Retro Radio Podcast show

Retro Radio Podcast

Summary: Sharing family friendly entertainment through old time radio, and more.


 Dragnet – The Big Bible. ep267, 540928 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 26:04

Homicide Detail. Joe Friday and Frank Smith work the nightwatch and respond to a suicide call. After entering the locked room where the body is located, Friday interviews the man’s wife to get information, and details about the dead man. Then the mother in law is interviewed. A portrait of a broken marriage, and of the man’s life is brought out, but nothing to doubt a suicide was committed. The lab later finds a discrepancy with the bullet that killed the man, and it becomes clear that the suicide is really a murder. The bullet is of a different calibre than the gun he held in his hand. Now the gun needs to be found, so the crime scene is reevaluated. The stories of the witnesses are reevaluated, and the mother in law breaks down and admits she did it.

 Fibber McGee and Molly -McGee’s Go To the Movies. ep371, 430928 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:42

Fibber is full of pent up energy, and is restless as a kitten. He tells about the neighbor’s new boarder, should the McGee’s consider doing the same? A call to the Elks club is intercepted by Mirt the phone operater, and Fibber learns about a saddle sore relative. Fibber jokes about fellow radio comedian, Bob Hope. Getting ready to step out to the movies, Teeny pops in, and swoons over Frank Sinatra, but will she have to hang out with other friends? Billy Mills plays a smooth dance tune. Downtown, Fibber haggles over the price of the tickets. Innside the darkened theater, Fibber misses his newsreels to get some candy. Instead, he runs into Harlowe Wilcox. What secret will he learn from Harlowe? Nothing but the sponsor message. Finding himself out of pocket change, Fibber runs into his critical pal, Doc Gamble. Back in the theater, and newsreel over, Fibber raises a ruckus, when he is accused of being a purse snatcher. Rescued by Molly, the McGee’s take refge in the office. The Kingsmen sing, Pistol Packing Mama. A phone call lets the McGee’s know the coast is clear, and Wellington the theater manager talks to them about the misunderstanding. Back in the theater, the newsreel is missed, once again, but Mayor Latrivia, now of the Coast Guard, tells of the dire need for women to join the ranks. There has been enough excitement and confusion for the evening, but will Fibber at least get his candy bar? Note: The candy counter girl is Shirley Mitchell, also known as Leila Ransom from the Great Gildersleeve show. In coming weeks, she would have a recurring role with Fibber an Molly.

 Lum and Abner – Tipping off the Jewel Thieves. 460725 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 11:12

Abner is back on the job as bellhop, but now he has to ask some advice from Dick Huddleston about his new rules of gthe job. Lum is so in love with Trixie that he might be getting drawn into the gang activity. Despite the doings of the gang that everybody else has noticed, Lum is still in denial over it all. Can Dick talk sense to Lum about the hotel guests? Will Lum realize how he’s tipping off the gang? Will love for Trixie have him blinded to reason? Is the time right for getting Mr Wilson, the detective involved in nabbing the crooks? This is the first time Dick has met Wilson, but is it too late for the detective to keep from suspecting Lum? The three do some eavesdropping to hear Lum in a compromising situation, making a deal with the chief of the gang. PS: Mr Wilson is played by Frank Graham.

 Jubilee – Count Basie, Rochester. ep99, 440927 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:33

Airdate is approximate and may also be 441009. Features Ernie Whitman as host, Count Basey provides the musical back up, Vocalists include Thelma Carpenter, and Jimmy Rushing. Rochester makes an appearance to joke around with Ernie, and Thelma. Playlist: * Count Basey plays, Dinah. * Jimmy Rushing, also a heavy character, swaps fat jokes with Ernie then sings, Baby Won’t You Please Come Home. * Count Basey plays, Rhythm Man. * Eddie “Rochester” Anderson talks with Ernie about how he got to the studio, then brags to Thelma about his wealth, and valet named Jack Benny. * Count Basey is back to play, Rockabye Basey. * Thelma Carpenter sings, Call Me Darling. * Count Basey plays the Jubilee theme song, the One O’Clock Jump.

 Philip Marlowe – Red Wind. ep1, 480926 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:33

Decent sound quality. Featuring Gerald Moore as Philip Marlowe. Along with different actors from previous airings and from the pilot episode. Hot, dry Santa Ana wind is blowing. The heat of the day finds Philip closing up shop early to enjoy a cold one at the bar. It’s not so hot to keep a murder from going down in the bar in front of Philip. A dame with a gun is soon involved, and a bald man is close behind, and pointing his pistol in Philip’s direction. With all the guns waving around, all Philip can do is let her walk out. For now. The dame returns and a story about Waldo, and perals. More bodies turn up, and Philip beats the bushes to connect the dots to try and figure what’s going on. Philip reports the murders to the cops and tells what he knows about the crime, the love triangle, pearls, and blackmail. Can Philip get Lola’s pearls back? He does his best as he swaps explanations with the dame. Note: This episode has at least three variations of it out there. The original pilot which I didn’t post. It had no commercials, and the audio wasn’t the best. It was aired as the first show in the previous run of the show on the radio. The audio was also less than ideal, and had commercials spots in it. Though this one is from the series that ran later, and had different actors, sponsors, and the like, it had the best audio quality. The story is exactly the same script, which is why I picked it for the podcast. If you want the other two versions of the show,let me know. I may post them later if folks want them, or at least offer a special download link. This episode is also sometimes titled, ‘Who Shot Waldo?’

