The Shadow – The Gibbering Thing. 430926

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: <br> The woods are full of gibbering things, true.<br><br> If they’re only monkey’s , where is aunt Sue?<br><br> People keep coming up missing, with bodies in heaps.<br><br> A sneaking professer gives Margot the creeps.<br><br> The tension boils to a riotous brew,<br><br> But can the Shadow find out what happened to aunt Sue?<br> <br> Here’s my original show notes, for those who want to read them: <br> The Shadow, actually rich man about town Lamont Cranston, uses his powers to cvloud men's minds to seem invisible to those around him. Along with his assistant Margot Lane, the only other person in the world who knows his secret set out on another adventure of mystery. They go to visit Margot's aunt where the woods are said to be haunted by gibbering things. Then they discover a missing aunt. The mystery of the gibbering thingsis simple enough, they are just monkey's... or are they? Who is thehe creepy man in the woods who claims to be a professor? What happened to aunt Sue? <br> The Shadow uses his unique tallents to learn the answers, especially when a body is found in the woods. While Lamont explores the woods, Margot is kidnapped by the professor. I think she's about to learn the secret behind the mystery, the hard way. Don't worry, the Shadow is still doing his prowling around. But what ever happened to aunt Sue? Things reach a rioutous point, but the Shadow is able to both calm things down, and bring justice. <br> Sponsored by Blue Coal. Yes, it really is coal, and it really is blue. I don't have any living memories of such things but my dad told me how he used to drive a coal delivery truck and swears it's true. Then again, he was always the prankster. Wanting me to pull his finger, or doing the thing where he pulled his finger off, ate it, and made it reappear. Hmm...<br>