Retro Radio Podcast show

Retro Radio Podcast

Summary: Sharing family friendly entertainment through old time radio, and more.


 Burns and Allen – George Is Kidnapped By A Gangster. 400930. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:35

At the end of the last episode, George was disguised as a woman, and whisked away by a notorious gangster. Today, he's still missing, which we learn as Gracie talks with announcer, Bud Easton. George manages to show up and fills us in on what happened after he was kidnapped. The cast are all shocked to see George alive, and back in one piece. In fact, Gracie has sold, or given away all of his possessions, thinking he would be dead. Artie Shaw plays his award winning tune, My Heart Stood Still. There's another problem facing George, Gracie put in an insurance claim, and he has to face down an insurance adjuster over making a false claim. Not to mention that the gangster is back on George's tail. Frank Nelson is the insurance man. The Smoothies sing, I Got Rhythm. Feeling bad that they got George into his mess, the cast decide to try to get him out of his jam. Will their plan work, or just dig George in deeper with the gangster. Or should I say, aunt Clara?

 Adventures By Morse – Dead In A Week 3of3. 440930 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:56

Taking a job for a wealthy brother and sister, Captin Friday and Skip Turner act as bodyguards to help Wes live out some dreams from his bucket list. Wes only has a week left to live, and he wanted the thrill of robbing a bank. To keep it legal, he decides to rob his own bank. The trouble is that he had gotten mixed up with a notorious gangster, Blackie North. The gangster had evaded a setup to be captured by the police, and now he has captured our heros and their clients as well. Trouble breaks out, and Wes is injured. Captain Friday and Skip manage an escape to join up with the sister, Eve. Can a doctor patch up the injured @Wes? He may be dead in a week, but he doesn't have to die in agony. Shedding their disguises from the bank robbery, Friday and Skip have a score to setttle with Blackie. Coming full circle, we're back in that little, intimate salon in the high class area on the Sunset strip. Get ready for some fulfilling fist fighting fun for our heros as they put the gangsters in their place, and recover the stolen money from the bank. Can they manage it all, and keep the good name of Eve and Wes out of it? Have they done their duty as body guard to Wes? What will become of Wes and his sister Eve?

 Philip Marlowe – The Big Book. ep103, 500929 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:21

Hanging out with a policeman friend, Philip is present when the call to respond to a murder scene comes in. Listen in as Philip gives the descriptive account of the tragic scene, and the young life that was cut short by the hit and run driver. The matter is well in the hands of the cops, but soon Marlowe is drawn into its mess. Friends of the dead actress convince Philip that something fishy is going on. Love interests, talent agents, hints at blackmail, they all play into getting Marlowe on the track of justice. What will Marlowe learn at the studio from Mr Monroe? Meeting back up with Matthews, the cop, Marlowe presents his case. Will the cops be interested in considering the death as a murder? Given the green light to proceed on his own, Philip heads to Beverly Hills to put on the pressure. As secrets get revealed, and loose ends tied… the audio cuts out.

 Danger Doctor Danfield – Harriet Miller. 460929. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:35

The human mind is like a cave, and psychologist Dr Danfield has the inside scoop to understand it's inside workings. A phone call from a woman has the jealous side of his secretary, Miss Fairfax pumped into high gear. The temptation to dive into the murder investigation is too much. Besides, it involves some friends of Dan's who find themselves in trouble. The police are yet to be contacted, and Dan has a look at the aledged suicide scene with the objective eye of a scientist determined to make a study of it. Human drama escalates to drive his friend harriot to tears. More players emerge on the scene, but Dr Danfield keeps his cool head, and the information only serves to round out his profiles on the players. Does the good doc have the right man to charge for murder? what was the missing element that convinced Dr Danfield of the motive for murder? How did he piece it all together? what are yu doing reading this for? Download the show and enjoy the tangled trip through mobsters, cops, and a web of lies. The doc battles brute force with wits, and dodges personal danger along the way. But wait, there's still a surprise twist as the killer is revealed. PS: with all his insightfulness at understanding the human mind, will Dr Danfield ever make sense of why Miss fairfax has been so catty today? Maybe he has, and will direct some study of her human nature her way. If you know what I mean.

 Cisco Kid – The Red Headed Cowpoke. 530929. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 26:42

On a mesa where cattle graze, rustlers watch for their chance. The rancher, Red Mallory is a formidible person to tangle with, but the outlaws make a plan. They want to frame Cisco to get into a fight with Red, and take the rancher out of the picture for them. The rustler, Ed Bowland, has a daughter named Daisy that Red is engaged to. Can Ed spread his lies thick enough to convince Red that Cisco is trying to take Daisy from him? Will the chivalrous Cisco believe that Ed is no good, and step into the trap/ After an initial confrontation, Cisco does the smart thing, he actually goes to see what Daisy has to say in the matter. She doesn't know her dad's plan, but she helps Cisco figure out what he has to do. The sneaky plans aren't over yet, and Cisco finds himself in jail. Can he escape, and stop more trouble from happening to Red? I'll bet he can, but what's the forcast of mushy stuff? Good luck kiddies, it ends with just a few crazy comments between our heros. O Cisco! O Pancho!

