Pork industry urges action over tainted meat

Cantonese show

Summary: Hong Kongs raw pork trading industry urged the government to speed up investigations into the tainted meat scandal to win back the publics trust. They proposed holding up supplies to the market until the government finishes all quarantine check... (香港最近出現豬肉受污染風波,受到廣泛關注。這次出事的是哮喘豬,好些來自中國的豬只,被驗出殘留醫治哮喘的藥物。照理這些豬肉不應流出市面,因此搞到香港人心惶惶。 究竟情況有多嚴重?請聽陳小琴和溫楚良於中港快訊裏的報導。  )