Retro Radio Podcast show

Retro Radio Podcast

Summary: Sharing family friendly entertainment through old time radio, and more.


 Ozzie and Harriet – Apartment Building Next Door. ep43, 450923 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 26:16

The boys look for ideas to earn money as they play outside. It takes a syndicate to be able to afford to build something as big as an apartment building, but a tree house is more their speed. Meanwhile, Ozzie talks with Harriet about the latest rumor he heard, and why the apartments going up in the vacant lot is a bad idea. Those spreading rumors could mean a lot of jumping to conclusions. Gloria the maid is on hand to relate to Ozzie’s sour mood of putting things off until later, and changes in the neighborhood. The King Sisters sing, Gonna Love That Guy. Thinking the owner of the vacant lot has been out of town, and possibly having not closed the deal on the property, Ozzie goes to talk to her. Mrs Appleby is the absent minded lady who can’t quite get Ozzie’s name right. Why have all her husbands left her? The real estate deal looks good, so Ozzie heads to the finance company. Such a friendly, helping hands kind of place, run by Hans Conried. When truth comes out about the boys and their clubhouse, will Ozzie get out of his deal to purchase the empty lott?

 Lum and Abner – Using Fine To Buy Dillard Farm. 440822 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:30

With the courtroom action over, plans to buy the Dillard farm are begun. Today, Abner tries to take orders over the party line, while grandpap distracts him with details of the town gossip. Topics of the case against BJ Webster, buying clothes pins, and the recent split in dividing the store end when Lum enters in high spirits. The gents discuss Abner’s sales specials, and marketing failure with customers. They share more details in the sound defeat of BJ Webster. Is he back in jail? With the fine paid, Lum tries to lay out the rest of his plan with the Dillard farm. Abner still doesn’t get it about Lum’s reason for wanting the old homestead. Phinus Peabody, Abner’s papa, enters with the documents that deed the Dillard place to grandpap. I’ll be a polka dotted possum! The act of charity is enough to make Abner feel like a tromped on toad frog. Just drop kick him to the street for ever thinking Lum had any hard feelings against grandpap.

 Nick Carter – Disappearing Corpse (ending cut short). ep33, 431124 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 18:22

A dark and stormy night brings the next case for our master detective. The corpse in the stuffy duplex apartment seems a cut and dried case. Locked windows and doors limit who had access. When something unusual is found with the pistol, the suicide becomes a murder. When the cops find their address only leads to the wrong building, and no suicide has taken place, they realize that nothing has been heard from Nick, or the medical examiner. Soon every man, and every squad car is on the look out for Nick. It’s up to Patsy to go undercover to track down the killer. Will she and the rest of the teaM find where Nick is being held captive? Investigations of the dead man’s old flame, and their engagement is made. As Nick tries to navigate his chair across the rooom backwards… the audio cuts off.

 Show # 846: The Hits that Time forgot- 1961 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

The fifth part of our summer series highlighting top 100 tunes that you and time have forgotten. A massive Guess who challenge is included in the show. Are you up to this one?

 Lum and Abner – BJ’s Plea. 440821 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:30

Still being held on an antiquated traffic charge, BJ Webster is amicable as he chats with Abner. In the kind and gentle jail, BJ is certain he’ll be clear of any wrong doing. However, Abner lets it leak that Lum already has the trial, and resulting fine all worked out. When Justice of the Peace Edwards enters, with Squire Skimp as the prosecuting lawyer, the case seems assured for Lum. Has BJ contacted his fancy New York law firm yet? Will the traffic infraction hold water? Grandpap calls the court room to order in his capacity as bailiff, and reads the charge. There seems to be no challenge from Mr Webster, taking some wind from Lum’s sails. Still, is the contractor up to something?

 The Whistler – The Avengers. ep59, 430702 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:33

In the mountains of the South West mining area is a tiny town named Rainbow. John is a busy engineer. His wife, Melda cooks up a plan with John’s brother, Frank in hopes that Jon hits a strike. A gun shot, a murder, and an unseen witness. Years pass, and Frank has been successful. With a baby on the way, Frank and Melda are worried. Has John come back to haunt them? A mysterious girl, Doreen, could hold the secret. Death leaves Frank a frightened, and desperate man. Will he be able to make it right by Doreen? Haunting continues, but is it easy to appeal to Frank to just be calm? Nobody else can hear John’s threats… or can they? A will, and confession are demanded. Is Frank’s death from a stroke? The police discover a stab wound, and make fast work to find a killer. Suddenly suspects come out of the wood work. How will the detective decide who the real killer is? The Whistler holds a twist of his own to ensure the tale of justice is told.

