Retro Radio Podcast show

Retro Radio Podcast

Summary: Sharing family friendly entertainment through old time radio, and more.


 Lights Out – Money, Money, Money. ep9, 360805 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

If you frighten easily, turn off your radio now… or podcatcher, as the case may be. What’s wrong with the world today… money. Nobody ever has enough, and all they want is more of it. Tony is the best deep sea diver, and can’t believe his crew mate, Sven, would rather be back on the farm. A sweepstakes would be the answer to Tony’s problems, or let Sven quit and go back to the farm. It might also be the thing to drive a wedge into the friendship. A wedge in the form of a knife into his friend so Tony can swipe the winning ticket. Rolling in the dough, Tony parties with a different crowd of friends. Tony’s high spirits come crashing down when he gets home, and learns there could be a ghostly man pursuing him. Soon every cop in town is on the hunt for Tony after he guns one of them down in his paranoia. Is there any place to hide? The lure of diving for more treasure sends Tony back out to sea, but new troubles are in his future. Will he make a dangerous dive, in rough seas? Is any amount of cash worth the risk to his life?

 Inner Sanctum Mysteries – Death Watch in Boston. 481115 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

In Boston, a man has a horrifying tale to tel. The man, a medical doctor, has a box that contains the head of another man. He goes to a tatoo salon to seek help. He is apparently a friend of the shop owner, and relates through flashback, his recent adventure. A talking bird lands on his open window sill. He has been overworked, and stressed, when a man introduces himself offering help. He’s the owner of the talking bird, but who is he? What’s the deal with that bird? He keeps saying the tag line to the radio show, Lights Out, “It’s later than you think.” OK, and Edgar Allen Poe. The odd visitor only adds mystery to the confused doctors life. People he refers to are soon dead. Is the stranger the murder? If you’ve listened close, you’ll have figured out that he is death. But, how could the doctor had beheaded him? Will it help keep doom from his own fate? That’s the bitg question that will be answered in the suspenseful, and horrifying conclusion.

 Lum and Abner – Grandpap Sues Over Pay. 460820 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

With Lum and Abner spending so much time working at the hotel, grandpap had been keeping the store. Today the gents settle up on what to pay grandpap for his services. Will Lum be forced to pay the salary he agreed on, or will grandpap settle for less?> Grandpap is stubborn enough to stick up for the deal that was made to him. Lum is looking at sharing half the profits, but Abner tries to hold him to expenses, damages, and repairs that happened under grandpap’s watch. Will grandpap agree to the reduxed wage? Grandpap can play that game too, and has his own list of contributions he has made out of his own pocket that Lum owes him for. The new balance puts it right back up and more when the old guy includes his legal fees he anticipates when he sues for his salary. Note: Chet Lauck has trouble keeping a straight face during grqandpap’s reading of his expenses.

 Mayor Of The Town (NBC) A Christmas Carol. 421224 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 31:13

The classic Christmas tale, featuring everyone’s favorite Scrooge, Lionel Barrymore. After giving his tardy employee a hard time, Scrooge leaves Bob Cratchet and is found in the waerehouse. Even his nephew Fred can’t wwhip the old man into a Christmas spirit. Can’t he find it in his heart to help his fellow man? At least join the family for a dinner and party. Scrooge even sends collectors for charity running. Returning to his home that he has lived in alone since the death of his business partner last year, Scrooge hears voices. A clatter of chains. Is it old Marley, or just indigested food? Wanting to see his friend change his ways, Jacob Marley warns of visiting spirits. The ghost of Christmas past revisits Scrooge’s boyhood home and boarding school. Christmas is impoertant to a child, but isn’t it still important? Visiting his apprenticeship, Scrooge is still surrounded by friends who were filled by Christmas spirit. His old boss Fezziwig, and a love interest. What changed to drive a wedge in the love affair? Home again, the ghost of Christmas present shows Scrooge a few of his friends and their celebrations. Even the pennilessCratchet’s find cheer, despite not having money, or the best of health. His rejection doesn’t stop their celebration, or that of his nephew’s. The dark phantom of Christmas yet to come offers silent foreboding. If the cheer of others won’t change him, Will the somber silence of the grave do it?

 Mysterious Traveler – Death Is The Judge. ep108, 470615 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:09

Retracing the steps of their honeymoon, John and his bride revisit a quaint old curio shop in Chinatown. A after 20 years it looks virtually unchanged. What should they pick up as a souvenir? A rose crystal bell seems to be the thing, and the warning of a ccurse it has on it only drives the sale. To prevent evil, the old shop owner had removed the clapper of the bell, so only a flat tone ever comes from it. Will the bride fix it up to make the bell ring properly? How bad can that little old evil curse be? As John returns to his practice as a brain surgeon, death seems to mysteriously be near when the bell rings. Does the bell really have the power to determine who is cured, or comes back from a near death situation? How will the evil in the bell be appeased, to stop its reign of the deadly curse?

