Christy Chui – What are superfoods?

Cantonese show

Summary: Superfoods are foods - mostly plant-based but also some fish and dairy - thought to be nutritionally dense and thus good for one's health. Blueberries, salmon, kale and acai are just a few examples of foods that have garnered the "superfood" label... (現代人士一般很注重自己的健康嘅,不過,由於生活忙碌,食不定時,所以,他們很多都會選擇捷徑,例如沒時間曬太陽的話,便吃來幫助攝取維他命 D。 因此,很多人對一些所謂的「超級食物」趨之若鶩,為的就是貪只需吃少許便可獲益良多。 究竟「超級食物」是否真有這麽多好處呢?是否值得花這麽多錢去買呢?又有哪些比較便宜的食物具有類似的功效呢? 以下這節健康快樂人,註冊營養師徐啓怡 (Christy) 會和溫楚良談談這方面的問題。  )