Retro Radio Podcast show

Retro Radio Podcast

Summary: Sharing family friendly entertainment through old time radio, and more.


 Dragnet – The Big Dog. ep274, 541116 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:54

A man with a shotgun is threatening to kill everyone that walks downhis sidewalk in his neighborhood. Joe Friday goes to see what it’s all about. The old timer is waiting in ambush to shoot the person who poisoned his dog. He swears he knows who did it, and he’ll let them have it when they come bak. Friday tries to appeal to the man, and if he has enough evidence to stop threatening his neighbors, and make a proper police report. The man’s crazy tone leaves his voice, and turns warm and loving when Friday listens to him talk about his former pet. The man recounts how he first got the dog, and some of his exploits in play, and bravery. The dogs friendly and faithful nature. After eight years of a close relationship with his constant companion,the final days of the dog is related. Back to reality, the man still insists on shooting the man who poisoned his dog. Joe’s partner Frank finds out the man is something of a hermit, as they try to do some crowd control, and keep the crowd away. A neighbor lady verifies that there have been several dogs in the area that have been poisoned. A man with what appears to be tainted meat admits to the crime. Though the poisoner is hauled off downtown, the gunman refuses to give up his gun, and faces a standoff. Will the riot squad need to shoot the man? Gas him out? A little boy might have the answer that breaks the tension, and brings a peaceable end for Joe Friday. .

 Lum and Abner – Henry Lunsford Finds A Clue. 460904 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 10:53

Somehow the church congregation has allowed Lum and Abner to take the piano to the store for tuning. Lum gives it his best shot, but Horace, the bloodhound is under foot. Does Lum have much to worry about over the charges against him after the piano incident in church? Despite the ruffled feathers, Abner doesn’t think the consequences will be all that bad. Cedric enters, but the old gents ignore him until Lum is called away to talk to Henry Lunsford. What is that all about? Can Cedric keep a secret about the ruined piano? He’s as fascinated with the inner working of the piano as Abner is. \Lum returns with news that henry is closing in on him.

 On Stage – Happy Holidays. ep49, 531230. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 21:54

Audio is a little weak, and has some underlying tape hiss. Our stars, Elliot and Cathy Lewis, share admiring words as they talk about their favorite holidays. Including a dramatized reliving of Elliot’s thrill at a Thanksgiving Day football victory, and tearing down the goal posts. They read a few Valentine greetings, and Cathy sings a few bars of, The Very Thought of You. Sentiments turn sour when wartime indescretions show up, but not enough to stop the pageant of love. April Fools Day, July 4th, and general fun in the Summer continue the parade of holidays. Christmas brings us full circle, and includes a few bars of classic Carols of the season. Don’t forget a wrap up for celebrating the New Year. There’s plenty of musical interlude, without dialog for the listener to enjoy their own favorite holiday memories throughout.

 Jubilee – Phil Moore, Lionel Hampton, Golden Gate Quartet. ep53, 431115 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 31:00

Phil Moore substitutes for Ernie Whitman, but there’s still no substitute for those jivey introductions. Lionel Hampton plays, Ladies Be Good. Next up is the Golden Gate Quartet who sing, Time to Hit the Road. Backed up by Lionel Hampton, Dinah Washington sings, Shoo Shoo Baby. Phil reminds listeners how to send in mail for requests and suggestions. Lionel introduces his next number, The Major Minor. The Goldengate Quartet is back with the spiritual, Run On. Brubell Blakely sings, People Will Say We’re In Love. To wrap up Lionel plays, Flying home. To close, Lionel and Phil part with a few motivational words for the troops. I wonder who wrote the script for Jubilee. Though the stand in, Phil Moore, and Lionell hampton do good jobs of moving the show along, those slangy sylabels of mega metaphor just don’t roll off the tongue as well as Ernie Whitman manages to do it.

 You Bet Your Life – Chair. 491221 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:20

The comedy quiz show that features Groucho Marx. The contestants are introduced and the interviews begin. Christmas gifts from Elgin American are in store for all, whether they win or not. * A delivery man and a movie special affects man are up first, and selected for their unusual jobs. * A female teacher and a housewife. * Two college students from foreign countries, Guatamala and Holland. will someone say the secret word and win a bonus $100? The contestants start with $20 and try to earn more than the others. who will get the chance to go for the $1000 question in the final round? Listen and enjoy the fun. PS: I love the comments from the unmarried female teacher as Groucho grills her about kids, and her nonexistent husband.

