Retro Radio Podcast show

Retro Radio Podcast

Summary: Sharing family friendly entertainment through old time radio, and more.


 Behind The Mike – Versatile Acting. ep4, 401006 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:34

One of the most versatile voice actors in radio is featured, Charlie Cantor. Charlie demonstrates a few of his dialects, and range of characters. He also demonstrates a few unusual characterizations he has been asked to perform. What famous leading man was fired, so Charlie could be hired for a job? Oddities in radio presents a few items. A commercial announcement of women had to be switched by having men do the parts instead, and became a success for the sponsor. Also a dramatization of what happened when the lights went out in the studio, multiple times. Favorite foods of the radio stars are discussed, when the proprietor of the famous restaurant Lindy's is interviewed. Enjoy a dramatization of how a cabbie, Eddie Davis, became a comedy writer for Eddie Cantor and others. Letters from listeners. Al Newman of Newsweek answers letters including how do sponsors decide on which programs to sponsor. The origin of the name soap opera. What is a stooge, and how did the term originate. Learn how radio saved the life of a great footvall star, Ken Strong of the New York Giants. The athlete is on hand to tell the story in his own words, and a little dramatization to go along with it.

 Superman – Yellow Mask And The Five Million Dollar Jewel Robbery. 6of15, 401018. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 11:13

Clark Kent and Jimmy Olsen are drawn deeper into the mystery that landed in their lap on the way home on the Super Chief. After a delay that the Yellow Mask faked as coming from Perry White, the real Perry White shows up with troubling news. The news man fills in Clark and Jimmy on how the jewels came to be robbed in the first place. The trio of our heros conspire to make their own plans to get back at the Yellow Mask, and Clark takes Jimmy to the airport to meet another reporter due in. It's Bill Wentworth, the reporter who joined them in their recent adventure in the Caribbean Sea. Clark begins to see tie ins between a disappearing plane, a sky scraper, and the jewel theft.

 All Star Western Theater – Billy The Kid, With Tex Ritter. 461006. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:29

Musical support is provided by the Riders of the Purple Sage who sing, At the Gate of the Home Corral. Coleen Summers sings, Someone Won Your Heart Little Darling. Liked by all, Monte Montana helps Cottonseed Clark introduce the story and featured actor, Tex Ritter. It's a retelling of famous outlaw, Billy the Kid, and his childhood friend Pat Garret. Tex Ritter is Billy, and though he may be an outlaw, he sticks up for the honor of a good woman. The Kid works with the crew on cattle drives, as he adds notches to his guns. His tallent with the gun soon gets attention from lawmen, but that won't stop bullets from flying. Afterward, Tex does his moral duty to warn kids off of the illusion that crime is a romantic, adventuresome way of life. Tex Ritter sings, You Will Have to Pay.

 Superman – Yellow Mask And The Five Million Dollar Jewel Robbery. 5of15, 401016. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 11:23

When we last saw Clark, he and Jimmy were staying over at a hotel. It was a ruse from the Yellow Mask and the mystery woman to stop them from getting away with the jewels. By the time they learn things aren't right, the jewels have again been stolen by the Yellow mask. With a hot story on their hands, Clark and Jimmy set out after the Yellow Mask, and try to catch up with him. They're back on the train, but will their sneaking around get Clark and Jimmy any closer to the jewels? What ties does the mystery woman have with the Yellow mask, and is she still working with him?

 You Bet Your Life – Secret Word: Chair. 491005. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:05

The contestants are selected from the studio audience. They include: * Newlyweds. * A Librarian and a Wrestler. * Finally, a housewife and a Druggist. Groucho interviews and adlibs as he digs into their personal lives. Oh yeah, there's a quiz show in there somewhere too. Will anybody say the secret word? Who will earn the most money to have that shot at the $1000 question?

 Show # 855: 12 th Anniversaary Show – Old Time Rock n Roll | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

On October 6th 2006 Lee Douglas armed with poor equipment and 120,000 songs in his library began Old Time Rock n Roll to fill the void left by apathetic Oldies stations and places where Oldies had been forgotten.. So today we celebrate the completion of our 12th year and the start of Lucky year 13. Tonight a show full of surprise songs, Guess who artists and should a been hits as well as classic favorites.

