Jack Benny – Twenty First Air Hospital (The Lone Palm). ep490, 431114

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: As the cast fly to Palm Springs to do the show, Rochester expresses his fears of flying, but gets roped into going anyway. Jack pulls a prank on Dennis while Don presents a problem to the pilot, Frank Nelson. <br> Mary has a chat with the pilot about Jack. Later, she has more to say about being Jack’s girlfriend when she leaves the cockpit and shares with Jack. Dennis sings, My Heart Tels Me. <br> After the flight, the gang stop at a restaurant. Arthur Q Brian is the waiter, speaking in his Elmer Fudd voice. Phil joins them, and after joking around plays a latin sounding tune. <br> Jack talks to a rancher played by John Brown, then goes into flashback mode. It’s a Western scene where Mary is a salloon girl, Phil is the bar tender, and Jack is Rattlesnake Benny. Rattlesnake plays the roulette wheel, crooked of course. Maybe Jack’s game is cards? When a gunfight breaks out over cheating in the poker game, it looks like the only people who are safe are the shooters. Maybe.<br>