Retro Radio Podcast show

Retro Radio Podcast

Summary: Sharing family friendly entertainment through old time radio, and more.


 Fibber McGee and Molly – Molly Gets Flowers. ep387, 440118 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:49

A package arrives for Molly. At first Molly thinks it’s from Fibber, but the name on the tag is Ralph. Uncle Dennis arrives to learn of the romantic situation. Will he be any help if figuring out who Ralph is? He gets confused over ostriches, operas, and more. Fibber’s jealousy over the secret admirer leads to a chat with Mirt the phone operator. She seems to have a heroic, politician of a relative. Billy Mills plays, That’s Swell. As Molly revels in her flowers, Alice Darling enters to share in the admiration. Does Alice know who Ralph is? She shares a poem about flowers. Harlowe enters, inspired to send his own wife a bouquet. Does harlowe know Ralph? He delivers the commercial while he tells all about it. Fibber fumes, and Molly disappears for water for the flowers, when Teeny enters. She learns how Fibber was raised with the Sioux indians. Does she believe his tales of the old West? Does she know something about Ralph? The Kingsmen sing, Don’t Touch It. Molly sports a new look to go with her new flowers. Doc Gamble visits to learn about the jealousy that has Fibber burning. Doc has the answer to who Ralph is, but spends some time enjoying Fibbers frustration. amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0"; amzn_assoc_search_bar = "true"; amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "retrootr-20"; amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; amzn_assoc_region = "US"; amzn_assoc_title = "Fibber McGee and Molly on Amazon"; amzn_assoc_asins = "1482957434,1617092177,1570193932,1570198284"; amzn_assoc_linkid = "d044d97d5e71edb0df9497c070c428e8";

 American History Through the Eyes of Radio ep29 1757 Leatherstocking Tales – Last Of The Mohicans Part 5. 1932 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:56

after being taken captive Cora and her escort Duncan are at the hands of the Hurons. We find them now after Hawkeye and his friendly Mohicans have rescued them and they are resting next to a stream. Though mini warriors had fallen, Sly Fox has gotten away. Hawkeye shares some details on how he managed to find them in such a timely fashion. He also tells how he found his lost canoe down stream, and with all the provisions and gunpowder untouched. Our heroes now continue their journey to take Cora to be with her father. Taking a break at a safe haven, Hawkeye tells Cora about battles of his past. Ganga cook and his son Onka grow restless as they sense danger approaching. After a close call our heroes continue their journey and keep moving. They shouldn’t be far from Fort Henry, but there could be a threat from the French army. With Indians behind them, and the French in front of them, all that is left is to fight their way through.

 Let George Do It – The Payoff is Murder. ep117, 490117 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:17

If it’s touch and go with trouble, and you want a way out, write to George Valentine. The latest to let George do it is a letter from a woman who is involved in a racket. She’s a former chorus girl who got involved with a boxer who layed on promises of mink coats. Can George help Johnny the boxer get off the hook with the racketeers? Johnny is an aging boxer, and this next fight is to be his last. The mob wants him to take a dive. Other boxers who have crossed the mob have ended up dead. George takes the job as the manager of the boxer, and breaks the news to the racketeer that all ties are to be cut off with the boxer. Get ready George, here comes trouble. To fight back, George visits a former fighter who has landed in the sanitarium after crossing the racket. George gets the inside scoop on how the racket works. The punch drunk boxer doesn’t paint a pretty picture for George. This job will be tougher than he expected. What kind of win win situation does the racketeers have that makes it appear to be such a losing job? If George’s man wins, he faces the risk of death from the mob. Johnny may well end up losing his match to the much younger boxer anyway. Knowing the details, will the boxer’s wife back down? There is a way out and George springs a set up of his own to get the leverage he needs to give the bad guys an attitude adjustment. With the best training George can manage, and armed with advice from the punch drunk boxer, Johnny gives it all he has in his last fight before he retires. Listen in to the ring side drama. Will Johnny beat the much younger opponent? If he does, will the mob crush him? Will George’s plan actually stop the gangsters in their tracks? Facing down the mobsters, George gets it all done, and for anyone who still needs an explanation, there’s a nice epilog and a happy ending.