 Jack Benny – Show Not Being Broadcast. 540926 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:36

Jack isn’t too happy with Don’s introduction. Bob Crosby tells about his Summer. Then he relates a story about taking Remley hiking in the mountains. Dennis claims he’s leaving the show because he’s married with nine kids. He admits that he’s neither, (but he really is married, has kids, and eventually would have nine kids, prophetic.) Dennis sings, If You Love Me. Jack and Dennis tell what he really did all Summer. Mary comments about Dennis and Jack in Vegas, then about her family in Plainfield. Rochester phones in about a delivery of a trunk of magic tricks. Something Jack plans to use on his TV show. Rochester reports that Jack’s show isn’t coming over the radio. As Jack goes to investigate, the Sportsmen sing the commercial to the hiking song, Valderie. Jak finds the Chief Engineer’s Assistant to get to the bottom of the broadcast issue. Mel Blanc is the assistant, but due to union rules, he can’t do anything until the Chief Engineer,Frank Nelson returns. What can the problem be? Why the run around? Will the show make it back on the air? For the answers to these, and more burning questions, download the show, and listen for yourself.

 Archie Andrews – Free Movie Tickets. 480925 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:12

As is typical, Fred Andrews tries to read his newspaper, but mom has a request. How does a night of playing Bridge sound? Before arrangements can be made, Archie shares his windfall of two fre movie tickets. It looks like everybody has a fun night in store for them. Archie gets giggly as he phones Veronica, but she already has a date with Reginald. Maybe Jughead will go? Of course he will, but now Veronica phones back to say her date fell through. What’s an overacting teenage boy to do? Block dad from using the phone to invite his own guests over for Bridge, what else? With a lot of effort, and an attempt at tact, Archie convinces Jughead not to go to the film. Whew, with Jughead out of the picture, all Archie has to do is confirm with Veronica, and pick her up. Simple, until Betty enters into the mix. Will dad ever get to use the phone? Will there be no end to the changing minds of Archie’s friends? I feel some major confusion and chaos about to fall into the lap of good old Archie, and just when dad finally gets to use the phone. Archie can work all this out in the end, right? Just listen in and enjoy the results of the mix up of the day.

 Escape – Heart Of Kali. ep228, 540925 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

The story begins in a San Fransisco bar. A couple of war veterans talk about a ruby they wanted, but had to leave behind in the heat of a battle. They decide it will be easy pickings to go back now and take it from the little old man who guards it. Travel along on this trip to the jungles of India. Will our adventurers find what they are looking for? Nothing will stand in the way, not even murder. The trouble behind the whole plan is that aggressive tactics used on a battle ground, only come off as being a crude bully during peace time. Besides, the old man who guards the gem has his own ways of defending the precious stone. In the end, the tough veterans never suspected the true secret of the gem. Once the secret is out will it be too late?

 Lum and Abner – Who Will Be Bellhop. 460724 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 11:38

Dick Huddleston talks with Abner about the strange hotel guests, and their suspicions that Trixie isn’t as innocent as Lum believes she is. Cedric enters and we’re reminded that Lum has taken on the job as bellhop so he can earn those big tips from the gangster guests. The job swapping has put Abner in the position as Manager, and Cedric as Assistant Manager. Lum enters, but doesn’t seem as willing as Abner was to run around to serve the guests. Dick tries to point out how Lum cheated them out of the tips from the bellhop job, but will Abner and Cedric have regrets over it? Dick makes plans with Abner to write a job description for the bellhop job to make Lum wish he never took it. Starting early in the morning, taking extra duties and errands for the hotel, and coming up with even more rules. Has Lum learned his lesson?

 Gregory Hood – Black Museum. ep2, 460610 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:26

Enjoying a meal at his favorite seafood place, Gregory shares the beginnings of his latest tale with announcer, Harry Bartell. The tame table ttalk turns to trouble. The suave man about town meets with Tim Brady. An eccentric religious relic carries the curse that its owner will face death. Mr. Markham joins the merry throng with a promise of yet another deadly relic. The collection of grisly artifacts is turning out to be a regular black museum. The murderous conversation produces a dame, Mrs. Markham. Where are the contrasts of life and death, love and murder all heading? A warning, a close call with death, and an unfolding melodrama that makes Gregory suddenly think he’s unpopular with someone. Does a twist of plot mean the end of Gregory Hood? Not this soon in the series, but Gregory has the answer. All he needs is to find a certain Spanish dancer.

