Hurricane Matthew to be the strongest storm hitting Eastern US in 10 years

Cantonese show

Summary: Over 100 were killed when Hurricane Matthew seriously hit Haiti and Caribbean. Winds of 220 kilometres an hour are predicted as it approaches the United States. The US President Barack Obama has declared a state of emergency in the state of Florid... (颶風「馬修」在吹襲海地及加勒比海,造成超過一百人死亡之後,現正以每小時224公里的速度吹襲美國, 而美國總統奧巴馬更宣佈佛羅里達州進入緊急狀態。而「馬修」亦成為10年來吹襲美國東岸最強的風暴。詳情請聽鄺美玲和梁焱剛的報導。)