 Burns and Allen – Another Murder Mystery. 380117 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:09

George and Gracie take the stage to talk about habits, customs, and memory. As Gracie talks with announcer, Johnny, and bandleader, Ray Noble about vustomary greetings, George gets frustrated, and just wants the confusion to stop. George is invited to join an exclusive club which transitions to a song. Tony Martin sings, My Heaven On Earth. George and Gracie stumble over each others lines as the conversations shift to nightclubs. A telephone call interupts the fun and Gracie takes a call from her mom. Ray interupts, a window washer interupts, but Gracie tries to get things back on track. Is that possible? Will George get his big day in the exclusive club he wants to join? Ray Noble plays Glenn Miller’s huge hit, Dipsy Doodle. Gracie has another play she wants to do, though George doesn’t want to hear about it. Gracie gives it her best punny pitch anyway. Full of place names, get ready for a geography lesson. Gracies description of her geographical mystery is so complete that the drama isn’t quite arrived at. With the puns lingering on, Gracie wraps up with a song, I Double Dare You.

 Lum and Abner – Mr. Duncan Wants To See The Lot. 461021 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 10:57

Abner shows off his customary lack of customer service skills as he sends Mousey Gray on his way, and out of the store. Grandpap enters to argue with Abner, and get the latest news about Lum’s problems with the widow Cobb, and the construction site. After paying Lum for a down payment, Mr Duncan has called to ask about if his house has been started yet. Has Lum over extended himself? Abner shares his worries on the topic with grandpap. Cedric enters, but something seems to be bothering him. As he shops around the store, Abner continues to swap gossip with grandpap. Lum finally enters with more complications with the house. Mr Duncan phones to say that he’s on the way to town to see that fancy lot that Lum had promised to him,and still hasn’t actually bought.

 You Are There – Mutiny In The Colonial Army, 1781AD. 490116 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:19

General washington is faced with dealing with traitors in his ranks. Depending on how he handles this matter could mean the difference of falling to Brittish hands and losing the war, or remaining united and free. CBS reporters take you there to witness it for yourself. The question is, what are washingtons terms, and will the mutinous troops accept his terms. The Army complains over their lack of pay, and the harsh living conditions. At west Point, washington tells the reporters his side of the ordeal. The complaints are justified, but the matter is in the hands of Congress, and above George’s pay grade. From Philadelphia, a recorded interview from the lap of luxury, a Congressman spouts a lot of smoke about ethics, standards, and leadership of troops. The suggestion is for the troops to turn to the brittish to fulfill their needs. But no concern over the pay for the troops. How will the mustered troops react? will they value their pay, and living conditions over the larger prize of liberty? Can they believe the promise of recieving their due at some unknown date in the future? The decision has to come from each individual man, not a decision forced on them by their commanding officers. Surely some will make the split, but others will decide to stay. Tenseful moments build as CBS reporters get the feel of the men in the ranks, and reasons for why they might choose one way or the other. In the end, how will the majority dcide? will the Continental Army fal apart, or will there be enough strength to continue on?

 Jack Benny – Driving back From San Francisco. ep280, 380116 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:22

Flashback to the road trip in the Maxwell as Jack returns from his recent trip to San Fransisco. . Good motoring jokes between Jack, Mary and Rochester about how slow the Maxwell is moving. Jack gets into a bout of road rage with a passing bicycle. Adventures in filling up on gasoline, and service at the service station. There’s a few mishaps while getting lunch, but when they pass the time by turning on the radio, Kenny Baker sings, Rosalie. With the radio still on, Don, Phil, and Kenny talk about Jack behind his back. Then Jack arrives and they can talk in front of him. As the show gets underway, Don warns Jack of a reporter who has been lurking around. What could he want? Maybe it’s to cover a rumor that Jack will retire from radio. A phantom voice has the cast spooked. Phil plays, Swing Town. The reporter shows up, and Jack assures him that he has no plans to retire. In sharing what Jack’s future holds, flash forward forty years to the future of the Jello show, with a very old cast. Jokes about old age and aging rule the show. Phil is still joking about running around with women. Andy Devine arrives, and is the only one who hasn’t seemed to have changed. He’s even still joking about his ma and pa. Returning to the reality of the present, Don offers the latest Jello recipe, and closes the show. Trivia Alert: By 1978 all the cast members remained except for Jack, and possibly Eddie Anderson, but I’ll have to look that tidbit up to be sure. None of the cast was actively in show biz anymore, but Andy Devine appeared at least one more time as a voice actor in the semi-animated film, Roger Rabbit.

