Retro Radio Podcast show

Retro Radio Podcast

Summary: Sharing family friendly entertainment through old time radio, and more.


 Fibber McGee and Molly – 1943 Income Tax Return. ep386, 440111 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 26:25

`Taxes in Fibber’s day weren’t due until March 15, but he’s getting an early start on it to have time to figure out the complicated forms. Alice Darling pops in to hear a little about Fiscal Fibber McGee. Her method of dealing with the forms might not be the way to go. Getting all fired up, Fibbers phone call to complain to the government gets intercepted. He learns about Mirt the phone operator’s Christmas gift. Harry Vonzell returns as a follow up to a substitute appearance he did the previous week. Will he be paid for his troubles this week? A trip to the hall closet to look for a phone book leads to disaster, and a musical number from Billy Mills. As the deductions and calculations continue, Mr Wellington, the theater manager visits. He shows off his poetic skills, but what did he come for? Harlowe Wilcox enters, but is surprised to find that Harry didn’t substitute for him voluntarily. How will this work into a commercial? Don’t worry. It does. Harry sneaks back to defend his request to be paid, and avoid an encounter with Harlowe. Teeny pops in to pester Fibber, and tell the latest happenings down at the Bon Ton department store, and the monster sale there. Too bad they were all out of monsters. The Kingsmen sing, Skip to My Loo. The tax form is filled out, and sent to the mail. Doc Gamble visits to bicker with his favorite patient. Harry makes yet another appearance, but he’s not going to stay around is he? Doc may have a secret for Fibber that undoes alll his hard tax filing work.

 American History Through the Eyes of Radio ep26 1757 Leatherstocking Tales – Last Of The Mohicans Part 2. 1932 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 13:47

As armies were building up against each other at the time of the French and Indian war, Miss Corah is trying to reach her father at Fort Henry. Along the way she and her escort encounter a white hunter named Hawkeye. He reveals there native guide is a hostile Huron. Now that they’re native died has abandoned them, Cora and major Hayward need to rely on Hawkeye to get them safely to the fort. He makes plans to take all the safety precautions he can. Is it possible to avoid hostile Indians as well? Will they also have to contend with French troops? Taking shelter in a cave, Hawkeye and his friendly Mohicans leave Corah and Duncan, while they go out for food. To calm her nerves, Gunkuk tells Corah Indian stories about his people and their migration. Is Gankuk and his son really the last Mohicans? Dangers are all around, and in the dark night, Hawkeye is diligent in spotting Indians lurking.

 Burns and Allen – Gracie’s Murder Mystery. 380110. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:29

Sponsored by Grape Nuts. George and Gracie talk about going dancing, and being on their best behavior. The conversation moves to Gracie’s uncle, and his living arrangements. Bandleader, Ray Noble and the rest of the cast join the jokes about George’s film career. Tony Martin sings, When the Organ Plays. George and Gracie compliment the song, and drift to talking about the Arts, and fan mail. Tony Martin is said to only have one, from his wife at the time, Alice Faye. The fan mail is delivered by a guy claiming to be Tony Martin’s secretary, and Gracie tries to figure where she saw the man before. Ray Noble plays a tune. Then George and Gracie return so she can talk about her mystery story. Gracie describes the action, to George’s annoyance, as she assigns parts to the cast. With all the elaborate story details, there’s not much left to do, and no actual drama is played out. Gracie closes in song, Da Bir Mis Du Shane.

 Lum and Abner – Financing Is Complicated. 461015 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 10:23

To review the complications on Lum’s construction site, Abner tells grandpap about the shotgun weilding folks. Widow Cobb had gotten over her spell of hay fever, and discovered her ex-suitor there to build the house. Sparks fly, and the house is ordered to be not only stopped, but taken down. Will this set back put Lum into one of his deep depressions? When Lum enters, he is in good enough spirits, and has plans to rebound from the fiasco. Leveraging some credit, Lum sells the lumber to buy the widow’s land. Now he’s facing a building project, and no materials. Can Squire Skimp help get some exxtra funds for Lum? The whole operation on credit has Abner both confused and worried. With money and investments flying in all directions, a phone call from Squire has good news for Lum. Sort of.

 Jack Benny – In San Francisco. ep279, 380109 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:30

The jokes center on the city of San fransisco. Particularly the gold rush of 49 (1849 of course),the Goldengate Bridge, and some of Phil’s old stomping grounds when he was an up and coming band leader. Mary is introduced as being born in San Fransisco. Well, not exactly in San FransiscoNot even in one of the nearby suburbs. The truth is out because she was actually born in Seattle Washington. She jokes with Jack about the swell time she has been having. It’s been so much fun that she forgot to write a special poem. Kenny Baker shows up to tell about the sites he has been visiting. Before Kenny can sing interuptions persist including Mary needing spelling help with her poem, Phil is yet to be seen, and the writers joke about the hotel they are performing in. Kenny sings, O Promise Me. Mary has finished her poem about San Fransisco. Though the rhymes are stretched, she finishes in big style to squeeze in a word for the sponsor. Phil arrives, and he and Jack joke about the girls Phil had been out with. Phil gets ready to play, but a phone call comes from the gal he has aledgedly been out with, Gladys. Phil manages to play and sing that early hit of the Andrews Sisters, Bir Ma Du Shane. (or however you spell it.) As Jack gets ready to announce the play, Andy arrives and relates how his family toured the city. Especially about the crowded ride on the train. Funny how the announced, featured play is never quite arrived at. With time running short, and as a treat for the cast, Jack has Mary phone a Chinese restaurant to reserve a table. He talks to the Chinese restaurant owner, could it bne? It’s Schlepperman! They talk aboutthe his blended Chinese Kosher menu bill of fare. As the program ends, the cast head out and Don gives the final commercial with a quick recipe idea.

