Gourmet Express: Italian seafood fried rice

Cantonese show

Summary: We might have the Spanish or Italian seafood fried rice before, but some people may say the rice is not tender enough if they were cooked in this way. In this episode of Gourmet Express, May Lee and Wade Kuang will introduce a seafood fried with J... (大家也定必試過西班牙或意大利的海鮮炒飯,它們用料豐富,顏色鮮豔,十分誘人。但有朋友就覺得這種煮法的米飯太過硬身,難以消化。在今集的美食速遞裡,李太和鄺家偉就會為大家介紹,一種經過改良,適合華人口味的意大利海鮮蝦仁炒飯。不如一齊聽吓啦。)