Handsome Men In Ancient China (Part 3)

Cantonese show

Summary: 陳玉清將在文化三六零環節內,繼續為大家介紹古代美男子,其中北齊的蘭陵王以美貌著稱,在邙山之戰中卻以畫上猙獰面目的大面具遮掩面容,增加自己的威武形象,而另一位男士公孫子都,不但相貌英俊,而且武藝高超,可謂「春秋時代第一美男」。 Continued from the last two episodes, Yuk Ching Chan will introduce to you the backgrounds of two more handsome men in ancient China. Who were they and how attractive were they? Yuk Ching will show you some evidence from the history record.