Chaos expected as political storm edges closer to Hong Kong’s legislature

Cantonese show

Summary: The Legislative Council Secretariat has issued the agenda for today's council meeting, with oath-taking the top item. But the names of legislators weren't listed, so it isn't known if Sixtus Leung Chung-hang and Yau Wai-ching would be included ... (香港立法會兩名本土派青年新政議員,於宣誓時,將 China 讀成支那,結果到目前還未能夠宣誓成爲立法會議員。這件事越搞越大,大批人士表示會集會,要求立法會主席梁君彥不要為游蕙禎和梁頌恆安排宣誓。 另一方面,香港政府早前突然入稟法庭,要求司法覆核梁君彥准許這兩人重新宣誓的裁決,更獲得法官許可。溫楚良和陳小琴於中港快訊裏談過這事件。  )