How to handle dried shitake and scallop ?

Cantonese show

Summary: The Lunar New Year is coming soon. Chinese used to cook a list of luxurious dishes for New Year. The ingredients are usually expensive and carry fortune meanings. In this episode of Gourmet Express, May Lee and Elsa Tsang will teach you how to ... (臨近農曆新年,華裔人士傳統都會煮好多新年上菜菜式,例如髮菜蠔豉,魚翅,和鮑參翅肚等。這些食材也不是容易處理的。   在這集美食速遞,李太與曾小碧為大家講解新年菜式最常用到的冬菇和瑤柱,應如何處理備用。)