X Minus One – student body. ep62, 560731

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Episode 062. An unusual life form is discovered by an exploration team on another planet.<br> Note: This episode is provided by a contributor. If you find any trouble with the download of the file, let me know. I’ll do all I can to get it fixed. <br> PS: Here’s my own notes on this episode… <br> A team of explorers study a remote planet. Their job is to strictly observe, but their long term, isolated location also means they’ll need to be self sufficient in growing their own crops and supplies. The story unfolds in the form of tape recorded journal entries, sent back to the control center. <br> The first entry has the crew relaxing outside, napping under a tree, and comfortable knowing there’s no real threats from animal life forms. A curious thing happens when every last member wakes up to find they’re entirely naked. Even their blankets are gone. A tiny critter is found, voraciously munching the fibre of their clothes. <br> Time goes by, and soon previously unreported critters are found. Mice like animals eating their supplies, rat sized beasts in the warehouse, but as larger measures are taken to combat them, the critters keep getting larger. <br> Can the planet actually be evolving that rapidly? Can our scientists keep remaining mere observers in the landscape, or is it too late for that? What do these findings mean for the rest of the universe? <br>