 Superman – Yellow Mask And The Five Million Dollar Jewel Robbery. 4of15, 401014. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 11:51

After Jimmy has been kidnapped, and forced to turn over the jewels to the Yellow Mask, he is again safe with Clark. Jimmy tells how he fooled the Yellow Mask by giving him an empty bag of jewels. Their safety can only be short lived though. A telegram comes in from Perry White to leave the train, and get ready for a new mission. Elsewhere, the Yellow Mask plots with the mysterious woman, in ways to trap Clark and Jimmy. Clark and Jimmy settle into their hotel, but what's keeping that important phone call from Perry? Something doesn't seem right.

 Rogues Gallery – Blondes Prefer Gentlemen. 451004 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:24

When Richard Rogue meets the self proclaimed, most beautiful girl in the world while on vacation at a swanky resort, there's nothing but trouble awaiting him. Riding horseback with his dream gal, Richard discovers a body. Trying to distance himself from the crime, and stay focused on his vacation, Rogue turns the body and clues over to the cops. Yeah right, these things have a way of dragging a detective right back into the middle of things. Another little cutie at the resort, Mrs Mills, has a husband, and he wants Rogue to prove that he didn't kill Harding. On his horseback ride with the lovely Lucia, clues are found that could mean danger for Rogue and his new girlfriend, Ladies might like the rough and rugged type, but Lucia might be getting too big of a taste of the rugged life. A thump on the head wins Rogue a few moments of rest, and a few moments with his annoying little inner voice. Still, he has a clue to link a suspect to the murder. Now it's only a matter of turning all the evidence, and the killer over to the local cops.

 Abbott and Costello – Job For Girlfriend. 451004. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:51

Bud is upset when Lou arrives to work late for the opening show of the season. Lou's excuse for missing the afternoons rehearsal is due to a family outing where his uncle drank DDT. Lou tells about his vacation back East, and the generous people there. He then tells about his new girlfriend in the military. Lou describes his new girlfriend, Lena Ghensta. Bud jus wants to know if she is pert, chic, or svelte? Of course Lu gets mixed up over what he means, and the word plays explode. Will Osbourne plays, Atchison Topeka and Santa Fe. Lou keeps telling about his girlfriend back in New York, when the doorbell rings and Mel Blanc is a drunken delivery boy with a telegram. Bud shares the news that Lena has been discharged from the military, and now she's on the way to Hollywood to take Lou up on his offer of a job in the movies. Can Bud get his friend out of trouble? Professor Mellonhead is on hand, and he offers help, despite the mistreatment and insults that Lou hurls his way. Connie Haines sings, I'll Buy That Dream. After a commercial, the show continues. A loud mouthed woman arrives claiming to be Lou's girlfriend, Lena Ghensta, but Lou is trapped, and is caught in is lies about owning the NBC studio, and his ability to get her in pictures. The gang transitions to the movie studio. Can Lou get Lena to give up on her dream of becoming a movie star? She seems to have a lot to hang over his head. The director doesn't seem to be too thrilled with the idea of letting celebrities bring their friends to him for jobs. In Lena's case, it appears to work. Will the lady's man of a director steal away Lou's girlfriend?

 Superman – Yellow Mask And The Five Million Dollar Jewel Robbery. 3of15, 401011. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 11:49

The Yellow Mask has Jimmy, and tries to extort the jewels from him. Thinking he's keeping Clark safe, Jimmy hands over the bag that held the treasure. Superman had been doing his own investigating elsewhere, but realizing danger, the man of steel flies to return to the Super Chief, but he is too late. As Clark Kent, he learns that Jimmy is safe, but the Yellow Mask has slipped through his fingers. The mystery woman had swooped in to steal the bag of jewels before the Yellow Mask could get it. It's not all bad when Jimmy Olsen has a secret. Elsewhere, on a deserted road the Yellow Mask and the mystery woman catch up, and end up joining forces. What diabolical plans will be hatched?

