Retro Radio Podcast show

Retro Radio Podcast

Summary: Sharing family friendly entertainment through old time radio, and more.


 Superman – Yellow Mask And The Five Million Dollar Jewel Robbery. 11of15, 401030. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 11:58

Clark, Jimmy, and the Commissioner await once again in ambush for the Yellow Mask. Elsewhere, the Yellow Mask warns his henchman that he suspects another trap. The situation is to trade the jewels for the kidnapped Lois Lane. As Superman, Clark encounters Lefty the henchman. One thug is captured, but one gets away. Will Clark be any closer to learning where Lois is being held? What will the Yellow Mask have to say about the botched swap? Let's just say that he expects Clark to arrive soon, so puts his own ruthless plans into play. PS: Wow, not much going on today. It's almost a repeat of the escapades of the previous show. What makes Clark think he can outsmart the Yellow Mask by doing the same thing again that failed? I suppose the writers were trying to milk this one out a little.

 Big Town – Double Murder. 481012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 31:03

The story of the big city newspaper, and news man Steve Wilson. Each week the behind the scenes drama of a new headline is presented. In this strange case of double murder, it begins a few months ago on the waterfront where a couple of thugs are dumping a body. Back in the newsroom, star reporter, Lauralai talks to editor Steve Wilson about a missing person case. Guess who's missing? That's right, the body that was just dumped. The woman's twin sister is the one who is bringing up the story to the paper. Steve puts the pressure on the mobsters to shake things up and see what shakes out. His hunch pays off, but as the bodies pile up, he digs himself deeper into danger. Not to mention that at the same time, Lauralai goes out on her own investigation among the seedy characters in the city. Everybody meets back in the newsroom to share notes. With the mobsters on the move, can they be stopped before more people are murdered? Steve has a plan for a trap, but will it work, or will the twin sister just end up dead as well? these are ruthless characters they are dealing with in Big Town. Watch for a last minute plot twist for a happy ending to this crime thriller.

 Superman – Yellow Mask And The Five Million Dollar Jewel Robbery. 10of15, 401028. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:03

The ambush that Clark, Jimmy, and the Commissioner set for the Yellow Mask has failed, but a message from the Mask is found. He scoffs at our heros, but agrees to return Lois for the jewels. Previously the mystery woman has been captured, but she stole the jewels from the Yellow Mask, and isn't telling where she hid them. What should our heros do? They agree to give in to the demands, but substitute a suitcase of rocks instead of jewels. As Clark, Jimmy and the Commissioner again await for the Yellow Mask, or his henchman to show up, Clark sneaks away with the intent of becoming Superman if problems arise. Will problems arise? Stay tuned for the next exciting episode to find out. exciting eps

 Buck Rogers – Black Barney Is Under Control Of Killer Kane. 390419. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 14:21

Note: Date on episode is approximate. Buck has finally found the trail of Kane, but his rival is well on the way to building his headquarters. Cain goes underground with Ardalah to hide out in abandoned subway tunnels. Barney is still under the affects of the mind control ray, and gives a short background of how Buck Rogers came to be in the 25th century. They find an old lab where they work on their gadgets. Some of Barney's past life as a pirate comes out as he is forced to help. The lab is supposed to be hidden behind a waterfall, but after Cain and Ardelah argue over who should look for it, Barney is sent in with Cain, and special gadget to make sure it's there. It makes the perfect headquarters for our evil villains. All the equipment an evil genius could ever want is hidden away in the new hideout. With all the subjection to the mind control ray, is Barney's mind being permanently affected? Meanwhile, Buck knows where the space trail has gone, but though he is about to close in, Doctor Hewer calls him and Wilma back to New Niagra on important business. amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0"; amzn_assoc_search_bar = "true"; amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "retrootr-20"; amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; amzn_assoc_region = "US"; amzn_assoc_title = "Science Fiction on Amazon"; amzn_assoc_asins = "B0001HAGU6,B004ZJ9VXY,B001A7GOCA,B002945DU2"; amzn_assoc_linkid = "148193c96d41d0e8dd6bbc23c85ca24d";

 Show # 856: Listener’s Choice Show: Sailing | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Get your Dramamine and your water wings and join us for a two hour sea cruise courtesy of Larry Mims.

