Superman – Yellow Mask And The Five Million Dollar Jewel Robbery. 6of15, 401018.

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Clark Kent and Jimmy Olsen are drawn deeper into the mystery that landed in their lap on the way home on the Super Chief. After a delay that the Yellow Mask faked as coming from Perry White, the real Perry White shows up with troubling news. The news man fills in Clark and Jimmy on how the jewels came to be robbed in the first place. <br> The trio of our heros conspire to make their own plans to get back at the Yellow Mask, and Clark takes Jimmy to the airport to meet another reporter due in. It's Bill Wentworth, the reporter who joined them in their recent adventure in the Caribbean Sea. Clark begins to see tie ins between a disappearing plane, a sky scraper, and the jewel theft. <br>