 Great Gildersleeves – Gildy Meets Nurse Milford. 490928. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 31:16

As Gildersleeves is tucking in Leroy for the night, and sending Marjorie off to her room, he decides to call on a lady friend on the spur of the moment. Who can he go out with? Exhausting his list of favorite girlfriends without results, even his fallback of desperation, Judge Hooker, can't do anything with him. Finally he hits on a wrong number, and can't get the sultry female voice on the other end of the line out of his head. At the office the next day, he tries to remember the number he misdialed. Luck is on his side, and he arranges to meet the young woman in his capacity as Water Commissioner. Will something develop between Gildersleeves and nurse Milford? Mom seems to be on his side, and Gildy seems to have had a nice date with his new friend. Things are going very well, almost too good to last. We'll have to stay tuned to see if the busy nurse will be a new person in Gildy's life as the season progresses. Note: Sometimes titled, Wrong Number.

 Show # 854-= – Music Music Music: | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

This show was recorded over two years ago and somehow got lost and was never released. It has been rerecorded and put on the schedule,. Enjoy two hours of classic oldies.

 You Are There – Ann Hutchinsons Trial, 1637AD. ep43, 480926. z | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:32

Puritan New England. The first American feminist faces resistance from society for takeing a stand for her beliefs. CBS reporters relive the event in documentary style, and take you there. Some of her charges involve criticizing church officials. the debate rages to the point that it can be hard to understand what is going on. The issue shouldn't be confused with our modern concept of the freedom of speech. Our modern democracy is a far different animal than the Puritanical government that reigned when these events took place. The reall issue is whether she has overstepped any bounds as defined by Puritan law. What do any of us today know about a Puritan government? Under the rules of our society, this is a no brainer. She's innocent, and this is a silly premise. Puritans had a different set of acceptable rules, and roles for members of society. So, under those rules, has Ann done anything wrong? It does sound like there could be some big double standard in Puritan ideology. The Puritan idea was that every soul is equally important, but classes, and roles of society are ridgidly defined. Roles defined by one's birth and gender. Are those views right? Are they fair? Should they be challenged? That's the significance of this event. Under Puritan rule, she may have overstepped a boundary. Ann was definitely a free thinker who was born before her time.

 The Shadow – The Gibbering Thing. 430926 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:34

The woods are full of gibbering things, true. If they’re only monkey’s , where is aunt Sue? People keep coming up missing, with bodies in heaps. A sneaking professer gives Margot the creeps. The tension boils to a riotous brew, But can the Shadow find out what happened to aunt Sue? Here’s my original show notes, for those who want to read them: The Shadow, actually rich man about town Lamont Cranston, uses his powers to cvloud men's minds to seem invisible to those around him. Along with his assistant Margot Lane, the only other person in the world who knows his secret set out on another adventure of mystery. They go to visit Margot's aunt where the woods are said to be haunted by gibbering things. Then they discover a missing aunt. The mystery of the gibbering thingsis simple enough, they are just monkey's... or are they? Who is thehe creepy man in the woods who claims to be a professor? What happened to aunt Sue? The Shadow uses his unique tallents to learn the answers, especially when a body is found in the woods. While Lamont explores the woods, Margot is kidnapped by the professor. I think she's about to learn the secret behind the mystery, the hard way. Don't worry, the Shadow is still doing his prowling around. But what ever happened to aunt Sue? Things reach a rioutous point, but the Shadow is able to both calm things down, and bring justice. Sponsored by Blue Coal. Yes, it really is coal, and it really is blue. I don't have any living memories of such things but my dad told me how he used to drive a coal delivery truck and swears it's true. Then again, he was always the prankster. Wanting me to pull his finger, or doing the thing where he pulled his finger off, ate it, and made it reappear. Hmm...

 Yours Truly Johnny dollar – The Search for Michelle Marsh. 490925. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:18

Johnny Dollar finds himself on the track of a missing persons report, and his insurance company is worried they may have to pay out to the sister of Michelle March if it turns out that she's dead. Johnny finds himself in Boston, and at the scene of a murder. His credentials pull some weight, and the cops let him continue his investigation. It doesn't take long and Johnny is in a deep crack between two rival gangs. Are the cops just setting him up to take a fall, or do their dirty work for them? After fighting his way clear, Johnny finds Michelle, who is in even deeper between the cogs of gangland rivalry. Both sides want her, and want her dead. Once Johnny finds her, Michelle agrees to be bait for a trap. The well orchestrated event goes down, but as in real life, things begin to go wrong fast. Will Johnny survive when the two gang leaders face off? Will he be stuck in the middle with Michelle? And where is that police back up that was supposed to be there?

