Dragnet – Big Late Script. ep111, 510726

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Homacide Detail. A well known business man is seen driving away from his home, but disappears. <br> Step into the homacide departtment, and drop into the briefing vetween Ben Romero, Joe Friday, and the chief. Richmond is reported missing, and was last seen being escorted from his house by two men. A phone report claims abductors want a ransom to return Mr Richmond safely. <br> Joe gives voiceover details regarding the mundane case development, and policies regarding handling abduction is told. Can Mrs Richmond offer clues as to any enemies who may hold a ghrudge? Safe return is top priority, and the cops stick close by Mrs Richmond's side. <br> Mr Wellman, Tony Richmond's father in law is on hand to offer moral support. He comments on the irony of working hard to be successful, only to be abducted, and no better off than a poor man. Still, how much closer are the cops coming to locating the kidnappers? <br> The victim himself phones to tell where to pick him up. Is it a ruse, to give the kidmappers time to take the money and run? In voiceover, Joe tells the story, based on Richmond's report, and how he got away. When the cops converge on the kidnappers, guns blaze. But wait... was there a ringleader behind the ordeal? <br>