再管道停下,乘客要摸黑走出路軌。另外,香港一輛電車於淩晨翻側,溫楚良和陳小琴在今天的中港快訊裏面傾過這兩宗事故。  )

 Sino US relationship in the light of Xi being invited to meet Trump next week | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Sino US relationship in the light of Xi being invited to meet Trump next week (中國國家主席習近平應美國總統特朗普邀請,下周前往美國舉行首次兩國元首級會面,全球關注。宋慶勤報導有關行程及特朗布上場後,中美兩國的外交角力出現變化。  )

 Beware of Centrelink scams | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

How do you know if a call from Centrelink is genuine or a scam. Listen to this episode of Welfare Express with Mr Ziggy Li from Department of Human Services. (怎樣分辨自稱 Centrelink 打來的電話是真是假?請聽民政部客戶服務主任李志剛先生講解。)

 Community interview: in love with Aboriginal art at the first sight | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Aboriginal culture seems distanced from Chinese culture, what had made Minnie Liang, a community ambassador of NSW art gallery, to take so much interest in Aboriginal art and culture? Let's find out more in an interview of Minnie Liang and Ivan.

 Dr Paul Ng – How does the private health system for mental patients work? (Part 2) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Dr Paul Ng explains how the private health system for people experiencing mental problems works, which often involves specialists referrals?   (上一次健康快樂人環節裏,溫楚良請教過墨爾本精神科顧問醫生吳培恩醫生 (Dr Paul Ng),請他解釋如果大家在精神方面出現問題的話,他們和他們的親友,可以如何尋求公共醫療系統幫助。不過,有時候,分流護士未必覺得你適合留在公共醫療系統裏,而要求你尋求私家醫療系統的幫助,爲何她們會這樣覺得呢?   另外,專科醫生一般要經過家庭醫生轉介,這方面又是如何運作的呢?   吳培恩醫生還於本集會詳細解釋,大家看私人醫生時要注意的地方。  )

 Dr Paul Ng – How so mental patients access public health system? (Part 1) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Dr Paul Ng explains how to access public health system for people experiencing mental problems. Comparing to private system, this would be relatively cheaper. However some patients are not suitable to stay in the public system for too long. Why... (澳洲看醫生,很多時程序跟我們的原居地有所不同,例如 Bulk Billing 和醫藥分家。如果大家有健康問題的話,一般需先看 GP (家庭醫生),但如果你的問題屬於精神科問題的話,又應該如何埋手呢?   如果一個人不想看私人醫生,而是想得到公共醫療系統的照顧,又有哪些途徑呢?   於今集健康快樂人裏,溫楚良就這方面請教過墨爾本精神科顧問醫生吳培恩醫生 (Dr Paul Ng),他會詳細解釋,大家如果有精神方面問題的話,可以如何尋求公共醫療系統方面的幫助。  )

 Christy Chui – What are superfoods? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Superfoods are foods - mostly plant-based but also some fish and dairy - thought to be nutritionally dense and thus good for one's health. Blueberries, salmon, kale and acai are just a few examples of foods that have garnered the "superfood" label... (現代人士一般很注重自己的健康嘅,不過,由於生活忙碌,食不定時,所以,他們很多都會選擇捷徑,例如沒時間曬太陽的話,便吃來幫助攝取維他命 D。 因此,很多人對一些所謂的「超級食物」趨之若鶩,為的就是貪只需吃少許便可獲益良多。 究竟「超級食物」是否真有這麽多好處呢?是否值得花這麽多錢去買呢?又有哪些比較便宜的食物具有類似的功效呢? 以下這節健康快樂人,註冊營養師徐啓怡 (Christy) 會和溫楚良談談這方面的問題。  )

 Dr Paul Ng - The referrals between GP and specialists. Can a patient insist on seeing a particular specialist? (Part 3) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Dr Paul Ng - The referrals between GP and specialists. Can a patient insist on seeing a particular specialist?   (墨爾本精神科顧問醫生吳培恩醫生 (Dr Paul Ng) 上次解釋過精神病人若需尋求私家醫療系統幫助時,澳洲的醫療機制是如何運作的,在本集的健康快樂人環節裏,他們再接再厲,提到關於 GP (家庭醫生) 轉介你去一個專科醫生時,有機會會發生的情況。吳培恩醫生還提到,專科醫生於什麽情況下,會拒絕接見病人。  )


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