 Greatest Story Ever Told – The Reward Is Great. ep85, 481114 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:01

The good deeds of Syrus the just are well known. We find him in his shop in the marketplace, and he gives time off, so his young worker can see the Master when he comes tomorrow. Is it so easy to do a favor when a man of poor reputation asks for one? His reputation for kind favors seems to stem from being shrewd, and helping those who might help him back. At home, young David talks with his wife, Rebecca about what he witnessed with Syrus, and his favors. The matter bothers him, and he plans to seek answers from the Master. In the middle of the teaching, David sets out to do the right thing. Sampson needs more money than David has to lend, but imagine the amusement Syrus has when he’s asked by David for the loan. Is he just going to be throwing his money away? Syrus smugly gives it to him to prove a point. Will disappointment be proved out? An emergency changes everything. Children are trapped in a landslide. Even David’s life is in danger. No amount of money will convince the townsmen to risk their life to go to the rescue. With no reputation, or anything to lose, Sampson goes in to rescue David and his son. Later, Sampson tells why he avoided David earlier, and a lesson is taught to the shrewd Syrus about risk, and doing favors.

 Jack Benny – Twenty First Air Hospital (The Lone Palm). ep490, 431114 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:53

As the cast fly to Palm Springs to do the show, Rochester expresses his fears of flying, but gets roped into going anyway. Jack pulls a prank on Dennis while Don presents a problem to the pilot, Frank Nelson. Mary has a chat with the pilot about Jack. Later, she has more to say about being Jack’s girlfriend when she leaves the cockpit and shares with Jack. Dennis sings, My Heart Tels Me. After the flight, the gang stop at a restaurant. Arthur Q Brian is the waiter, speaking in his Elmer Fudd voice. Phil joins them, and after joking around plays a latin sounding tune. Jack talks to a rancher played by John Brown, then goes into flashback mode. It’s a Western scene where Mary is a salloon girl, Phil is the bar tender, and Jack is Rattlesnake Benny. Rattlesnake plays the roulette wheel, crooked of course. Maybe Jack’s game is cards? When a gunfight breaks out over cheating in the poker game, it looks like the only people who are safe are the shooters. Maybe.

 Let George Do It – Follow That Train. ep165, 491219 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:15

Usually people write to Santa with their wish list, but today George Valentine gets a letter from Santa Claus. Who is George to disappoint someone, especially at Christmas time, and especially St Nick? As George begins to look into the conditions of the letter, Brooksie disappears. What’s the deal with that letter? It’s just a list of toys. To add to the puzzle. George gets a murder note from a midget In tracking down his midget, George finds a whole shop full of little people. Toy makers, of course. George thinks he’s on to something big going down at midnight. What is it? A big robbery? George finally makes the connection between the toys, and a mixup between Santa and the mob. Now he has to put a stop to the organized crime, and keep himself from being killed in the process. All it will take is a little help from Santa Claus. George tells Brooksie all about how he figured it out, and explains the mystery.

 My Favorite Husband – Learning To Drive. 481113 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:55

The story of a couple who have been married for 10 years, and like it. At breakfast, Liz has a plan to see George’s face while he reads the morning paper. George manages to read an article about his old flame, and the claws come out as Liz shares her opinion of her. Inspired by the article, Liz wants to take up driving lessons again. Despite his refusal, George gets talked into letting Liz do some driving on the back country roads. Can Liz possibly be a worse driver, or mechanically inept? Next, Liz makes her way to the drivers licence office, where she gives Frank Nelson a dose of maximum frustration. Amazingly, she is issued a license to drive. Why is it no surprise when she has an accident? Will she be able to cover up the damage? Of course George suspects, something, but when he eavesdrops, he thinks Liz killed someone while out driving. The cops come around to haul her into jail, and she has to deal with Frank Nelson again, who has been transfered to the police department.

 A Day in the Life of Dennis Day – Dennis Writes an Advise Column. 481113 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:45

Dennis opens with a song, You Were Only Fooling. Mrs Anderson is excited when she gets a letter from her wealthy aunt. To make good impressions, she wants to roll out the red carpet for the old gal. Meanwhile, Dennis gets a word of encouragement from Mildred to ask for a job at the newspaper. News Editor, Frank Nelson gives him a job, despite the crazy interview. He doesn’t get the reporter job, but ends up as the advice columnist. Dennis sings his latest recording, I’d Love to Live in Loveland. As the big day for rich aunt Prunella’s arrival draws near, Dennis and Mildred goe over some of his letters, and responses of his new column. A letter seems to match the situation in the Anderson home, Dennis offers some advice to use jealousy to rekindle the relationship, but now figures it was a bad idea. At home, Dennis confuses the visiting aunt as Mr Anderson following the advice of the column. Seeing his mistake in offering the advice, Dennis tries to scare away the aunt. The truth comes out, but I don’t think Dennis has won any bonus points with Mrs Anderson. The show wraps up with Dennis singing, Until.

