Let George Do It – Follow That Train. ep165, 491219

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Usually people write to Santa with their wish list, but today George Valentine gets a letter from Santa Claus. Who is George to disappoint someone, especially at Christmas time, and especially St Nick? As George begins to look into the conditions of the letter, Brooksie disappears. What’s the deal with that letter? It’s just a list of toys. <br> <a href="http://www.otrcat.com/258-4-1-5.html" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a><br> To add to the puzzle. George gets a murder note from a midget <br> In tracking down his midget, George finds a whole shop full of little people. Toy makers, of course. George thinks he’s on to something big going down at midnight. What is it? A big robbery? George finally makes the connection between the toys, and a mixup between Santa and the mob. Now he has to put a stop to the organized crime, and keep himself from being killed in the process. <br> All it will take is a little help from Santa Claus. George tells Brooksie all about how he figured it out, and explains the mystery. <br>