Lum and Abner – Listens To Bad Radio Shows. 461017

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Abner is amazed at that latest invention that’s sweeping through town, an electric carpet sweeper. All the ladies are going crazy for them. Lum brings up his troubles with his building permit, and his determination at getting that house built for his unwanted house guests, the Childress family. <br> Lum feels like the overwhelming family owns his house, and it’s him who is the guest. He talks to Abner about the radio shows the family likes to listen to. Ghosts, murders, fist fights, and I don’t know what all. Even people on the radio talking that hillbilly talk. <br> As Lum talks about putting his foot down with the intruding family, US Quincey pops into the store. He wants to buy some material, and Lum talks with Abner about others in town who bought material for making new clothes. Grandpap rushes in with some of the worst news yet for Lum. What’s the widow up to now? <br>