Retro Radio Podcast show

Retro Radio Podcast

Summary: Sharing family friendly entertainment through old time radio, and more.


 Philip Marlowe – Heir for G-String. 510823 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:15

Escaping the heat of summer, Marlow slips into the air conditioned office of a visiting Philadelphia lawyer. The attorney is looking for a man named Douglas to award him with an inheritance. Can Marlowe find his man? With little more than a description of Douglas to go on, Marlowe hits the seedy side of town. Show girls, burlesque theater managers, bums on the street, all unwilling to cooperate with Philip. Who knew it could be so difficult to give someone money. Why don't they want it, and why be so evasive? A thump on the head is the price to soften the way for Marlowe, but there's more resistance to overcome. Connections are made, and truth exposed. Will Marlowe learn the secret behind the search? . Will it matter to him, since his job was only to locate Douglas? There's murderous intent with the whole ordeal, but Marlowe could have trouble stopping it.

 Show # 849: The Hits That Time Forgot -1964 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

The final part of our Summer Series highlighting fogotten hits from the bottom of the charts. But some might surprise you how high they went.

 Ozzie and Harriet – The Princes Gift. ep45, 451007 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:29

Though there seems to be more mail for David this morning, Ozzie gets a letter from a friend in the middle east. The prince wants to send a special gift from Arabia. Will it be a precious jewel? A harem of dancing girls? Gloria the maid shares her knowledge on arithmetic and geography. She's expecting a gift of her own from her boyfriend. The package arrives, and oh my goodness, it's a real live camel. How can the Nelson's get rid of the odorous animal? Will the zoo take the critter as a donation? The King Sisters sing, Till the End of Time. The problem of the camel persists, with desperate phone calls made to find a new home for the animal. Should the Nelson's just give their gift back? Would it go against some govern ment protocol, and cause international scandal? A visit frommm snooty neighgor, Mrs Broadstreet offers a moment of comedy before a mistake in the gift is discovered.

 Lum and Abner – Lum Isn’t Worried. 440911 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:30

The time draws nearer for his trial for embezzelment, but Lum is still bent on writing his book. Abner doesn't want to hear his latest ficticious adventures, and reports that Wednesday will be the bigg court date. Though Abner wants to head to the county seat early to have time to hire a good lawyer for Lum, all Lum is interested in is selling copies of his book. Lum intends on being his own lawyer, but a visit from Squire Skimp may change that. Painting a bleak picture, Squire gets Lum to waiver. There won't be any charge for his services... except for the usual fee. Initially turning down the servuices of Squire, will a panicking Lum be able to find his own fancy Philadelphia lawyer on short notice? How about a little city lawyer?

 Vic and Sade – Rushs School Clothes. 420824. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 10:01

For some time now Vic has been away on an inspection tour for his company. Today we find Rush in the middle of a teenage drama. Sade insists that he meet her at 3pm at Yamiltons to shop for his school clothes. Rush agonizes over the embarrassment of a boy of his age having to have his mom pick out his school clothes, as if he were a little kid or something. But wait, it gets worse. Nicer Scott is to be shopping for his clothes today as well, and Rush begs Sade to either let him shop alone, or move the trip to another date. Can it get worse? The embarrassment of having mom pick out his clothes is compounded when some of Sades friends join the shopping party. Rush reaches the depths of horror and despair, but the guilt trip just won't move Sade from her mission. Poor Rush. PS: Excellent reactions from Rush at the end of the show, although it takes Sade to voice his agony as he pours on the drama.

 Dragnet – The Big Blonde. 550823. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:50

The story you are about to hear is true. Only the names have been changed to protect the innocent. Bunko Detail. A con man has taken a married business man for a large sum, and he wants to keep publicity down. A blonde woman has lured him into the trap. The story of how the scam went down is shared, and the cops get busy when a mugshot photo is identified. Auction houses are checked out, and a trap is planned. Listen in and see Joe Friday in action as he pulls off the sting, and turns the tables as the lovely spider finds that her fly isn't what he seems. PS: For someone like the confirmed bachelor that Joe Friday is, it's interesting to see him putting the moves on, and warming up to the opposite sex. Even if it is just to catch a crook.

 Jubilee – Ernie Morris, Jimmy Jordan. ep41, 430823 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:06

Hosted by Ernie Whitman. Playlist: * The Lewis Jordan orchestra sings, Five Guys Named Moe. * Duke of Irons, calipso singer sings, A Woman Uglier Than You. * Ernie reads from the mail bag. * Mean Lux Louie plays a boogie on his piano. * Lewis Jordan plays, Move on the Outskirts of Town. * Mean Lux Louis is back to play, Infantry Blues. * Ernie introduces harmonica player, Ernie Morris who plays, In the Mood. Impressive. * Butterfly McQueen talks to Ernie about her bathing suit. * Rosetta Tharpe sings, This Train's a Clean Train. * Ernie reads from the mail bag, then Lewis Jordan wraps it up and plays, Knock Me a Kiss.

 Let George Do It – Emporess Of Fishfalls. 490822. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:31

George and Claire Brooksie cool off and spend a relaxing day fishing. Even taking the day off, George catches a case of murder, when he reels in the body of a dead midget. George is joined by his always grumpy policeman friend as they try to roust up the local law force. Clues turn out a tale about a swindle at a circus. Who is working the swindle and swiping the cash from the circus? George smells a rat when the list of characters are brought together. Can he smoke out the killer and get a confession? Listen in and compare your logical wits against George Valentine.

