You Are There – Mutiny In The Colonial Army, 1781AD. 490116

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: General washington is faced with dealing with traitors in his ranks. Depending on how he handles this matter could mean the difference of falling to Brittish hands and losing the war, or remaining united and free. CBS reporters take you there to witness it for yourself. <br> The question is, what are washingtons terms, and will the mutinous troops accept his terms. The Army complains over their lack of pay, and the harsh living conditions. At west Point, washington tells the reporters his side of the ordeal. The complaints are justified, but the matter is in the hands of Congress, and above George’s pay grade. From Philadelphia, a recorded interview from the lap of luxury, a Congressman spouts a lot of smoke about ethics, standards, and leadership of troops. The suggestion is for the troops to turn to the brittish to fulfill their needs. But no concern over the pay for the troops. <br> How will the mustered troops react? will they value their pay, and living conditions over the larger prize of liberty? Can they believe the promise of recieving their due at some unknown date in the future? The decision has to come from each individual man, not a decision forced on them by their commanding officers. Surely some will make the split, but others will decide to stay. <br> Tenseful moments build as CBS reporters get the feel of the men in the ranks, and reasons for why they might choose one way or the other. In the end, how will the majority dcide? will the Continental Army fal apart, or will there be enough strength to continue on?<br>