 Lights Out – Across the Gap. ep10, 360812 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:42

Alternate Title: Neanderthal. A banker and a diplomat disagree on their politics, but the trouble at hand seems to be in getting their broken down car to start. As they motor through the ancient woods and hills, they are in the region of where cavemen lived, neanderthals. What can be known with certainty what the cave men looked like? After their car crashes, and goes off a cliff, Jeffery, Kay, and Claude find themselves banged up, but alive. The warm, sunny day now feels cold and wintery. Can they have somehow been transported through time and space to a strange land? People are spotted who look oddly like… neanderthals. Kay is missing, but Jeffery is having trouble processing the sight of the campfire, and cave men he sees. Is their time travel something that can be reasond away? Is there any way to the world they left behind, or will they be stranded in the distant past? Will Jeffery be able to defeat the cave men using his superior intellect, or technology? Compare to Dark Fantasy – Curse of the Neanderthal. ep8, 420109 a slightly different story, but still features neanderthals.

 Command Performance – Shirley Ross, Carmen Miranda. ep100, 440108 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:25

Hosted by Shirley Ross, she starts the all musical program off. She sings, Singing In My Heart. Harry James chats a little with Shirley, and dips into the mail bag. Harry sings, Remember. Veronica Lake presents a sound from home as she fries up some fresh eggs for the troops. Maurice Rocko plays piano standing up as he sings, Cow Cow Boogie. Carmen Miranda gets a big reception then sings a couple of her hits. Her first in Spanish, and followed by, I’m Just Wild About Harry. Jimmy Cash sings, My Heart Tells Me. Shirley returns with a quick greeting for the troops then to sing, Swing Low. Harry James plays, Blue Lou. Shirley closes and parts with a personal words for the troops.

 American History Through the Eyes of Radio ep25 1757 Leatherstocking Tales Last Of The Mohicans Part 1. 1932 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

The continuing saga of that remarkable frontiersman natty Bumppo continues. He is now known as Hawkeye, as he faces new adventures with his Mohican friends. Bugle calls break the silence of a warm summer morning as soldiers are mustard into formation. While the army prepares to face off with the French and Indians, Miss Cora plans to travel to be with her father at Fort Henry. General web sensor on her way with an escort, major Duncan Haywood. She also has a savage native guide. Can he be trusted? Will the trail be safe? It’s a trip that should take less than a day, so why is it taking much longer? The travelers have the good fortune to cross paths with a fellow American, Natty Bumppo. Will they be set on the correct path? Bite their Indian guide be an evil Huron, instead of the friendly native he claims to be?

 Whistler – The Thin Line. ep189, 460107 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:33

Mark is a man who has found love, but no matter how he looks at it, it’s a decision he made too late. He doubts his wife’s asthema is for real, and the city boy is disgruntled over quiet life in the dusty desert. Secrets begin emerging, and has Mark been keeping secrets from his wife. An affair maybe? Two years of marriage end up in murder. Mark’s cute young bride belives the story that Emma ran off, and suggests a more permanent arrangement. What does Mark have to lose? Will her plan for the fake murder work? Commercial time. As is the custom in the Whistler radio program, a dark twist awaits that ensures the guilty party get what’s coming to them. Can Mark keep up his job of acting, and come into the money he stands to gain from the marriage? Guilt, nerves, a botched cover up, or will something else bring certain justice? There’s sure to be suspense as the answers unfold.

 Lum and Abner – Lum Tricked Widow Cobb. 461014 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 10:19

As Lum reads trade magazines for the construction business, Abner gets a little confused over what blueprints are. His debts with the church piano are behind him, but now Lum is committed to build that dream house for Mr Duncan. Abner gets sidetracked as he and Lum talk about the contractors to use on the next housing project, and the relationship rifts between the parties involved with it. When US Quincey visits, Lum tries his hand at a sales pitch to build him a new place. All Quincey is concerned with is having his barn painted, a project that has never seemed to be accomplished over the years. Lum shows off different architectual styles to Quincey. His problems grow when a phone call reports that the widow has visited her land, and shot guns are involved when personalities have clashed.