 Sam Spade – Vaphio Cup Caper. 480822 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:51

Trying to prank his secretary when he phones in, Sam hints at the clue that his latest case revolves around. Arriving in the office, Effie shares a little confusing family history with her hardboiled boss. In flashback Sam recounts his meeting with a client who needs him to protect a valuable and artistically made cup. On the train, Sam fends off would be robbers, but he's only successful until he gets a thump on the head. Waking up to a body, Sam finds the cup missing, his client dead, and a slap in the face from a woman claiming to be the wife of the clients partner. Twists in the story intrigue Sam, especially when things are nothing as they appear in the relationship between client, wife, lover, and cup. Which cup is the valuable one, the real one, or the fake one? The guns come out as Sam works with the cops to lay a trap designed to catch a killer. That doesn't mean the danger is over for our hero, fist fights, and even an encounter with chloroform awaits him. To get to the hard evidence he needs, Sam even finds him out at sea. Sam explains it all as he wraps up his report in real time with Effie Perine.

 Lum and Abner – Lum’s Inflation Play. 440907 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:30

Resting comfortably in the cold, stone walls of the jail, Lum's patience runs thin as he worrks on his book. Meanwhile, Cedric and grandpap are confused over a play that Lum wrote. Lum figures the gents could put it on in the jail, since he can't get out to the schoolhouse. The play is about the war effort, rationing, ceiling prices, the OPA, and the like. Abner plays Mrs Jones who shops at Lum's store. Cedric is Mr Green, a white collar worker. The two hold a bidding war for the only toaster, but will it matter if they have money to buy? Grandpap has to try hard to affect a back woodsy accent to play farmer Brown. He complains abbouttt the high prices, and repeated calls to the OPA mean that allowances could lead to run away inflation. To underscor the problem, the gents even sing a song.

 Gunsmoke – Snakebite. ep227, 560812 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:56

When hardcases ride to town, Matt Dillon has to take their guns away after shooting down a dog. Who owns the animal, and do they want to press charges? There could be trouble with folks taking the law into their own hands. First, Matt heads to the Long Branch to relax with Miss Kitty, and get other angles on the town happenings. Later, one of the hardcases turns up with his throat slit. Did the old man really do the deed? Hicks goes on the man huntwith Matt and Chester, when the old dog owner has escaped from jail. Will Matt finally give the man his gun back? What will they find when they track down the old man, hiding in a cave? Doesn't Hicks know a little too much about the recent corpses that have shown upp in Dodge lately>?

 Lum and Abner – Abner Helps Lum. 440906 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:30

While Lum relaxes in jail, he has decided to write the sad tale of his memoirs as a martyr. Today, we find Abner dealing with his duties as town marshal, jailer, and Lum's keeper. Lending his ear to the cause, Abner listens to the journal that Lum hass kept to date. The tale is sad enough, though not very true. All that heartache and junk is sure to make good reading as Lum records his biography. To enhance his woeful conditions, Lum wishes for a rainy day, a moldy crusst of bread, and things that will lend an unvarnished air of truth to his book. Anything to make his suffering all the more real. Maybe a few favors from Abner will help? How far will Abner go to help Lum in suffering?

 Dragnet – Big Late Script. ep111, 510726 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:37

Homacide Detail. A well known business man is seen driving away from his home, but disappears. Step into the homacide departtment, and drop into the briefing vetween Ben Romero, Joe Friday, and the chief. Richmond is reported missing, and was last seen being escorted from his house by two men. A phone report claims abductors want a ransom to return Mr Richmond safely. Joe gives voiceover details regarding the mundane case development, and policies regarding handling abduction is told. Can Mrs Richmond offer clues as to any enemies who may hold a ghrudge? Safe return is top priority, and the cops stick close by Mrs Richmond's side. Mr Wellman, Tony Richmond's father in law is on hand to offer moral support. He comments on the irony of working hard to be successful, only to be abducted, and no better off than a poor man. Still, how much closer are the cops coming to locating the kidnappers? The victim himself phones to tell where to pick him up. Is it a ruse, to give the kidmappers time to take the money and run? In voiceover, Joe tells the story, based on Richmond's report, and how he got away. When the cops converge on the kidnappers, guns blaze. But wait... was there a ringleader behind the ordeal?

 Our Miss Brooks – Teachers Convention. 550821. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:28

A trip is planned to attend a teacher's convention, and Mrs Davis talks with Connie as she packs. It proves to have some potential when it's revealed that Mr Boynton will also be attending, and Mr Conklin won't be there. Walter breaks some bad news when he reports that Boynton has to call in sick, and there could be some rifts coming up with rival teacher, Miss Enright. Mix ups, and confusion creep in that work to keep Connie and Boynton apart for their weekend together. Connie has played into the schemes of Miss Enright. The claws come out as the catty remarks fill the air between the rivals over the oblivious Boynton. Which teacher will prove to outsmart the other, and will win her weekend with Boynton? Conklin may be the one to save the day for the accident prone Miss Brooks. Or will he be setting himself up for trouble?

 Cisco Kid – The Key Of Death. 530820. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 26:14

Bandits are on the loose and set on robbing the train. Their plan seems to be perfect, and even though they cross paths with Cisco, he doesn't recognize the danger right away. By the time Cisco and Pancho realize the danger the train is in, they have to play catch up as they work with the sheriff. A deadly trap is set for Cisco that involves a telegraph key. Can Cisco figure it out, and live to go after the train robbers? Get ready for fist fighting action as the bad guys are confronted and put in their place by Cisco.


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