 Whistler – Broken Chain. ep208, 460520 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:13

Arnold is a man who is contemplating leaving his wife. He helps around the house, and responds to his talkative wife’s every request. Evelyn is more heartbroken over her broken dishes than paying attention to the needs of her husband. Evelyn is a nice person, but it’s a classic situation of a couple who has one person having their love tank filled, while the other is desperately empty. It’s enough to find Arnold planning a murder. Has the perfect crime been committed? Will Arnold be able to play it off as the distraught husband, and have a perfect alibi? The waiting game that Arnold has put himself through is a recipe for suspense. The clock ticks, the pressure grows, the emotional strain is pushed to the brink. Nerves frazzle, paranoia sets in. All Arnold has to do is keep his cool until the body is found. Has someone discovered Arnold’s murderous plan? Justice comes. Will Arnold tip his hand? Will a more explosive twist ending bring about a more satisfying end to our killer? Features Elliot Lewis as Arnold.

 Edward R Murrow (CBS) Christmas In England. 421224 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:18

Reporting on how American troops are making Christmas brighter for the kids in London. Homesick soldiers from big sergeants on down, sharing the hope of the season.

 Great Gildersleeve – Gildy Proposes To Adeline. ep299, 481027 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:50

Gildersleeve enjoys a nice stroll after the Sunday church service. His troubles over adopting the baby still face him though. State law says he needs to be married and although Adeline drops hints, Gildy gets panicky and makes a break for it. Gildersleeve has a rival neighbor, Rumson Bullard, played by Gale Gordon. Suggestions are made that he and his wife may want to adopt the baby, which result in reactions from the baby that parallel those of Gildersleeve feelings. The stress of it all has Throckmorton having nightmares, and experiencing paranoia. Troubles pile up for him when LeRoy wants a dog, and the neighbor boy, Craig Bullard gives Gildy a hard time. It pushes him to the brink, and he is resigned to self sacrifice for the sake of the baby. Note: Hey, how would you like to win a prize? Among them are lots of cash prizes, and a brand new car! Here’s all you need to do! go back in time to 1948 and submit your entry to the Name the Baby contest. I’m fresh out of brand new cars and prizes to give to anybody. Gildersleeve faces the hard reality, still he visits Peavey for advice. With all the enthusiasm of a man walking to the end of death row, he sets out to Adeline’s. As Gildy struggles to pop the question, listeners are clued into what the two are thinking about. Gildy should be happy, but he’s just too much a bachelor at heart.

 Lum and Abner – Hotel Gets a New Manager. 460819 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Grandpap talks with Abner about the statue that the town wants to erect for Lum’s exploits in capturing the jewel thieves. Abner tells that it’s actually the hotel shareholders who are behind the statue. Either way, it doesn’t impress grandpap. Lum can conceal his pride in the matter, and has prepared a lengthy inscription that he wants put on the statue. Will the shareholders enshrine Lum as magnificently as he imagines? What’s the book that Lum has with him? The three old gents discuss a variety of famous statues, and wonder about such critters as centaurs, and figures of the ancient world. Who is the Thinker, and why doesn’t he have any clothes? A phone call seems to deflate Lum’s ego. The stockholders have reviewed his record all right, and they want a new manager

 Steve Allen – Al Jolson. 491026 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 50:52

This is an audio track of the famous late night TV show. Steve talks about singer Tex BENEKE, and Hop Along Cassidy. After a break to play a few bars on his piano, Steve gets to the high point of the program. Al Jolson adlibs and talks with the late night crowd about his kids, and things in general. Al is on the ball when he uses a few of Steves jokes from early on as a running gag. Through the fluid interaction with both the audience, and Steve, Al works in several songs until his time is up, and the show wraps up with a few moments in the Snake Pit. What’s the Snake Pit? Just Steve bringing on guests from the audience for a moment in the limelight. Note: The Steve Allen show is the fore runner of the Tonight Show, and had many of the same features: monolog, audience interaction, guest interviews, features and stunts where the host did crazy things, and more. Steve Allen played piano, but at times started the show with an amphibious assault with the Marines, rode a horse on to the set, went on the street to ask passerbys to help him change clothes in a phone booth, and had a cult following of fans that returned from night to night to take part in his studio audience. The track for this show is nearly an hour, but the casual interchange with the legend, Al Jolson moves by so fast, it makes me wish it could be longer. The out of work celebrity would be in his 60’s at this timeand shows he can still perform well. I don’t have it, and didn’t look for it, but I wouldn’t be surprised to know this episode might be found on If someone finds it let me know, and I’ll link to it.

