Retro Radio Podcast show

Retro Radio Podcast

Summary: Sharing family friendly entertainment through old time radio, and more.


 Phil Harris – Frankie Borrows Alice and the Kids. ep80, 481205 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:34

Phil announces that Frankie is coming over to ask a favor. All the family, including Alice, I oWillie and girls panic as they hide their piggy banks, and valuables. What’s the big favor? All he wants is to rent Alice and the girls for a few hours. Oh, is that all? Frankie has a rich aunt Harriot, and he has this crazy plan to prove that he’s settled down, so he can keep his inheritance. Amazingly, Alice goes along for it, and even volunteers her house for the meeting. The kids are briefed, Alice shows off her acting ability, but what role will Phil play? For that matter, what stories has Remley passed off on his aunt? To showcase her tallent, Alice sings, Clancy Lowers the Boom. In his bragging to his aunt in letters, it seems that Remley overdid it and wrote about his little son Clyde. Aunt Harriot insists on staying until she sees the boy, even if it means staying until Christmas. Good thing Julius comes along. Think he’ll go for playing the part? If he goes along with Frankie’s plan, he stands to make a few bucks. If he goes along with Phil, he stands to make a few more bucks. This ought to be interesting. Aunt Harriet certainly is impressed. Will it be a surprise to know that Frankie is cut out of the loop? There’s still an interesting twist when Julius gets written into the will.

 Lum and Abner – Donating A New Piano. 460910 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 11:15

Though Lum can’t afford the $300 bill on the new church piano, he can’t help but revel in the praise poured on him from the members of the congregation. Grandpap and Abner tell about how Lum’s worries are over from both the law, and from Sister Simpson. The new piano has paved the way to forgivness. Abner and grandpap look out the window to describe the scene of Lum beaming with pride, as the folks of Pine Ridge keep admiring him. Now the two gents fear the inflated ego they’ll have to deal with from Lum for the next few days. Reality of paying such a large amount of money does wonders on bringing Lum’s head out of the clouds. Phone calls come in that pump Lum up, and deflate him. Especially that one that notifies him his bank account is overdrawn.

 Philip Marlowe – The Kid on the Corner. ep61, 491203 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:20

The world looked cheap with all the artificial Christmas trees, phony Santa’s, and plastic reindeer. Then Marlowe meets Tommy, a newspaper boy who is down on his luck. The envelope full of money he found on his dresser may mean something bad. His uncle is a bum and a gambler. Is Tommys uncle on the wrong side of trouble? Marlowe sets out to learn what he can, with the few clues he has to go on. The trail leads through the world of a gambling ring, and one dame after another. Night clubs, chorus girls, and disappearing bookies all pave the trail as well. Sifting through the mixture of truth and lies, Marlowe thinks he may see where the light at the end of this tunnel is located. I feel some head thumping coming on. The cops get involved when murder has entered the picture. Can they help Marlowe brainstorm his next step in his investigation? The chase is on, but will Marlowe’s hopes be burned up into smoke? With the cops on his side, Marlowe leads the way with sirens blaring as they close in on a killer. Philip tells all in how the details of the case fit together, but what news will he have for Tommy?

 Jack Benny – Jack Tries To Reach His Advertising Agency. ep670, 481121 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:30

Rochester is doing some house cleaning, then Jack tells about a dream he had last night. The gang is supposed to go to a football game, right after he calls his advertising agency. The gang starts arriving, Mary has complaints about her lack of a pay raise, and Jack being stingy in general. In between ordeals with operators, and the receptionist, Dennis arrives with trouble about his laundry. Dennis sings, Lavender Blue. Jack is still having trouble with the advertising receptionis when Dennis threatens to leave the show. It ends up as a plug for Dennis’ other show. Phil pops in to talk about Frankie Remley, and counterfeiting. Still having conflicts with the phone operators, Don brings the Sportsmen over and Mary helps sing, Love Somebody but I Won’t Say Who. At long last, Jack gets through. So what’s the question he has been seeking an answer to? Listen in to find out.But with his curiosity satisfied, the gang can leave for the game.

