Talkback: Is North Korea posting a threat to Australia?

Cantonese show

Summary: As tensions are escalating between all parties over North Korea, should Australia be worried about North Korea nuclear threat? If war actually breaks out, what would be China's stand on this? Ivan and Kenneth have invited Prf. Edmund Fung (Emeritu... (朝鮮半島的局勢似乎越來越緊張,北韓多次作出核威脅言論,美國亦派航母艦群前往半島海域,及與南韓加強於半島海域部署;所以,今日【大眾論壇】,梁焱剛及黃港生請來西雪梨大學人文及傳播藝術學系名譽兼職教授馮兆基,與聽眾朋友一同討論大家是否擔心朝鮮半島開戰,與澳洲是否會直接受威脅等話題。)