 Lux Radio Theater – Ssong Of Songs (Marlene Dietrick). ep155, 371220 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 56:24

Features Marlene Dietrich and Douglas Fairbanks Jr. Cecil B DeMill tells about some of Marlene Dietrick’s recent travels. She is to play the roll of Lily, and Douglas Fairbanks Jr is to be Waldo. Some of his recent films and projects are reported on. The love story starts out on the Orient Express as the train rushes across Europe. Marlene is on the way to a book shop where she is greeted by her grumpy aunt. On her first day on the job, she has to deal with a terse customer, Waldo. There appears to be the start of a love affair blooming. Waldo is an artist who is commissioned to finish a sculpture for the Baron. After a moment of jealous assumptions, the two express their love for each other over the Christmas holiday. The Baron tries to horn his way in, but will his wealth sway the young gal? Will it be enough to cause the poor artist to stand aside? If money by itself won’t work, how about some handy lies? Now there’s a healthy way to start a romance, just build it on lies. You know it won’t work, but keep listening to see how the tangled web of lies shakes out. A year goes by. Lily has become the Baronness, but she lives in a different world from her older husband. Will she find happiness as her soul dies a slow death? Waldo re-enters her life, through the awkward moments, the old Baron flaunts her in front of him. Some slips of the tongue shine light on the old truth of the matter, but will she believe it? Has she already found a new lover to amuse her? The old Baron dies. Waldo has found himself in a desperate financial situation. Lily is in a distraught emotional state. The once, fresh, and perky girl is now hard and bitter. Can the artist bring her back around and restore her spirits? It’s Christmas again, and the artists revisits old grounds in hopes of making their old love bloom once more.

 Lum and Abner – Bloodhound Follows Lum. 460903 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 10:37

Horace is a bloodhound who has taken a shine to following Lum around town. The critter has been following Lum ever since he’s been on the trail of the intruder who ruined the church piano. As Justice of the Peace, Lum is on the posse sent ot to look for himself. Lum tells how the dog has even followed him home, and slept in bed with him at night. Has Henry Lunceford caught on to the fact that the hound has implicated Lum as the criminal? Nah, he just thinks Horace is fond of Lum. Lum figures if he can fix up the piano, the whole matter might die down. Abner seems to think that Horace is the talking dog from a few episodes earlier. Say something Horace! Will he help Lum gain access to the church piano? When Abner’s done on the phone with the pastor, there’s going to more explaining for Lum to do.

 Amos and Andy – Matrimonial Mishap, with Retro Plus. 431112 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 37:08

Another double feature from Amos and Andy. In the first episode, 290423RaisingMoneyForLodgeRenovations . the audio is a little staticky. Andy and Kingfish are rewriting the lodge Bylaws, and try to explain the legal sounding words to Amos. The purpose of these particular lodge rules deal with raising money, and how much the dues should be. As Kingfish leaves to work on them some more, the conversation turns to Amos woman troubles with Ruby. In the second feature, 431112 Matrimonial Mishap, Kingfish is in his office, worrying how to raise money for the lodge. Wow, somethings just never change. A woman mistakes his office for a matrimonial bureau, but seeing the chance to make a few bucks, Kingfish takes the time to play along. In the spirit of relieving the woman’s pocketbook of a few dollars, Kingfish sets out to sell off Andy’s bachelorhood. Andy is just too attached to his single lifestyle. Amos suggests that he see a psychiatrist to overcome his marriage mental block. The doctor is played by Lionel Barrymore. Can the doc help Andy? It seems to all be related to controlling the emotions, getting to the root of a problem, and facing it. All nice words, but will the advice help? Just whehn Andy is close to going through with it, his married friends overdo it in their encouragement, and their behavior gives him a reality check. In short, Kingfish plan backfires on him in a big way.

 Burns and Allen – Fifteenth Wedding Anniversary. 481111 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:51

Today’s a special day in the Burns home. Gracie drops hints so George won’t forget what the important day is. George isn’t as dense as he appears. He just wants to surprise Gracie. He gets money from the bank to get a special gift for her. Since George is a little out of touch with what’s popular in the world of lingerie fashions, he takes the bank teller along for shopping advice. I feel a misunderstanding coming on. When rumors reach Gracie’s ears, everything George says only makes her more crazy. She thinks he’s running around on her, and takes it on herself to win George back over to her, as if she needed to. After the mid show commercial, Gracie springs the news on George, he’s a father. She hired a boy and girl actor to play her 12 year old child. Normally a crazy idea, but with Gracie, it’s just plausible. Even when the couple make up, the comedy doesn’t stop. Trivia Alert: It really is George and Gracie’s anniversary today, and in 1948, it really was their 15th. They also had a son and daughter, which they adopted, and later used in their TV show. The boy and girl in today’s show are actors, since their real life kids weren’t quite as old as these kids.

 Andrews Sisters – Guest – Ray Noble. ep41, 451219 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:24

Audio is excellent. Announcer: Harlowe Wilcox. Vic Shone Orchestra. Playlist: * The Andrews Sisters are joined by Kurt Massey and the Ambassadors to sing, iJingle Bells. * The sisters sing, Welcome Welcome Home. * Kurt Massey sings, Love Letters. * The sisters sing, Let It Snow. * Standing by in the Kelvinator green room, Ray Noble enters to play a medley of two of his top hits, the Very Thout of You, and Goodnight Sweetheart. * The sisters sing, I’m in Love With You Honey. * Kurt and Patty sing, Come to Baby Do. * The Andrews Sisters, Kurt Massey, the Ambassadors sing White Christmas.


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