 Jack Benny – Jack Dreams He’s A Turkey. ep491, 431121 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:07

With 4 days until Thanksgiving, Jack and Mary go shopping. Can Jack afford to buy a turkey big enough to feed his entire staff? As he gets sentimental over the frozen turkies, layed out in the butcher shop, other customers make up their minds. Deciding to save money, of course, Jack settles on a live turkey to take home. If only the butcher had some steaks, but in these days of meat shortages and rationing by the government, a circus sideshow might be the only place to glimpse them. On the walk home, Jack grows fond of his ccute turkey. He and Mary encounter his eccentric boarder, Mr. Billingsley, who mistakes the bird for Jack’s new baby. At home, Rochester sizes up the bird while Jack grows more protective. Meanwhile Mary shares a secret about Jack, and an unfortunate meeting with a different turkey. Dennis Day pops in with an important request. Dennis sings, Say a Prayer for the Boys Over There. After Dennis and Mary leave, Jack gets ready for bed. As dreams wash over him, and his attachment to thee new turkey affect him, Jack begins dreaming. Relibinh the events of the day, but from a turkey’s perxpective, Jack can’t convince his friends he isn’t a turkey.

 Little Orphan Annie – Black Jacket. 1940 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 13:59

Kiddies are treated to new sounding theme music, and a nifty, new ring and identification tag. Sent especially from Annie just for you… and returning the foil seal from the sponsor product. New voice actors give the show a newer, younger feel as well. In the middle of an adventure, Annie and Joe keep an eye on Angelina Carmenetti and suspicious characters. International spies, members of the black hand, if they get into a car, it means the end of the tail the kids are keeping on them. Suffering sunfish! If only a police man was handy. How about a cab driver? What might the driver know about the mysterious Black Cat Cafe? Have the kids stumbled onto something with the woman in the black jacket? There’s certainly strange going on. Is it time to get the police involved? Isn’t that cabbie a little too complaint to run up his meter, keep it running while he waits, and trust two kids to have enough cash to pay him? Mysterious indeed. Note: Listed in some archives as 400920 Annie Follows Mysterious Lady. , and 401120 Following Angeline Carmemeddie . PS: This and the remaining show from 1940 may not be related, but that’s all there is for Annie and her friends.

 Jack Benny – Murder On The Gridiron Part Two. ep352, 391210 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:13

That genial personality who guides the program, Jack Benny, isn’t falling for the buttering up with the shopping days until Christmas running short. Even Mary has nothing but good things to say to that adorable person. Yipe! Will Phil be any more subtle in his praise for Jack? A letter arrives, and Mary reads the news from Plainfield. How was the family holiday with the relatives? Phil Harris plays, Oh Johnny Oh. The play from last week resumes… The Murder of Dynamite Dugan, or, He Kicked the Bucket When He Kicked the Ball. Jack assigns parts, and the drama moves off the field, as Captain O’Benny prepares to investigate coeds. Rochester phones in with car trouble, and gets a hint at his Christmas gift. Dennis sings, Lilacs in the Rain. In police headquarters, Jack deals with his assistants Dennis and Don, when the phone call comes in to investigate the murder. At the school, Dean Phil shows off his expertise of big words… or lack thereof. Will Jack manage to discover who the killer was, among the double talking witnesses? Note: We learn Jack has named his ostrich Trudy, after not actually being able to eat it as the Thanksgiving turkey in the show from three weeks ago.

 Richard Diamond – Brown Envelope Case. ep114, 511207 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:14

It was a dark and stormy night, with a sultry dame and a hard boiled detective. The resulting fender vbender sets Dick Diamond off to a repair shop, and a mystery. What is there in the wrecked car that gets a tough guy crossing paths with Richard Diamond? Not to mention dead. The cops get the story from Richard, and all the details. Listen in, and you’ll get the clues as wel. A brown envelope provides the motivation for desperate gangsters to want it back in a bad way. The ellusive envelope manages to find itself in the hands of Dick, and he’s off to get more out of his sultry dame. What does she know? What might she be hiding? Find out for sure when Dick gets on the trail of gangsters at the nightclub. You know it’s going to involve trouble. Will the crooks come to justice? Will Dick get the girl? Stay tuned for the romantic, musical ending.