 American History Through the Eyes of Radio ep24 1750 Cavalcade Of America – House Of Glass | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:15

The Cavalcade orchestra presents, Only Rose. Henry William Segal, a scientist from the Revolutionary War days, born in Germany in 1729, he came to settle in Pennsylvania at age 29. He saw his future in turning out more iron. He had pplans to improve on the old Franklin stove. Enlarging his plantt he invented a new furnace named for his wife, the Elizabeth furnace. What does glass have to do with a furnace? Windows also need high heat, and a plan to sell window panes to everyone is developed. The new business prospered. Expansions grow faster than merchants can keep up. Soon, Henry builds his own houses of glass to sell his wares. At his peak, his business, done entirely on credit, collapses on him. What will Henry sacrifice to keep from going bankrupt? Will that even be possible? Ceramics are developed to make new methods in manufacturing colored glass. Thanks to chemistry by Dupont to bring fade resistant colors.

 Whitehall1212 – The Murder Of Charles Brooks. 520106 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:04

Bringing you the exclusive files of Scotland Yard. Only the names of the participants have been changed. An army private meets a stripper in a bar. Both seem to lie about who they are as they try to impress each other. On a drunken spree they steal a lorrie and becoming enamoured with the romantic fantasy of being a gangster they rob a girl. After hitting her and leaving her for dead, the matter might have been put off on the local police jurisdiction. Soon, their crime spree grows, leaving a trail of crime that draws the attention of Scotland Yard. Though it takes a few days to track down the would be gangsters, Scotland Yard has plenty of clues, and zeros in on them quickly. Stay tuned to learn the outcome of the trial, and the way each captive pleaded that the other was more guilty than the other, drawing them into the crime spree against their will. PS: I think this was also protrayed in the Black Museum, but I can’t recall at the moment which episode it was.

 Great Gildersleeve – Gildy the Author. ep309, 490105 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:50

As the family relax at home, Leroy is enjoying a moment with his favorite detective, Dick Tracey. Marjorie relaxes with her favorite movie magazine. Gildersleeve is a little less relaxed as he reads through the bills. He can’t seem to trim the budget with the kids, so he goes to talk to Birdie about the household expense. It’s hard to beat her diligence as a thrifty shopper. Gildy seeks solace by going downtown where he encounters the Judge, who suggests that Gildy takes on a new job. At Floyd’s barber shop he tosses around a few ideas to earn a few extra dollars. He decides to apply his imagination to becoming a writer. Gildersleeve keeps his hopes up as he talks to Peavey. Though he isn’t too keen on Peavey’s advice, he’s more certain he can make big bucks as an author. It’s the weekend, and Gildy gets started, but he has mental block. For ideas, he browses through an encyclopedia. Nope, what he needs is a typewriter. No luck there either. He makes a go of it in longhand, but the distractions begin to crowd his mind. When Gildy’s inspiration takes him to the house of Eve Goodwin, he pretty much shoots his day of writing down the drain. Maybe if he arranges a tea party for some high society hobnobbing? A chat with Mrs Pettybone will be the thing to inspire his literary activity, and get moving in intellectual circles. in hopes of jumpstarting his creativity. Despite all the talk, things just don’t work out for poor old Gildersleeve. Did you expect that they would? Maybe he should have listened to Peavey.

 Lum and Abner – Ex Serviceman Mr Duncan. 461010 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 9:58

Lum takes Abner on a tour of the construction site of the new house. The project has Lum determined to begin a new career as a contractor to build dream castles for solving the nation wide housing shortage. Can Lum build 50 houses over the next year? Who is that new man coming their way? Mr Duncan wants to buy, or even rent the place that Lum is building. Is this the start of his construction business? Duncan tells how earnest he is, and how his family life is suffering at not having a place to live. Grandpap has a letter for Lum. How will it affect him? It’s about that piano he got for the church, and the bill is due. With the deal he just made with Duncan, he can afford to pay it, but there’s one unexpected problem for Lum to deal with first.

 Fibber McGee and Molly – Forgets to Order Furnace Oil. ep569, 490104 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:17

It’s a chilly winter day, but Fibber forgot to order more fuel oil for their furnace. He and Molly are trying to manage to keep as warm as they can, but the front door is letting a draft in through the leaky weather strip. Mayor Latrivia stops in for a visit, and is confused by Fibber’s proposed plan to fix the weather stripping. The think the mayor plays violin, after a remark made at an earlier time by Doc Gamble. Latrivia tells about a recent dating exploit, and about a gambling problem down at city hall. Billy Mills plays, Hasta La Vista. Fibber has the front door off, and Molly checks on his progress. The Old Timer pops in to comment on the breeze blowing through, and his exploits in Alaska with a dog sled team. After Harlow arrives with the good word on the sponsor, Doc Gamble visits. Fibber and Doc trade insults, and Fibber implies that Doc may be having a fling with his secretary. The Kingsmen sing, Saskatchewan. Just how much shaving down the door will Fibber need to do to get a good, fresh surface for the weather strip? Before he gets any further, , Mr Wimple arrives with a little help to rehang the door, and of course a few wisecracks about his wife, Sweetie Face. Imagine Fibber’s surprise when the door is hung, and he finds how big his gap in the door has grown. Good thing Molly has a way to get warm, thanks to her confidence in Fibber’s handiman abilities.


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