 Tales of the Texas Rangers – Open and Shut. ep12, 500923 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:38

Connie Meston reports a murder at her ranch that gets the attention of the Texas Rangers. Talking to her dad, Jase learns about a love interest, Brady. The case seems to be an open and shut robbery that went awry. It doesn’t take long though, for Jase to see that all the clues, and motive don’t match up. Circumstantial evidence is enough to hold Jose Morales for the charges for now. Detailed investigation of the stories of the players raise flags of doubt for the rangers. Comopelling evidence places Morales at the scene, but his reason for the crime is thin. What about Brady? Will anything be forthcoming when Jase questions his mom? The local law continues to build their case against Morales, and aren’t considering any other suspects. Meanwhile, Jase builds a trap to filter out the lies, and catch a killer. Will his plan work, or will the killer keep weaving a convincing web of lies? Will the killer be smart enough to fool the forensics lab? Maybe, or maybe not, but the pressure is on, and the killer might lose their nerve before Jase is finished with the case.

 Suspense – The Most Dangerous Game (Orson Wells). ep59, 430923 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:57

Features Orson Wells. A pleasure trip on a yacht turns into a desperate case of cat and mouse. When the yacht sinks, and the only survivor washes up on a near by island, he is nursed back to health by a celebrated hunter who now livbes a secluded life on the island. Both men have reputations that precede them. The two talk about hunting, and which animal is the most dangerous, and challenging. I think I know where this is going, do you? The great white hunter outlines his bordom with hunting, and has discovered the perfect animal. Yes, he stocks his island with people who have had the misfortune to be shipwrecked, and hunts them. He keeps them housed in a cellar under his house until he’s ready for them. With such a guest as he now has on hand, his latest visitor goes to the top of the list as the object of his next hunt. Listen in and enjoy the suspenseful trek through the island’s jungles. Will the hunter succeed in the hunt? Are the skills of the prey good enough to ensure his survival? In the final scuffle, who will be the last man standing?

 Great Gildersleeve – Leroy is Jealous Of Baby. ep294, 480922 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:50

or the past two weeks, Gildersleeve has been visited by an abandoned baby. He stops in at Peavey’s to pick up a roll of film to take pictures of the baby. With all the attention, LeRoy feels left out, and is jealous. The baby even moves into LeRoy’s room, and he is pushed out into the sewing room. Gildy discovers that LeRoy has disappeared. Miss Goodwin stops in to talk about LeRoy and the baby, teachers and principles know about these things. Slammed with the truth, and potential problems, Gildy has a wake up call. He faces up to LeRoy and makes amends. Although LeRoy doesn’t move back in to the house. He is allowed to camp out in his clubhouse. Hey, that does seem like a pretty cool thing to do. I wish I had a clubhouse, Now I’m jealous.

 Lum and Abner – Jewel Thieves Involvement. 460723 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 10:29

Cedric has taken the new bellhop job, and Lum tries to convince him he chose the wrong career move. Can he swap kjobs with Cedric? Will Cedric fit into a position as Assistant Hotel Manager? Dick Huddleston arrives with the day’s mail, and gets a review on the questionable characters in the hotel. Though everybody else can see through her, Lum refuses to believe Trixie is anything less than pure as the driven snow. She can’t be involved with the gang… can she? A gent known as the professor goes sneaking around, another, Detective Wilson claims to be investigating the hotel activity and has deputized Lum and Abner. Who’s that new shady character lurking in the hotel hallways? Will Lum continue to believe in Trixie’s innocence after the latest bit of news comes in?

 Tales of the Texas Rangers – Candy Man. ep11, 500916 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:35

Paul Abbot is a petty thief, and is at the mercy of his cellmate, and ruthless killer. The first timer is close to getting out, and putting his brush with crime behind him, but the killer has a way of forcing him to help with escape plans. The jail break goes down, and a trail of robberies, and mischief are left in their wake. The fujitives somehow manage to lay low, and keep a step ahead of the law. One signature piece of evidence that the Texas Rangers have to go on is the sweet tooth of John. Will Paul outlive his usefulness to the desperate killer? The rangers are certain that Paul has been an unwilling participant in the breakout, and subsequent crimes. Will they be able to protect the petty thief from harm? Hot on the trail, Jase is sure where it’s going to lead. Taking to horseback to ride across the prairie, the hideout, and the gunfight that ensues is something close to an old school gunfight from the old west. Xtand by for action and adventure as the rangers close the net around the killer, and stop the trail of robbery and murders.


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