 Command Performance – Bob Hope, Bing Crosby. 430925 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:42

Hosted by Bob Hope, he has brought his cast from his USO tour, Francis Langford and Tony Romano. Bob takes time to crack a few jokes about his recent travels. Francis Langford sings, You'll Never Know. Bob makes a few more jokes as he introduces the Charioteers who sing, Pistol Packin Mama. Bob takes time to dip into the mail bag. He has even brought his orchestra that made his USO trip, and Tony Romano sings, Your Priceless to Me. Or at least tries to until Bob interupts him over some of the lyrics. Bing joins Bob for some joking around on various topics, and including some of the experiences of the recent USO tour. Bing is backed up by the Charioteers as he sings, Moonlight Bay. Bing and Bob's wisecracks are joined by Francis. Bing and Francis sing, These Foolish Things Remind Me of You. Bob closes with a few uplifting words.

 Richard Diamond – The 200000 Dollar Bundle. ep23, 490924 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:31

A couple of thugs pay a visit to Billly, a mechanic who is gunned down for crossing them. Elsewhere, Richard has his phone call to Hellen interupted, when the same thugs want him to help them find a particular bundle. Namely, they think Richard knows something about it, and after roughing him up, and dispensing a thump on the head, the thugs begin to believe their own gang member has sent them on a wild goose chase. Who is the dame the gangsters are looking for? For that matter, who is the dame who has just come to Richard for help? Gunplay breaks out as the cops race in to rescue Richard. Now it's time to compare notes to learn what's really going on under the surface, and the confusion at the thugs and the bag of money they're after. The dame is the wife of a gangster who took the cash and ran. Richard has enough figured out to lay a trap, and uses himself for bait. Strategy is sure to be the key to winning this deadly game of hide and seek. Richard unravels the mystery as he confronts his killer, and all that's left after the suspenseful moments is keeping his date with Hellen. Romance and song is his sure way to relax with his favorite gal.

 Dick Tracy – Case Of The Man Without A Head. 450924. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 13:39

After the kiddies get a reminder of their morning radio line up, we get busy with our police adventure. In the last episode, gangsters were robbing, and blackmailing each other. Dick recieved a telephone tip, but he thinks it's just a prank. As he arrives at the hideout, a rundown apartment, danger could await Dick and Pat. They attempt a thin disguise as posing as phone repairmen that doesn't fool anybody. Dramatic confrontations, and chases through the tenement ensue. For now, the crooked landlord is cuffed to a chair, and as they evade the cops, the thugs rough him up. They not only get their money back, but also a clean get away. Can Dick and Pat catch up to them? PS: This is similar to a story that was on Casey, Crime Photographer from around this same period. In Casey's world, it was a gangster and his gal from out of town, and they didn't know the city. When the landlord of their dump overcharged them outrageously, they killed him. Casey got involved after the murder, and just like Dick, he managed to follow a trail that led to his out of town bandits. Unlike Dick, Casey managed to catch them all in one episode.

 Burns and Allen – George Writes a Newspaper Column. 400923. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:42

The opening joking around covers bases about performing ability, hotels, and publicity. George has decided to write a newspaper collumn and after getting nowhere with Gracie and Senor Lee, he tries to get input from his Harvard educated sound man for story ideas. The Smoothies sing, Thats For Me. The cast members are still giving George a hard time, and offering nothing but jokes for story ideas. Suddenly a break comes, and a gangster is on the loose. Senor Lee sings, Yo Queiro. After George wrote a column on the gangster, the tough guy is coming to look for George. Can he get protection from the cops? Don't count on it. Maybe the cast will help George out. Artie Shaw plays a transitioning tune, then the gangster shows up and George wisely goes into hiding. Desperate, George disguises himself in a dress, but will the racketeer believe that George is Gracie's aunt Clara? I feel a continuation coming on. Stay tuned for the further misadventures of the cross dressing George, especially when the gangster develops a crush on aunt Clara.

 Adventures By Morse – Dead In A Week 2of3. 440923 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:56

Setting up the gangster to take a fall for a jewelry robbery, Captain Friday and Skip take on the challenge to help a dieing Wes live out a few of his fantasies. The wealthy man wants to rob a bank, and our heros go along with a setup designed to let him have his fun, yet keep him out of trouble. Is that possible? Join the safe adventure as our heros pose as cowboy types, and an elaborate plan for the robbery is reviewed. Will it work? Is this going to be either safe, or legal? The job goes down, the cash is swiped, but there's one thing that wasn't counted on, and it involves the gangster, Blackie North. How did he get free of the set up that should have found him in the hands of the police? What new perils and dangers await Captain Friday and Skip Turner?


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