 Let George Do It – Perfect Alibi. 490801. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:44

If the heat’s on, and you can’t cool off, write to George Valentine for full details. George meets with a woman who is trying to help her husband avoid being killed. Her husband is the biggest gangster in the city, and is held in jail for a hanging crime. Can George help with an alibi? Should he even try? George believes the wife when she claims that her big time mobster is a basically nonviolent guy. Yeah right. Still, George compares notes with the cops, and they go over the case point by point. It’s not looking good, but a solid alibi is his only hope. So why are the mobster, and his wife both set on keeping his whereabouts a secret? George seems to be running into dead ends. Rivals, a love affair on the side, and his reputation with the cops all are playing against him. Then suddenly there’s a break. Jail break that is. The big alibi is out, and if you want to see how all the story wraps up just listen in for the suspenseful ending. Don’t worry though, if you still can’t figure it out, George explains it all at the end.

 Lum and Abner – BJ’s Upcoming Trial. 440817 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:30

With the good natured, but dubious contractor cooling off in jail, Lum explains his plan to raise funds to buy the Dillard ;place for grandpap. Phinus is on hand to hear him out, but warns Lum his idea could backfire on him. Meanwhile, town Marshall Abner enters to tell how the prisoners prefer his kinder, gentler ways over those of the usual marshal. Nothing seems to shake the good natured BJ Webster. Isn’t he worried at all that Lum has him where he wants him to pin the legal charges on him? The air tight case against BJ has Abner doubtful. Mr Webster has been in contact with a fancy lawyer from St Louis. What has been keeping BJ laughing? Is he tickled over something, or is it because he is too smart for Lum?

 Yours Truly Johnny Dollar – Horace Lockhart Matter. 510801 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:15

Investigating the death of Horace Lockhart in a car crash, Johnny Dollar travels to the West coast. First he needs to iron out which police agency has jurisdiction. What can be learned from some of the eye witness accounts? Is there something fishy with the story? Next its off to learn what he can from the surviving, grown children. A mystery woman holds the key to the killing, and ads offering a reward to locate her are circulated. A name and a picture are turned up, but no woman. Clues point to a dancer in a club. Word on a quick Mexican marriage, and a husband who had something happen to him is uncovered. Did Susan have something to do with the crash? Johnny has enough to track her down, and confront her. Will the crash still be considered legitimate? Was it over a jilted lover, and if so, which lover did it? Johnny explains it all as he summarizes the final entries in his expense account.

 X Minus One – student body. ep62, 560731 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:59

Episode 062. An unusual life form is discovered by an exploration team on another planet. Note: This episode is provided by a contributor. If you find any trouble with the download of the file, let me know. I’ll do all I can to get it fixed. PS: Here’s my own notes on this episode… A team of explorers study a remote planet. Their job is to strictly observe, but their long term, isolated location also means they’ll need to be self sufficient in growing their own crops and supplies. The story unfolds in the form of tape recorded journal entries, sent back to the control center. The first entry has the crew relaxing outside, napping under a tree, and comfortable knowing there’s no real threats from animal life forms. A curious thing happens when every last member wakes up to find they’re entirely naked. Even their blankets are gone. A tiny critter is found, voraciously munching the fibre of their clothes. Time goes by, and soon previously unreported critters are found. Mice like animals eating their supplies, rat sized beasts in the warehouse, but as larger measures are taken to combat them, the critters keep getting larger. Can the planet actually be evolving that rapidly? Can our scientists keep remaining mere observers in the landscape, or is it too late for that? What do these findings mean for the rest of the universe?