 Lum and Abner – A 30 Day Trial Piano Arrives. 460909 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 11:21

Grandpap and Abner are in the Jot ‘Em Down store to talk about the latest happenings in their lives. Grandpap talks about the strain of being a telegram delivery boy, and his need for a vacation from it. As the two gents argue over trivia about the telegraph, Cedric arrives with a piano. Is the new piano a trade in, and upgrade on the messed up church piano that Lum sent to the county seat for tuning? Abner talks about Henry Lunsford’s suspicions that Lum damaged it, and Sister Simpson’s desire to push for a law suit over her embarrassment. Lum enters to verify the church piano was in too bad of shape to fix. Why doesn’t he know anything about the new piano that just came? It’s the one he ordered for his tuning business, but it’s only for a 30 day free trial. Can he get back to return it? Can he face up to the church and ask for it back, or will he be stuck for the $300 bill to buy it for the church?

 Whitehall1212 – Case Of The Late Mrs Harvey. 520217 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:10

Scotland Yard inspectors discuss the matter of murder, and a missing housewife. Calling on professor Harvey, the soft spoken man is asked questions about his wife, and her singing talent, or lack there of. With Mrs Harvey missing, a housekeeper has now set up residence in the home, and details emerge to indicate Mrs Harvey is dead rather than missing. Clues are reviewed that paint a picture of marital unrest in the days leading up to the disappearance. When more questions are in order, the professor, and his housekeeper are both gone. The grounds get closer scrutiny, and debris is found that include a body. Reporters pick up the story, and soon witnesses who claim to have seen the fleeing Harvey come in. The manhunt goes out even as far as to ships at sea, in the event Harvey is returning to the states. Is there any real proof Harvey killed his wife? Or even that the dismembered body is his wife? The professor has slipped through their fingers, but the body has been positively identified. The chase is renewed, and the professor is caught up to, and is willing to go peaceably. Note: Though the story is told without hints t characterization, time, or place, it implies a contemporary crime. however, compare this to an episode of Suspense – Home for Christmas, with Peter Lorre, and it’s eerily similar. PS: there was a real crime that took place some 50 years before this show aired, where a professor killed his wife, ran off with a younger woman, were caught at sea, and she disguised herself as a boy while they travelled. It just goes to show that reality often flavors, and is even the source of stories.

 Phil Harris – The Missing Baby. ep157, 501203 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:33

Curiosity over Phil’s latest hit record has even Alice wondering what the Thing is. Phil heads to his band practice. Will he share the royalty check fairly with his musicians? Will there be a mutiny in the band, or taking extra jobs to cover the high cost of living? Remley has taken a babysitting job. Phil has a way with cute, little baby Myrtle… or is she a Clyde. How will Phil xplain the baby to Alice? She sings, Ask Me How Do I Feel. The search for the baby’s mother is on, as Phil and Alice knock on doors. Remley can’t remember which of the 18 babies who he was watching, that this one is. After checking every house in the neighborhood, they try the children’s shelter, where Julius is volunteering. The girls join the fun to tease Phil about his acting, and hit songs. They sing, the Thing for Kids. Phil pitches collecting toys for needy kids at Christmas time. Note: Phil is often referred to in the show as Wonga, his middle name. Also to his Indian heritage. He really has no Indian blood, but is said to have had a Cherokee friend of the family who helped raise him.

 Red Skelton – Supermarkets, Food Shopping. epp7, 411118 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:50

Features Wonderful Smith, Ozzie Nelson, and Harriot Hilliard. After Ozzie plays a long, swinging, opening number, I I I, Red is introduced. Red talks about how he has been doing his Thanksgiving shopping in one of those new supermarkets. Also the recent earthquake, and it’s affect on the supermarket. Harriot adds her slant to the supermarket ordeal. The crowds, the prices, the long lines, the holiday. Ozzie talks to Red about the produce department. Time for a sponsor break. Next up, Harriot plays a little girl who sings a song about her boyfriend. Ozzie adds to the story in song, and the two grow into an older part to sing about their love. Why Don’t We Do This More Often? Wonderful Smith talks with Red about Thanksgiving, his plans, and table manners. Wonderful makes a phone call to lock on some dinner plans. Red invites the cast to his house for a dinner party. Red shows different ways people spend thanksgiving. First a football coach, who runs dinner like plays of a game. Then folks who buy a bird in advance to fatten it up. Clem Kadiddlehopper tries to dress his turkey for the big day. Ozzie plays, Take the A Train. Red talks with Ozzie about football, which is a lead in for the mid show commercial. Then a round of Junior the Mean Little Kid with Harriot as his mom. Junior talks about having to kill the turkey, and dinner preparations. To get him out of her hair, she sends Junior on an errand, taking a pie to the neighbor. Hmm… bad move mom. Looks like Junior’s in line for a whippin’. Ozzie plays a transitional tune into the commercial.