 Command Performance – Frances Langford, Virginia OBrien. ep101, 440115 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:25

Hosted by Francis Langford, who was just voted as one of the 10 most important women of the war effort. Francis gets the show started when she sings, Shoo Shoo Baby. Spike Jones appears upon request from the mailbag. Spike and his City Slickers sing, Shine Little Glow Worm. Phillus Brooks has returned from her South Pacific trip, and reads from the mailbag. Francis reads more from the mailbag, gotta love those crazy nicknames. The Reviewers, a comedy and singing team, of 2 guys and 2 gals, do their thing as they tell a story about how to write a song, by joking and singing about it. Francis introduces Jimmy Wakely who then sings, Mexicali Rose. There’s more mail to be read, and Francis is just the one to do it. Next up is Virginia OBrian to sing, Man on the Flying Trapeze, slightly modified in honor of the war effort. Francis calls Spike back out to perform the latest comedy song for the war, SNAFU. Finally, Francis Langford sings, No Fun til My Baby Comes Home. She parts with a few words for the troops.

 American History Through the Eyes of Radio ep28 1757 Leatherstocking Tales – Last Of The Mohicans Part 4. 1932 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 13:33

on the way to be with her father, Cora and her escort Duncan have hold up in a cave on an island. After a heated battle through the night and with ammunition running short, Hawkeye and his Indian friends depart for help. Although Cora and Duncan have tried to stay hidden, the Iroquois have discovered them. The raiding band is more interested in catching Hawkeye and his Mohicans. For now the Iroquois have left the traveler’s unharmed, but demand that they come with them when they leave. As the Indian band race through the Woods, Duncan convinces them to stop and let Cora rest. Can he get on their good side by using flattery? Sly fox, the leader of the Indian band describes why he dislikes the white people so much. Can Cora soften his attitude toward them? He blames firewater for all of his evil ways. Is there any chance he will still take Cora to her father? Will he simply abandoned them to the forest? Will he take her captive to be his wife?

 Whistler – Hit And Run. ep190, 460114 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 21:58

Take a ride on a foggy night as a young woman runs out on her ailing husband to get a divorce. Mildred and her lover, Hillary speed through the night and run down a pedestrian. Is it a convenience, or a complication when the man turns out to be Mildred’s husband? A hasty plan to establish an alibi is concocted. Police believe that Mildred’s emotional state is grief over her dead husband, but witnessers are found who might identify her and Hillary as the man and woman in the hit and run case. To keep the web of lies from unravelling, blackmail enters the picture. Anger, outrage, and fear lead to a deadly situation. Will Hillary get away with murder once again? Another foggy night brings the suspense to a head. Everything is falling into place to the advantage of Hillary, but there’s still a twist ending that ensures that justice is done.

 Lum and Abner – Listens To Bad Radio Shows. 461017 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 10:09

Abner is amazed at that latest invention that’s sweeping through town, an electric carpet sweeper. All the ladies are going crazy for them. Lum brings up his troubles with his building permit, and his determination at getting that house built for his unwanted house guests, the Childress family. Lum feels like the overwhelming family owns his house, and it’s him who is the guest. He talks to Abner about the radio shows the family likes to listen to. Ghosts, murders, fist fights, and I don’t know what all. Even people on the radio talking that hillbilly talk. As Lum talks about putting his foot down with the intruding family, US Quincey pops into the store. He wants to buy some material, and Lum talks with Abner about others in town who bought material for making new clothes. Grandpap rushes in with some of the worst news yet for Lum. What’s the widow up to now?