 Boston Blackie – Mary At Sea. 450730 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:38

On a cruise ship, Boston Blackie helps Mary get settled in, but find that she has a body for a bunkmate. Farraday immediately suspects that Blackie somehow did it. Who is that mysterious character who’s seen looking into a porthole? Martha Vale might know something about the murdered woman. Clues begin to emerge, but will Farraday catch on to the answer that Blackie has already figured out? Is Blackie holding something back? A ship steward claims to know who the killer is and why they did it. Before he can talk, the steward winds up dead as well. Now Farrady thinks Blackie killed two people. Blackie makes his break to do his own investigation. Now that he has the murder figured out, he hands over the killer, and explains the elaborate smuggling plan to Farraday. PS: A scene has a tear gas bomb going off to help Blackie get away. Though the scene has Blackie and Farraday getting all emotional as they both tear up, it doesn’t work that way in reality. Tear gas irritates the respiratory system, and causes your tear ducts and mucus in your sinuses to go into hyperdrive to protect against the irritant. That’s about it. No emotions or sobbing, just a lot of liquids pouring from your eyes and nose.

 Burns and Allen – Kiddie Party. 400729 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:04

Those crazy people are back, George and Gracie. With their new cast wich features announcer Bud Easton, the Smoothies, Artie Shaw, and more, the jokes kick off. George tries to explain to Gracie about tourists. The ever complaining sound man pitches in his comments related to his over educated part in the show. Mr Lee, the bands unruly guitarist gives George grief before Artie Shaw takes the stage to play, Temptation. Gracie wants George to go to a kiddie party with her. It’s a party where the adults dress up like kids, and play all the typical kiddie games. In showing George that it’s OK to be a kid, the cast all do their thing, there’s even a poem by the overeducated sound man. The Smoothies sing, Meet the Sun Halfway. Along with Gracie, the cast keeps on teasing George about getting him in the mood for the party. Will he break down and decide to go? He even has his costume ready if he will just try it on.

 Gunsmoke – Lost Rifle. 560729 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:58

A friend of Matt’s, Temple, is stopped short of gunning down a man. Later, Matt finds the man with a hole in his back, and Temple is the most likely suspect. Did he do it? Matt isn’t so sure that Temple did it, or he’d have already picked him up. In the Long Branch Matt talks with Kitty, and has to deal with a friend of the dead man. Will there be friends out looking for revenge, or to take the law into their own hands? Andy is a boy who may know something about what really happened. A starry night finds Chester and Matt making their rounds when Andy rushes up with news. Matt has to act fast to interrupt Spangler from taking revenge, but a new secret is revealed to bring truth to light. Will the revelation mean anything to the headstrong Spangler? Note: Dick Beals plays Andy.

 Lone Ranger – Fore Warned Is Fore Armed. 470728. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:01

On a remote station for the Wells Fargo stage coach line, a young man takes over with his wife and her father when the regular station agent dies. Barton enters and under the guise of inspecting the place, claims to be an official from the main office, and asks questions about the payrole that is transported to the railroad crews. When a masked man is seen at the window, the old father in law and his trusty bloodhound take off after the figure, only to learn that it was the Lone Ranger. Back in the station, Barton and the new acting agent plan to set a trap for a bandit known to be lurking in the area. The llights go out, the money is missing, and Barton claims it was that masked man. Just then, the Lone Ranger enters, but he has his work cut out for him to figure the truth of what happened to the missing payrole. Can he prove that Barton is actually the bandit? How did Barton get the credentials he showed to prove his identity? Suspense fills the air as Lone Ranger sets out to prove that Barton is the real liar, killer, and thief.

 Philip Marlowe – The Good Neighbor Policy. ep107, 510728 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:28

It’s a hot, humid day in the city, and Marlowe is frustrated by a xylophone playing neighbor. He also takes a phone call from a terse apartment dweller. How did his phone number ring in at the other room? In the hall, Marlowe finds a wealth of information in the form of Mrs Garrity. The gossipy woman, who doesn’t know anybody, or anything about them is tough to get away from. Has Marlowe missed another call? What’s the story with Art, the grumpy neighbor, and Rena, a dame who comes to see him? Phone mix ups, xylophones, and unhappy neighbors. What next… gunplay? Soon Marlowe uncovers all sorts of drama right at his doorstep. Mishandled investments, and murder. Marlowe manages to resolve the problems quietly… except for that xylophone player. Note: The mid show commercial is a spot to help flood victims in Missouri, Illinois, and other states. Donate to the Red Cross to do your part. As this is being posted, flood waters have been at it again. Somethings never change.


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