Yours Truly Johnny Dollar – Horace Lockhart Matter. 510801

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Investigating the death of Horace Lockhart in a car crash, Johnny Dollar travels to the West coast. First he needs to iron out which police agency has jurisdiction. What can be learned from some of the eye witness accounts? Is there something fishy with the story? <br> Next its off to learn what he can from the surviving, grown children. A mystery woman holds the key to the killing, and ads offering a reward to locate her are circulated. A name and a picture are turned up, but no woman. <br> Clues point to a dancer in a club. Word on a quick Mexican marriage, and a husband who had something happen to him is uncovered. Did Susan have something to do with the crash? Johnny has enough to track her down, and confront her. Will the crash still be considered legitimate? Was it over a jilted lover, and if so, which lover did it? Johnny explains it all as he summarizes the final entries in his expense account. <br> <br>