 You Are There – The First Battle Of Bull Run. ep44, 481003 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:24

The first major battle between the North and South, of the American Civil War, and CBS reporters take you there. The confident army of the Northern States, led by General McDowel, begin its march to put an end to the six month long uprising of the Southern states. Thousands of spectators, complete with brass bands line the streets to watch the spectacle. Back in the news room we are filled in with news flashes, and progress on other fronts. Guns fire at Stone Bridge. Confederates withdraw. The spectators in the North go wild. It's looking like the troops will be in Richmond to spend the night and put this little squabble to rest once and for all. Elsewhere, on the forward edge of the battle ground, soldiers are led in prayers before the final charge is to take place. With awe inspiring battle cries, chants, and display, the Northern troops march into Confederate gunfire and artillery. Victory news is even telegraphed back to Washington DC. The battle rages, and the spectators watch the sight in silence. The Confederates begin to get the upperhand in a few areas, then the unthinkable happens. Parts of the battle lines break. Then suddenly the Federal troops flee in a massive rout. In case you don't realize the difference, a retreat is an organized withdrawal of troops and equipment, normally with the purpose to regroup, reorganize, and possibley rejoin an attack. A rout is the disorganized flight of troops, weapons and equipment are shed to lighten the load so as not to impede running away as fast as possible. Disorganization precludes any possibility of reorganizing. Hey, it looks like this little Civil War could last a while longer. Try about 4 more years.

 Superman – Yellow Mask And The Five Million Dollar Jewel Robbery. 2of15, 401009. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 11:49

At the end of the last episode, Jimmy uncovered the missing jewels that had been stolen. Unknown to him and Clark, the Yellow Mask has entered the train in pursuit of the jewels. Today the girl who had her train window smashed is interviewed by the Mask, as he is disguised as a police detective. Through the interview, it's revealed that the former rivals of the Yellow Mask are on board the train, Clark Kent and Jimmy Olsen. Seeing his chance when Jimmy is left alone, the Mask kidnaps him to try to learn what happened to the jewels. Where is Clark? As Superman, he is doing his own investigating, and has left the train where he learns of the Yellow Mask's involvement. Now he has to rush back to the train to protect Jimmy. If he can.

 Casey, Crime Photographer – The Miscarriage of Justice. 471002. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:44

A woman is acosted on the street by a man claiming to be her father in law. The back story is that her husband was killed, and the man's son was sent to prison for it. Carlos is now being released when her aledgedly dead husband is discoveed alive. In the meantime, she has remarried. Lot's of room for jealousy and murder. In the Blue Note, Ann williams, Ethylbert, and Casey talk over the subtle nuances of the case. will Carlos be out for revenge over being jailed for nothing? In public, he claims to want to simply return home and live a quiet life with his father. Dad is a bit more emotional though. Sure enough, the woman ends up dead, and all evidence points to Carlos or his dad. It's all too neat for Casey, so he and Ann review the motives and opportunities of their suspects. Is it really Carlos out for revenge? Is dad just covering up for him, and ready to take the fall for his son? Maybe her new husband is taking advantage of the situation to cast blame on Carlos? Casey has it figured out, and now all he needs to do is spring his trap. A surprise ending awaits, but Casey just might fall into danger before justice is done. Sit tight, and the whole mystery will be explained in the Blue Note.

 Superman – The Yellow Mask And The Five Million Dollar Jewel Robbery. 1of15, 401007. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 11:29

As Jimmy Olsen and Clark Kent travel back home after their amazing adventures in the Caribbean Sea, they enjoy the luxury compartment of the Super Chief railroad. A phone call warns of danger for the train. Just then, a sudden crash is heard. The scream of a woman has Clark and Jimmy rushing to see what the matter is. What was thrown through the window of the train? What did the girl see? Clark smells a story in it, and detects some fishy behavior behind the story the girl tells.

 Red Skelton – Salute to National Paperboy Day. 481001 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:33

Red offers congradulations to Rod about his newborn baby girl. Rod mentions saluting Newspaper Boy Day, and conversation turns down that lane. The Four Knights sing, Walking with My Shadow. People you Will Meet Sooner or Later: Willie Lumplump goes to court. He has had some trouble with disturbing the peace, but with his comments to the judge, he probably isn't helping his case. He has to explain the infraction that happened on the parking lot he owns. Or at least he thinks he owns it. David Rose plays, Twelth Street Rag. A Page from the Mean Little Kid's Diary: It's early morning in the house, and nobody is awake yet, except Junior. He tries to get mom up, then grandma, but no luck. With enough harrassing, he finally gets grandma to tell him a story... sort of.


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