Jack Benny – In San Francisco. ep279, 380109

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: The jokes center on the city of San fransisco. Particularly the gold rush of 49 (1849 of course),the Goldengate Bridge, and some of Phil’s old stomping grounds when he was an up and coming band leader. Mary is introduced as being born in San Fransisco. Well, not exactly in San FransiscoNot even in one of the nearby suburbs. The truth is out because she was actually born in Seattle Washington. She jokes with Jack about the swell time she has been having. It’s been so much fun that she forgot to write a special poem. <br> Kenny Baker shows up to tell about the sites he has been visiting. Before Kenny can sing interuptions persist including Mary needing spelling help with her poem, Phil is yet to be seen, and the writers joke about the hotel they are performing in. Kenny sings, O Promise Me. <br> Mary has finished her poem about San Fransisco. Though the rhymes are stretched, she finishes in big style to squeeze in a word for the sponsor. Phil arrives, and he and Jack joke about the girls Phil had been out with. Phil gets ready to play, but a phone call comes from the gal he has aledgedly been out with, Gladys. Phil manages to play and sing that early hit of the Andrews Sisters, Bir Ma Du Shane. (or however you spell it.) <br> As Jack gets ready to announce the play, Andy arrives and relates how his family toured the city. Especially about the crowded ride on the train. Funny how the announced, featured play is never quite arrived at. <br> With time running short, and as a treat for the cast, Jack has Mary phone a Chinese restaurant to reserve a table. He talks to the Chinese restaurant owner, could it bne? It’s Schlepperman! They talk aboutthe his blended Chinese Kosher menu bill of fare. As the program ends, the cast head out and Don gives the final commercial with a quick recipe idea.<br>