American History Through the Eyes of Radio ep29 1757 Leatherstocking Tales – Last Of The Mohicans Part 5. 1932

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: after being taken captive Cora and her escort Duncan are at the hands of the Hurons. We find them now after Hawkeye and his friendly Mohicans have rescued them and they are resting next to a stream. Though mini warriors had fallen, Sly Fox has gotten away. Hawkeye shares some details on how he managed to find them in such a timely fashion. He also tells how he found his lost canoe down stream, and with all the provisions and gunpowder untouched. Our heroes now continue their journey to take Cora to be with her father. <br> Taking a break at a safe haven, Hawkeye tells Cora about battles of his past. Ganga cook and his son Onka grow restless as they sense danger approaching. After a close call our heroes continue their journey and keep moving. They shouldn’t be far from Fort Henry, but there could be a threat from the French army. <br> With Indians behind them, and the French in front of them, all that is left is to fight their way through.<br>