Our Miss Brooks – Teachers Convention. 550821.

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: A trip is planned to attend a teacher's convention, and Mrs Davis talks with Connie as she packs. It proves to have some potential when it's revealed that Mr Boynton will also be attending, and Mr Conklin won't be there. Walter breaks some bad news when he reports that Boynton has to call in sick, and there could be some rifts coming up with rival teacher, Miss Enright. <br> Mix ups, and confusion creep in that work to keep Connie and Boynton apart for their weekend together. <br> Connie has played into the schemes of Miss Enright. The claws come out as the catty remarks fill the air between the rivals over the oblivious Boynton. Which teacher will prove to outsmart the other, and will win her weekend with Boynton? <br> Conklin may be the one to save the day for the accident prone Miss Brooks. Or will he be setting himself up for trouble? <br>