Current Affair : Victorian government loses appeal to keep juveniles in adult prison

Cantonese show

Summary: Victoria's government says it is considering how to proceed after the Court of Appeal dismissed its legal challenge to a Supreme Court ruling that housing teenagers in a maximum-security adult prison was unlawful.   The case revolv... (維州一批少年囚犯早前因騷亂及破壞青少年羈留中心,被維州政府送入最高設防成年人監獄的案件,維州政府的上訴昨日遭最高法院上訴庭駁回,意味當局必須於明日四時前,決定如何從新安置該批少年囚犯。詳情請聽梁焱剛及鄺美玲報導。  )