Push to stop selling cigarettes to Australians born after 2000

Cantonese show

Summary: A generation of Australians could be on the brink of living a tobacco-free existence if a move to ban the sale of cigarettes to young people is successful, and it is looking promising. The law would come into effect in 2018 and would mean peopl... (出於種種原因,塔州完成高中學生的比例低於 50% ,比全國平均數低。原因之一 ,是由於很多學校沒開辦11 和 12 班,所以,要讀 11 班和 12 班,學生便可能要長途跋涉到另一學校就讀。不過最近政府增加撥款開辦 11、12班,此擧令學生願意留下就讀的比例增加左。詳情請點擊圖片,收聽由溫楚良同馮家顯主持的何伯特通訊。不過,他們首先談到打算禁止向 2000 年後出生人士賣煙的私人法案,睇看來有機會獲上下議院通過。)