 21st Precinct – The Platform. ep27, 540113 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:18

On the busy night shift, a tip comes in about a dice game. The phones keep ringing when a woman enters to talk with Captain Canelli. Mrs Tarban has a problem with her husband and his brother. The brother has apparently killed his wife, but he still hasn’t been picked up for the crime. The woman tells about the habits and whereabouts of her criminal brother in law. How will her testimony help the cops? While Mrs Tarban goes to talk to the detectives, Canelli returns his attention to the gamblers. Mr Tarban is pulled into the police station to see how his story matches up with his wife. Lies are identified and untangled, but are the cops any closer to arresting a killer? At a subway platform, the drama comes to a head. Will keeping family secrets win out over doing your civic duty? Get ready for some action packed moments of chases and gun play to see how things shake out.

 American History Through the Eyes of Radio ep27 1757 Leatherstocking Tales – Last Of The Mohicans Part 3. 1932 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:17

The woods are crawling with hostile Indians, and Hawkeye does the best he can to fight them off with the help of his Mohican friends. When there is a lull in the action, is it safe to travel? Hawkeye is sure the enemies are just planning their next attack. It gets worse when word comes that the canoe with all the supplies has been cut loose. Despite the odds, Hawkeye and his friends are determined to fight to the bitter end. Given their circumstance, miss Cora urges Hawkeye to return to the fort to get soldiers to help. Parting ways and leaving missed Cora and her escort Duncan to stay in the safety of a cave, Hawkeyee and Gingakuk set out. Onka, the son of Gingakuk goes to Fort Henry to get help from there if he can. With the woods once again crawling with natives, how long can Corah and Dunkin hold out?

 Great Gildersleeve – Good Neighbor Policy. ep310, 490112 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:58

Or, Love Thy Neighbor. After working hard, Gildersleeve takes the day off and sleeps in. When rudely awakened by a loud noise from his neighbor, he surprises everybody by announcing his new years resolution to be a good neighbor to the Bullards. The new policy is put to the test, but for the first day of it, Gildy manages to maintain a forgiving attitude. Leroy is annoyed to have to play with Craig, but Marjorie is impressed by Gildies efforts. Later though, Gildy nearly caves into pressure when Craig nails Leroy with a snowball. He goes to talk to Peavey about his troubles. Peavey talks about his terrible temper and a childhood prank he once pulled. What? Peavey with a terrible temper? Say it ain’t so. Back home, the good neighbor policy comes crashing down when Gildy butts heads with Mr Bullard. Can peace be restored? After Birdie helps out with the mid show commercial, the winds of war blow throughthe Gildersleeve home, and the feuding is back on. After the Judge pops in, Leroy comes in, depressed, over not being allowed to go on the sleigh ride that the Bullards are putting on. The Judge tries to mediate, but will Gildy cave in, and return to his friendship policy? To his credit, Gildersleeve does try to make up with the Bullards, but is shunned, right down to their kids. As the sleigh takes off with all Leroys friends, Mr Bullard is big enough to come over and invite him along. Has the rivalry ended? Don’t push your luck on that one Gildy.

 Lum and Abner – Complaints On The Building. 461016 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 10:21

Things are not all pleasant in Lum’s construction paradise. After he started his new business idea, Lum is discovering some of the troubles of orchestrating his contractors. He’s also not quite past the ordeal of the rift between widow Cobb and his carpenter. The widow is as stubborn as a blue nosed mule, and is like talking to a stump on fire. Will she and Lum soon be talking to each other through their lawyers? Abner gets confused over new construction materials called button board. What’s it used for exactly? Lum takes a phone call to work out troubles with materials, and the blueprints of the house with his carpenter. Complaints flow both ways when Lum learns of a mix up on materials that were delivered to the site. Can anything happen to make Lum’s troubles worse? You know it will when one more phone call comes in.


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