China HK Express - HK police increases forces to prevent the repeat of Mongkok riot

Cantonese show

Summary: Tomorrow is the New Year's Day or the Year of the Rooster, but in the New Year's Day of the Year of the Monkey, in Mongkok Hong Kong, there was a riot which caused over 100 people injured, in order to prevent similar incident, the Hong Kong Police... (明天便是雞年大年初一, 但在猴年的大年初一深夜, 在香港旺角區發生了一次被香港政府定性為暴亂的事件。而該宗事件,一共導致超過一百人受傷,而香港警方為了防止事件重演,在這個新春期間,特別增聘人手加強警力,以作戒備。詳情請聽陳小琴一節【中港快訊】。)