Cantonese show


Summary: Comprehensive coverage of major news events across Australia and around the world with regular reports from China, Hong Kong/ Macau, Taiwan and other parts of the world. Also featuring lifestyle, youth programs, settlement information and morning talkback to share listeners their views and bring the Cantonese-speaking communities across Australia closer together.

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  • Artist: SBS Radio
  • Copyright: Copyright Special Broadcasting Service


 Dr Advice: Dr Season Yeung on exercise to relieve symptoms of floater | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Dr Season Yeung on exercise to relieve symptoms of floater (眼科專家楊子榮醫生,接受宋慶勤訪問,建議一些患上飛蚊症的病人,其實無需再做任何激光活眼科手術,治理飛蚊症的症狀。  )

 Markets fared without much direction | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Markets fared without much direction   (上日寰球證券市場各自發展, 亞洲方面普遍做好,大致擺脫令人失望的特朗普稅改,宋慶勤會作出跟進報導; 另外邀請獨立資深經濟分析師陳保明博士分析市場對美國稅改的初步反應,以及可能出現的財政懸涯局面。  )

 Current affair: man with knives arrested near Downing Street in UK anti-terrorism operation | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

A man carrying knives was arrested on suspicion of planning a terror attack near Downing Street, United Kingdom. Ivan and Selina report. (英國倫敦警方在反恐行動中,於倫敦市中心西敏寺白廳制服身藏利刀的可疑男子,並以涉嫌發動恐怖襲擊罪名將他拘留,事件中無人受傷;另外,三名持有澳洲與黎巴嫩雙重國籍的伊斯蘭聖戰分子亦於黎巴嫩被拘捕。詳情請聽梁焱剛及鄺美玲報導。)

 10am News Bulletin 28.4.2017 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Detailed morning news bulletin   (請收聽本台為大家準備的詳盡早晨新聞。  )

 Gardening - Pomegranate | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Mr. Solomon Tsoi, Horticulturist, teaches you how to grow Pomegranate tree. (石榴果(Pomegranate)營養豐富,果肉酸甜多汁,有抗菌,抗癌,止血及對多種疾病有治療的功效,特別適宜女性食用。在今期的園藝趣談,蔡浩權教大家種石榴果的各種技巧,以及講述拜倒石榴裙下的典故。  )

 What is good or bad debts? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

The Turnbull Government is preparing for big spending on infrastructure in next month's Budget as it plans to change how national debt is reported.   It wants to differentiate between what it calls "good" and "bad" debt. &nbs... (聯邦政府計劃改變對國債的界定,將之劃分為"好"及"壞"的債務, 並準備於下個月推出的預算案中大量花費在基礎設施上,究竟何謂"好"及"壞"的債務呢?詳情請聽鄺美玲和梁焱剛的報導。  )

 Sydney Notebook - Powerhouse Museum will partly relocated to Parramatta | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

In this month's "Sydney Notebook", our Sydney correspondence, Wade Kuang, reports about the commencement of Western Sydney Airport construction by the end of 2018, he also reports about the Powerhouse Museum reallocation plan to Parramatta and the... (今集的[雪梨通訊],鄺家偉會報導西雪梨機場將於2018年底前開始動工建設; Powerhouse Museum將部分搬遷至Paramatta以及雪梨有700多名病人的資料被棄置在路邊的垃圾桶。    )

 Happy Map: What make riseling better near Rhine River? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

As wine expert Leo Foo continue sharing his journeys of cruising along Rhine River, he is also going to explain why the bank of Rhine River particularly suitable for planting Riesling? Let's find out more in the interview of Leo and Ivan. (紅酒專家傅天裕繼續分享坐船於萊茵河欣賞沿岸風光,到底為何當地特別適合種植Riesling?詳情請聽傅天裕與梁焱剛的訪問。)

 Helping children to select subjects in Year 10 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Interview Regional Manager of Victoria School of Language, Kerry Law, re Tips on helping parents and school children select subjects for open examination in Year 10   (中學高年級學生在揀科過程當中,應當如何作出決定?他們需要考慮什麼因素?另外中學會考有所謂上調科目得分的機制 (Scaling Up )意思又是什麼?宋慶勤訪問維州語言學校區域經理羅嘉勵女士,請她與大家分析箇中的情形。      )

 Global Markets fared pretty well but future looks uncertain | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Global Markets fared pretty well but future looks uncertain (Global Markets fared pretty well but future looks uncertain 【寰宇金融】市場走好但後市難料   昨日寰球證券市場乘著美股連日高收的緣故,普遍上揚, 但隨著美國稅改藍圖亮相, 美股今晨來個先升後回的局面,為此後市難料。宋慶勤會作出跟進報導; 另外邀請香港時富金融優越投資部顧問黎永良先生,與大家回顧港股及上證過去一個月的走勢,以及前瞻後市的發展。  )

 Aftermath of First Round France Presidential Election and Common Problems Faced by both Candidates | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Aftermath of First Round France Presidential Election and Common Problems Faced by both Candidates   (法國首輪總統大選得出結果,中間路線的馬克龍以及極右政黨的勒龐,脫穎而出,繼續角力。那麼,他們目前的選戰部署如何?以及大選後,總統當選人面對的五大難題是什麼? 宋慶勤為大家報導個中的情形。  )

 Talkback: Is North Korea posting a threat to Australia? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

As tensions are escalating between all parties over North Korea, should Australia be worried about North Korea nuclear threat? If war actually breaks out, what would be China's stand on this? Ivan and Kenneth have invited Prf. Edmund Fung (Emeritu... (朝鮮半島的局勢似乎越來越緊張,北韓多次作出核威脅言論,美國亦派航母艦群前往半島海域,及與南韓加強於半島海域部署;所以,今日【大眾論壇】,梁焱剛及黃港生請來西雪梨大學人文及傳播藝術學系名譽兼職教授馮兆基,與聽眾朋友一同討論大家是否擔心朝鮮半島開戰,與澳洲是否會直接受威脅等話題。)

 Happy Map: What make riseling better near Rhine River? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

As wine expert Leo Foo continue sharing his journeys of cruising along Rhine River, he is also going to explain why the bank of Rhine River particularly suitable for planting Riesling? Let's find out more in the interview of Leo and Ivan. (紅酒專家傅天裕繼續分享坐船於箂茵河欣賞沿岸風光,到底當地為何特別適合種植Riesling?請聽傅天裕與梁焱剛的訪問。)

 10am News Bulletin 27.4.2017 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Detailed morning news bulletin (請收聽本台為大家準備的詳盡早晨新聞。 )

 Current affair: Anglicare’s report shows 2017 as the worst year of rental affordability | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Anglicares report shows 2017 as the worst year of rental affordability   An annual survey of rental affordability has found that millions of Australians are struggling to find affordable and appropriate homes to rent. &nbs... (根據褔利機構Anglicare的「年度租金負擔能力簡況報告」顯示,今年是澳洲人於房屋租賃市場中最難以負擔的一年,情況甚至令部份低收入國民,完全無法留在大城市生活。請情請聽黃港生及梁焱剛報導。)


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