 Jack Benny – Murder On The Gridiron Part One. ep351, 391203 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:51

Opening the Christmas season with the holiday parade last week, Jack talks about the event. Is Jack’s horsemanship as great as he makes it out to be? Mary saw the parade, and shares secrets on Jack and his horse. Phil Harris enters, loaded with jive lingo, to be teased about his fashion sense. Dennis enters with his mother. He picks up on the jive talk, but Mrs Day isn’t feeling well after the Thanksgiving dinner. After an interruption at the door, Dennis sings, At the End of My Prayer. Though Jack compliments Dennis, his mother takes offense. Discussing Chinese proverbs leads Don into a sponsor message. Jack introduces the annual football classic murder mystery. Jack assigns parts, and football positions. An alleged real football player, Dynamite Dugan, is brought out, and interviewed by Jack. Phil plays, In My Merry Oldsmobile. The cast gather, and the mystery begins, titled: That Ain’t Ketchup on the Grass. Jack coaches, and criticizes the team. Jokes, sassiness, and a threatening note fly. Will Dynamite Dugan be safe? The play by play fun finds a winning team, until a gunshot kills Dynamite, and the mystery goes into next week. Note: Frank Nelson is the football announcer.

 Lum and Abner – Restring with Bailing Wire. 460905 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 9:59

The damaged piano is back in the feed room of the Jot ‘Em Down store, and Lum tells Abner how he managed to fix it up with bailing wire for the missing piano strings, and tape on the damaged parts. He’s sure it’ll be just fine as long as Sister Simpson doesn’t play on it so hard. How’s the investigation going? Henry Lunsford has some worries that circumstantial evidence might lead him to arrest himself. Lum seems to be in the clear for the damage he did to the piano, and gives a demonstration of how well he managed to get the piano back into tune. Grandpap arrives to play the piano to test it all out. Isn’t his only experience in playing a player piano? He’s on a roll, and playing hot, and Lum has a hard time kicking grandpap off the piano. Lum gets Cedric to take the piano to the county seat to fix it up right. Is this the end of his piano tuning career?

 Fibber McGee and Molly – Bowling Night. 481116 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:52

Fibber’s usual bowling night has been moved to tonight, and he gets ready to head out. Wallace Wimple phones to bow out of the bowling match. Who will Fibber get to take his place for the important bowling tournament? Doc Gamble visits, bu ends up having his bowling skills criticized. Billy Mills plays, Buttons and Bows. Though Molly keeps dropping hints that she would go, Fibber keeps phoning around for a substitute. As Molly leaves the room, Teeny visits. Ever notice how she always appears when Molly is out of the room? Teeny talks to him about what she might get for Christmas, and jumps to some conclusions, but her dad won’t be able to help out with the bowling. Harlow Wilcox, always handy to turn any phrase or topic into a commercial, seems to have trouble bringing it up today. Fibber brags about beating the batter in the Bakersfield Bakery, until he’s saved by the bell, and the Old Timer. The Old Timer has to turn down Fibber on the bowling date. After trying all day, Molly sends him on his way with assurance that she’ll find somebody for him. Of cource, she means her. The Kingsmen sing, Bella marie. At the bowling alley, Fibber, Harlow, and Mayor Latrivia wait for the mystery bowler, as Fibber gives the Mayor a hard time about figures of speech. The Mayor manages to keep from falling into Fibbers word plays. The guys are less than comfortable when they find that Molly is their fourth man. At least until she starts bowling strikes.


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