 Fibber McGee and Molly – Planting the Lawn Six Months Late. ep560, 481026 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:42

After being lazy all summer, Fibber breaks through his crusty lawn to plant new seed. Molly is impressed at his knowledge of botany. The Old Timer visits, and tells about his farming career in Mississippi. The Kingsmem sing, Lavender Blue. To speed things along, Fibber rents a tractor. Is this going to be overkill on tthe McGee’s little lawn? . Gamble arrives to bicker and marvel at the difficult job Fibber has set before himself. Might Fibber have some dirt on the good doctor? With Fibber busily bouncing on the tractor, Molly explains to Harlowe Wilcox about the gardening project. Of course, Fibber takes a break for the sponsor message. Wallace Wimple visits to tell about reading together with his big old wife, Sweetie Face. Will he be impressed with Fibbers pprowess with the tractor? Billy Muills plays The 12th Street Rahg. Despite damage to the water main, and crushed shrubbery, Fivver admires his handiwork. Mayor Latrivia arrives to confuse the McGee’s about playing oppussum. After a slow burn by the mayor, Wallace Wimple returns with a secret about the lawn.

 Let George Do It – The Seven Dead Years. ep105, 481025 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:26

A man is looking for a missing woman. It’s been nearly seven years and is about to cost him thousands of dollars. The man, Mr Samuels is an insurance agent who has had to pay off on a dead wife of an aledged killer. He’s sure the man killed his wife, but with the seven year mark coming up, the law can declare her dead, even without a body, and the company will have to pay out. The suspected killer is an artist, a sculpturer to be exact, and George goes to be a model for his latest creation. It doesn’t fool the artist, but it serves to do for character introduction to the artist and his girlfriend. George suspects that the original Mrs McClain was never killed. He and Brooksie set a trap to force her hand to make an appearance. Is she alive? Will she stay alive for much longer? Brooksie turns up a tip at a travel agent, and the clues fall into place. Just when George manages to fall into a well. Do you think you know who did it? As the key players gather around, George tells the whole story, and the odd way that the body was disposed of.

 Lum and Abner – Lum, the Town and a Statue. 460815 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 10:24

Abner discusses with grandpap how Lum captured the gang of jewel thieves. Grandpapis surprised at Lum’s feats, and that Abner is praising Lum after their recent days of disagreement. Cedric is tired after helping Lum as his yes man as Lum spreads his boasts around town. Lum enters with his bandaged head. It’s just a prop to highlight his bragging about being shot at during his heroic capture. Lum has trouble masking his pride t hat a statue is forthcoming. He shares a few of his embellishments that he has been spreading around, asAbner helps to point out his inconsistencies. A phone call comes in to confirm the town is going to erect a statue.

 Philip Marlowe – The Heart Of Gold. ep5, 481024 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Philip thought his client had a heart of gold, but he was soon to learn how hard that heart can be. Philip’s new job leads him along a trail involving a man with a sensitive situation, a dead woman, and a frantic butler. The woman was his client, and now Philip has to discover who killed her. It’s set up to appear as a suicide, but even the cops aren’t quite ready to buy off on it. Marlowe tracks down a clue that leads to a torch singer in a nightclub. Going into stealth mode,Marlowe overhears an incriminating conversation. A secret is held in a missing heart shaped gold locket. Who has the locket? What’s inside it? That’s just the thing that Philip needs to learn to get to the bottom of this case. Listen in and ride along as he takes the blows and faces danger so you won’t have to. Secrets are revealed, trust is broken, the body count rises, and a chase is on. Stay tuned to the end to learn of the plot twists and matters of mistaken identity that has led to a wierd double life for the players involved.

 Lum and Abner – Abner Steals Lum’s Guests. 460805 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

The rift between Lum and Abner, along with the price war, is in high swing. We learn how Abner is so set on keepping Lum from earning a profit of any kind, that he bought groceries for his dining room from Dick. Cedric listens as Abner cuts rates on rooms down to a quarter a day, including room and board. Guests in the hotel jump from room to room to take advantage of the price war. Lum and Dick talk about some of the gang members, and holw their price war is damaging business for the stockholders. Is Lum softening up on Abner? He’s no longer running around in a catchers mask and padding at Lum’s threats to whomp him one. Dick is shocked to learn that Lum and Abner are both packing guns. They really wouldn’t shoot at each other, would they? Abner is pushing his luck when Lum learns that even his latest love intrest, Trixie, is moving out for one of Abner’s cheap rooms.


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