Jack Benny – Driving back From San Francisco. ep280, 380116

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Flashback to the road trip in the Maxwell as Jack returns from his recent trip to San Fransisco. . Good motoring jokes between Jack, Mary and Rochester about how slow the Maxwell is moving. Jack gets into a bout of road rage with a passing bicycle. Adventures in filling up on gasoline, and service at the service station. There’s a few mishaps while getting lunch, but when they pass the time by turning on the radio, Kenny Baker sings, Rosalie. <br> With the radio still on, Don, Phil, and Kenny talk about Jack behind his back. Then Jack arrives and they can talk in front of him. As the show gets underway, Don warns Jack of a reporter who has been lurking around. What could he want? Maybe it’s to cover a rumor that Jack will retire from radio. A phantom voice has the cast spooked. Phil plays, Swing Town. <br> The reporter shows up, and Jack assures him that he has no plans to retire. In sharing what Jack’s future holds, flash forward forty years to the future of the Jello show, with a very old cast. Jokes about old age and aging rule the show. Phil is still joking about running around with women. Andy Devine arrives, and is the only one who hasn’t seemed to have changed. He’s even still joking about his ma and pa. <br> Returning to the reality of the present, Don offers the latest Jello recipe, and closes the show. <br> Trivia Alert: By 1978 all the cast members remained except for Jack, and possibly Eddie Anderson, but I’ll have to look that tidbit up to be sure. None of the cast was actively in show biz anymore, but Andy Devine appeared at least one more time as a voice actor in the semi-animated film, Roger Rabbit. <br>