Current Affairs: Criticism towards Dreamworld managers continues

Cantonese show

Summary: Safety concerns remain over Australia's biggest amusement park, Dreamworld, after the accident that killed four people on a ride earlier this week. Plans by Dreamworld to open the park today have been cancelled, as requested by the Police Force. D... (夢幻世界樂園 Dreamworld 激流遊戲導致4人死亡的調查繼續進行。園方原定今天局部重開樂園,惟警方要求樂園繼續暫停開放,以配合調查工作。另外,樂園所屬公司 Ardent Leisure 的行政總裁,昨天傍晚時份宣佈將部份年終花紅撥予澳洲紅十字會,用作支援受事件影響的人士及其家屬。詳情請聽梁焱剛和余睿章的報導。)