Cantonese show


Summary: Comprehensive coverage of major news events across Australia and around the world with regular reports from China, Hong Kong/ Macau, Taiwan and other parts of the world. Also featuring lifestyle, youth programs, settlement information and morning talkback to share listeners their views and bring the Cantonese-speaking communities across Australia closer together.

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  • Artist: SBS Radio
  • Copyright: Copyright Special Broadcasting Service


 Settlement Guide: Heart disease is the leading cause of death in Australia | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Heart disease is the leading cause of death in Australia. On average, one Australian dies every 12 minutes as a result of a cardio vascular disease. When it comes to heart attacks, one Australian dies almost every hour. Do you know how to recognis... (今年心臟健康關注週由4月30日開始,主題是「關注高血壓」。梁焱剛於「澳洲定居指南」為大家關注心臟病是否有初期癥兆,而大眾又可如何預防患上心臟病。)

 Current affair: Deloitte’s report state that stubborn spending risks tax hikes | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

leading economist says he believes that the Treasurer is unlikely to deliver a budget surplus as promised in 2021.   Ahead of his annual pre-budget forecast, Chris Richardson, from Deloitte Access Economics says he believes the fore... (經濟分析機構德勤(Deloitte Access Economics)預測2016-17年度澳洲財政赤字將增至三百八十五億,而聯邦政府將會無法實踐於2021年達致財政盈的承諾。詳情請聽黃港生及梁焱剛報導。)

 Australian Story: Gigi Zhuang and her 457 visa | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Malcolm Turnbulls decision of scrapping 457 visas has raised concerns across Australian society. It is a bad news for SBS Cantonese Program ex-intern Gigi Zhuang since she had just lodged her application for 457 visa few days before the announceme... (譚保宣布廢除457簽證一事惹起各界關注,而SBS廣東話節目的前實習生莊晉詠Gigi在相關宣布之前,剛入紙申請457簽證,她對取消457簽證的決定有何感受呢?而她對未來又作何打算呢?梁焱剛於【我不是名人】請到莊晉詠現身說法。)

 Global finance: Globalization vs protectionism | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Is United State being in a state of protectionism after Donald Trump had taken office? How could we know if a country is being overly protective? Ivan has invited Gravin Ho, CEO of Grand Asia International Consulting Group, to help us to understa... (自從美國總統特朗普上場後,有關美國是否正推行保護主義的討論不斷。梁焱剛請來宏亞國際顧問集團行政總裁何智明分析保護主義與經濟全球化的關係,以助大家了解於經濟學上如何定義何謂保護主義。)

 Morning show - One day of Chinese Emperor Qiang Long | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

The Qianlong Emperor (25 September 1711 - 7 February 1799) was the sixth emperor of the Manchu-led Qing dynasty, and the fourth Qing emperor to rule over China proper. His stories have made into countless novels and movies. However, a historian ha... (不少影視作品都會描寫中國清朝乾隆皇的故事,但根據真實歷史,乾隆皇的一天是怎樣過呢?情況是否一如民間故事般精彩?郭庭生、鄺美玲及梁焱剛為大家探討。)

 10 am News 27/4/2017 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Detailed news bulletin (詳盡早晨新聞 )

 Current Affairs: Productivity commission to review GST | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Federal Treasurer Scott Morrison has ordered the Productivity Commission to review the the distribution of GST. Chowai Cheung reports. (財長莫里遜昨日宣布委任生產力公署對消費稅的分配方法進行檢討, 請聽張楚慧報導。)

 The you beaut country | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Angeline Oyang from the Art Gallery of NSW introduces the exhibition the you beaut country, a restropective of Australian legendary artist John Olsen at the Art Gallery of NSW. Oyang explains the meaning of the Aussie term you beaut. (新南威爾士藝術博物館展出資深澳洲藝術家奧爾森的 70年回顧展,名為the you beaut country. You beaut 是一個地道的澳洲俗語詞。藝術博物館社群使者歐陽英蘭女士把這詞翻譯成廣東話俗語 好正的意思。這展覽是怎樣的 正 呢?)

 10am News Bulletin 1.5.2017 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Morning news bulletin         (詳盡早晨新聞      )

 Legal Tips: Legal venues to contest court orders Part 4 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Legal Tips: Legal venues to contest court orders Part 4   (一連三輯,迦南律師行的盧尚斌律師與大家解釋在什麼情況下構成藐視法庭的罪行。又如果有人不服已經頒布的司法程序,那麼法律又賦予當事人什麼途徑,進行申訴?詳情請收聽宋慶勤繼續訪問盧尚斌律師,請他為大家解答箇中的情形。    )

 Current Affairs - Higher university fees in May budget | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Report by Esther on University fees are expected to increase in May budget. (在五月份公佈的財政預算案,大學學費可能會增加至少 25% ,另外.學生的高等教育貸款也可能要提早償還,使到大學生攻讀大學課程更加困難,詳情請聽谷建華報導。)

 Ancient Chinese Buddhist Temples’ InnerArchitecture Part 4 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Ancient Chinese Buddhist Temples Inner Architecture Part 4   (中國古代佛廟的設計與建築,可謂結構分明,前方既有三界脫門,之後就有天王殿,大雄寶殿,藏經樓等佈局分明,條理清晰。今期文化360節目,陳玉清就特別為大家介紹中國的佛廟的設計與建築獨特之處。  )

 Kit Man & Kwong wah | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Interview Kitman, Hong Kong singer and Kwong Wah, Hong Kong artist re their Art Show and their in performing arts. (麥潔文除任歌唱老師外,也有在大型綜藝節目和演唱會擔任嘉賓,近年來還寄情於繪畫,不時有舉行個人畫展,而江華自轉行從事保險行業以來,領悟到人生得失要寬容面對的哲理,那麼在日常生活中,夫婦二人如何溝通,如何教導子女,日後有何打算,請聽谷建華和温楚良的這節人物專訪。    )

 Controversy surrounding Proposed Citizenship English Test | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Controversy surrounding Proposed Citizenship English Test   (聯邦政府提出引入新的公民英語測試計畫,坊間認為有關計畫對難民並不公平,引起各界的非議及憂慮。 宋慶勤會報導有關情況。  )

 Gourmet Express: Jeje chicken hot pot | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Jeje chicken hot pot is one of the most iconic foods in Hong Kong's street stalls. May Lee and Winmas Yu will give you some hints on how to cook the Jeje chicken hot pot in this episode. (啫啫雞煲是香港一味地道的大排檔菜色,今集李太與余睿章為大家介紹如何烹調美味又暖胃的啫啫雞煲。)


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