Cantonese show


Summary: Comprehensive coverage of major news events across Australia and around the world with regular reports from China, Hong Kong/ Macau, Taiwan and other parts of the world. Also featuring lifestyle, youth programs, settlement information and morning talkback to share listeners their views and bring the Cantonese-speaking communities across Australia closer together.

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  • Artist: SBS Radio
  • Copyright: Copyright Special Broadcasting Service


 Sydney Report - NSW's economy is the best among all the states and territories | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

In this Sydney Report, Wade Kuang will present the latest news regarding Sydney economic performance is bucking the national gloomy economic trend, NPWS commercialises natural spots in NSW, and five sharks are caught by new drumlins in Sydney Nort... (今集的雪梨通訊節目中,鄺家偉將為你報導: 新州經濟增長領跑全國、新州部分國家公園希望更加商業化,用作增加收入,以及新州的防鯊網捕獲了3米長的鯊魚。詳情請點擊收聽。  )

 Morning talk - AA pay | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

n today's Morning Talk, we will talk about whether you will share the bill or not with your friends when going out for dinner? (在今天的【晨早嗲一嗲】, 鄺美玲、梁焱剛和郭庭生會與大家談談在聖誕新年期間出外吃飯時,你會否與朋友分攤付款(AA)抑或豪爽請客?    )

 10am News Bulletin 2.1.2017 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Morning news bulletin         (詳盡早晨新聞      )

 Global finance - Australian market and currency forecast in 2017 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Interview Mr. Raymond Chan, Managing Partner, Morgans Financial Limited re Australian market and currency forecast in 2017.   (踏入2017年,澳洲200隻成份股可否繼續平稳上升衝破6000 點大關,資源礦務股又是否可以稳步向上,以及澳元的走勢會否持續轉弱,相信這些都是投資者關心的問題。谷建華邀請 Morgans 摩根董事總經理陳浩庭先生,為大家詳細分析大市及澳元的走勢。      )

 Current affair: Istanbul nightclub attack that killed 39 was stated an act of ‘terror’ | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Thirty-nine people, including many foreigners, were killed when a gunman reportedly dressed as Santa Claus stormed an Istanbul nightclub as revellers were celebrating the New Year, the latest carnage to rock Turkey after a bloody 2016. Ivan and... (2017元旦期間,意大利發生包裹爆炸案,土耳其及巴西亦發生致命槍擊案。其中,土耳其最大城市伊斯坦布爾的一個夜總會內,有槍手闖入並向慶祝新年的民眾開火,釀成最少39人死亡,另外有接近70人受傷。暫時未有組織承認責任。當局相信事件為恐襲,並派出特種部隊搜捕逃離的槍手。詳情請聽鄺美玲及梁焱剛報導。)

 Current Affairs: Archived papers show differences in Australian society in 1992 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

How much do you know about the Australian society 25 years ago? The NatArchives of Australia has released the cabinet papers from 1992 and 1993 and you can have a glimpse of some important events associated with politicians like Paul Keating and... (澳洲檔案局發放了1992年的聯邦內閣文件,究竟當年澳洲社會所面對的問題與今日有何不同?請聽張楚慧報導。)

 Gourmet Express: Roasted lamb racks with herbs and burgundy sauce | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

It is great to welcome 2017 inviting friends and relatives to your dinner party at home. One of the dishes that will fascinate your guests is to cook the lamb rack with herbs. The lamb cutlets are one of the favourite meats that Australians love... (歡慶2017年新年來臨,在派對中以澳州羊扒招待親朋,最好不過,這種羊吉列扒肉質既軟又腍,不帶膻味,是澳州人的至愛,李太與余睿章為你介紹這味派對美食的菜譜。)

 Culture 360 - Battle between Yan and Qi (Part 3) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

The historical battle between Yan and Qi . (Part 3) (即墨之戰中,齊國70城被燕軍攻克,只餘下莒及即墨。齊大將田單以各種行兵方法及計謀堅守即墨與敵人對峙,最後出奇制勝,以弱勝強,打敗燕軍,恢復齊國。  )

 Taiwan Report - New Year celebration in Taiwan | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Report by Estella Lee on New Year celebration in Taiwan. (台灣人民今年夸年慶祝特別熱閙和隆重,在101大樓的煙花滙演,還配搭800盞電腦投射燈,以金色為主,象徵國運昌隆的金色年代。 台灣人近年亦流行迎接新年笫一度署光,見到笫一度署光,就代表全年都好運。此外,今年新北市政府更首次舉辦[水上升旗典禮],谷建華請李秀華為大家作詳細的報導。      )

 Community Interview: Royal Flying Doctor Service | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Dentist Claudia Yung shares her experience as a volunteer for the Royal Flying Doctor Service.   (牙醫翁靜華分享她在皇家飛行醫生服務的經驗。  )

 Guest presenters share their year of 2016 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Throughout 2016, our guest presenters have created wonderful contents for SBS Cantonese Program. We invited Clifford To of Law and You, Chan Yuk Ching of Culture 360 and Jacky of Youth Program to share their 2016 with us. (「知法守法」主持人陶建文律師、「文化 360」主持人陳玉清和年青人節目主持人 Jacky 和大家分享 2016年主持節目的心得和個人的難忘事。)

 Current Affairs: Australia opposed UN resolution on condemning Israeli settlements | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

The Federal Government has indicated it would have opposed a recent United Nations Security Council resolution condemning Israeli settlements if it had been eligible to vote on it.   (澳洲表明不會支持聯合國譴責猶太殖民區議決,並重申堅定承諾「兩國方案」。)

 Do we need a third party witness when signing a contract? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Do we need a third party witness when signing a contract? (法律貼士環節:迦南律師行盧尚斌律師講解簽字時,是否需要證人在場?)

 Asian Market Pulse - Asian market 2017 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Interview Mr. Peter Lai, Hong Kong finance commentator re Asian market forecast in 2017.   (2016 年的最後一個股市交易日已告結束,踏入2017年亞洲股市的走勢會如何?谷建華邀請香港時富金融優越投資部顧問Peter Lai 黎永良先生,為大家分析亞洲股市在新一年的走勢。  )

 Health News - Listeria and alcohol and medications | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Interview Mrs. Lisa Li , Senior Pharmacist re Listeria disease and food and alcohol and medications. (在幾個星期前,維州發生李斯特菌 (listeria) 致命事件,谷建華邀請資深藥劑師李孫惠芝女士為大家解釋李斯特菌是如何傳播,處理食物的安全方法,以及酒與藥物是否相衝。  )


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