Current affair: Istanbul nightclub attack that killed 39 was stated an act of ‘terror’

Cantonese show

Summary: Thirty-nine people, including many foreigners, were killed when a gunman reportedly dressed as Santa Claus stormed an Istanbul nightclub as revellers were celebrating the New Year, the latest carnage to rock Turkey after a bloody 2016. Ivan and... (2017元旦期間,意大利發生包裹爆炸案,土耳其及巴西亦發生致命槍擊案。其中,土耳其最大城市伊斯坦布爾的一個夜總會內,有槍手闖入並向慶祝新年的民眾開火,釀成最少39人死亡,另外有接近70人受傷。暫時未有組織承認責任。當局相信事件為恐襲,並派出特種部隊搜捕逃離的槍手。詳情請聽鄺美玲及梁焱剛報導。)