Burns and Allen – Fifteenth Wedding Anniversary. 481111

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Today’s a special day in the Burns home. Gracie drops hints so George won’t forget what the important day is. George isn’t as dense as he appears. He just wants to surprise Gracie. <br> He gets money from the bank to get a special gift for her. Since George is a little out of touch with what’s popular in the world of lingerie fashions, he takes the bank teller along for shopping advice. I feel a misunderstanding coming on. <br> When rumors reach Gracie’s ears, everything George says only makes her more crazy. She thinks he’s running around on her, and takes it on herself to win George back over to her, as if she needed to. <br> After the mid show commercial, Gracie springs the news on George, he’s a father. She hired a boy and girl actor to play her 12 year old child. Normally a crazy idea, but with Gracie, it’s just plausible. <br> Even when the couple make up, the comedy doesn’t stop.<br> Trivia Alert: It really is George and Gracie’s anniversary today, and in 1948, it really was their 15th. They also had a son and daughter, which they adopted, and later used in their TV show. The boy and girl in today’s show are actors, since their real life kids weren’t quite as old as these kids. <br>