Global finance: Demographia housing affordability report

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Summary: According to the study undertaken by Demographia, Sydney has been named as the second most expensive city in the world and "severely unaffordable" when it comes to the cost of housing, the only place more expensive is Hong Kong. Melbourne came in ... (調查公司 Demograhia 最新的研究顯示, 雪梨住房難負擔程度全球排第二,墨爾本則排六,但令人意外的是報告亦同時指出布里斯本、柏斯及阿德雷德,得分均高於五分而成為房價極難負擔城市。梁焱剛請來合富投資嘅理財會計師袁金泉分析三地房價極難負擔的原因,並剖析政府是否有任何可進行的合理政策,去改善澳洲各大城市房價過高的問題。)