Sydney housing world's second-most expensive

Cantonese show

Summary: Sydney has been named as the second most unaffordable housing market in the world - according to the annual Demographia report - just behind Hong Kong.   Property prices are continuing to rise with a number of Australian capital ci... (住在墨爾本的市民都投訴說屋價貴,但原來還不如雪梨的屋價,因為據調查公司 Demograhia 最新的研究顯示, 雪梨住房難負擔程度全球排第二,抛離排第六的墨爾本。不過要指出一點,由於市區人口數目與數據的可靠性關係,這報告所研究的城市,絕大部分是美國城市,中國衆多城市中,只有香港被列入研究,而澳洲則有5 個城市遭評分。   另外,一家地產公司對於西雪梨 Rooty Hill 住宅區一間屋的售價破了該區紀錄,作出評論。請收聽溫楚良以下這節報導。  )