Lum and Abner – Lum’s Inflation Play. 440907

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Resting comfortably in the cold, stone walls of the jail, Lum's patience runs thin as he worrks on his book. Meanwhile, Cedric and grandpap are confused over a play that Lum wrote. Lum figures the gents could put it on in the jail, since he can't get out to the schoolhouse. <br> The play is about the war effort, rationing, ceiling prices, the OPA, and the like. Abner plays Mrs Jones who shops at Lum's store. Cedric is Mr Green, a white collar worker. The two hold a bidding war for the only toaster, but will it matter if they have money to buy? <br> Grandpap has to try hard to affect a back woodsy accent to play farmer Brown. He complains abbouttt the high prices, and repeated calls to the OPA mean that allowances could lead to run away inflation. To underscor the problem, the gents even sing a song. <br>