Lum and Abner – Mr. Duncan Wants To See The Lot. 461021

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Abner shows off his customary lack of customer service skills as he sends Mousey Gray on his way, and out of the store. Grandpap enters to argue with Abner, and get the latest news about Lum’s problems with the widow Cobb, and the construction site. <br> After paying Lum for a down payment, Mr Duncan has called to ask about if his house has been started yet. Has Lum over extended himself? Abner shares his worries on the topic with grandpap. <br> Cedric enters, but something seems to be bothering him. As he shops around the store, Abner continues to swap gossip with grandpap. Lum finally enters with more complications with the house. Mr Duncan phones to say that he’s on the way to town to see that fancy lot that Lum had promised to him,and still hasn’t actually bought. <br>