 Rogues Gallery – Murder In Drawing Room A, Mystery Playhouse 137. 451011 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:34

Trains provide a comfortable way to travel, and a chance to meet people on those long distance excursions. Rogue meets a woman with an interesting request, she wants him to keep a briefcase safe for her. This won't lead to a corpse, will it? Identical cases offer a prime situation for a mix up, and danger looms when a thug takes Rogues case at gun point. Rogue gets a thump on the head, and set up for trouble by the railroad authorities. Not only the briefcase, but Betty is missing. As the train races through the night, Rogue has his hands full. Betty is a reporter, and the body on board gives her a scoop to phone in to her editor. Meanwhile, Rogue's investigation gets him more thumps on the head. Wow, this guy ought to have a helmet permenantly attached to his skull. Rogue manages to pull all the loose ends together to hand the killer over to the cops along with the case of cash. Minus his reward, of course.

 Vic and Sade – Victor R Gook Fontonelle. 431011. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 9:56

Audio is a bit mushy with some record noise. Russel is at home getting cleaned up after a day of playing outdoors. Sade isn't home, and Vic is worried that supper won't be ready on time. He has invited BB Baugh for supper, and is afraid that the supper plans won't be enough to make a good impression. BB Baugh is an inventor, an accomplished musician, and a man who Vic has written a poem about in order to gain the man's favor. Russel gets the poetic style of a fontainelle confused with a softspot on a baby's head. Vic wants to put his poem to music, but Russel isn't any help in untangling the musical scale. Trivia: * Vic tells Russell that a 'fontanelle' is a spirited march, a spritely gallup or a gay dance. Russell contends that a 'fontanelle' is a soft spot on a babies' head. I could find nothing about a musical work called a 'fontanelle.' But Wikipedia clearly shows that Russell was right. In other words, the song title literally means, Victor R. Gook has a soft spot on his head. * For supper, Sade had planned on having left-over meatloaf, canned vegetables and canned peaches. * B.B. Baugh has replaced Alf Musherton as the 3rd chair on the Sewage Disposal Worker's Band - which appareantly has changed it's name to the Sewage Disposal Workers Semi-Classical Silver Cornet Ban. (Recall that this was a made-up club name Vic gave Russell to resign from in an earlier episode.) Seems apparent by now that the Sewage Worker's band is made up completely of cornets. The fact that Baugh is 3rd chair in the band proves there are numberous cornet players in town. As a matter of fact, the cornet seems to be far the most popular musical instrument mentioned on Vic and Sade. * Russell says that B.B. Baugh is the inventor of Stingyberry Jam. (This is tackled at length in a later episode.) * Vic says that B.B. Baugh is an accomplished musician, artist and a talented composer. * B.B. Baugh lives at the Bright Kentucky Hotel. He had composed the song for Vic between the hours of 8 and midnight by candlelight in his hotel room with trains chugging by his window. * B.B. Baugh wants to publish the piece and put it in the official songbook of the Sacred Stars of the Milky Way. It seems to me we can assume from this that B.B. Baugh is also a member of the lodge. However, until I know for sure, his name will not go into the Sacred Stars of the Milky Way section of the blog as a member. I believe this episode contains one of the funniest little sequences in the show's history, when Vic and Russell discuss when Sade might be home from shopping. --Trivia provided by Jimbo, as found at the Crazy World of Vic and Sade. Make sure to visit, and check out the database of names, look at pictures, and learn all about the other aspects of the world of Vic and Sade.

 Superman – Yellow Mask And The Five Million Dollar Jewel Robbery. 9of15, 401025. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 11:54

After the mystery woman has been identified as Vicky Larramer, Lois Lane stood in for her as a trap. Clark had sped off after her with Jimmy but were in danger of wrecking at a draw bridge. Today, we find that Clark has lost the trail of the Yellow Mask after his escape from the wreck at the draw bridge, so he goes back to regroup with Perry and the authorities. What new direction will the adventure take? Will Lois be rescued? Stay tuned for the next thrilling installment.

 Quiet Please – Beezers Cellar. ep69, 481010` | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:15

A story is recounted about a crazy old man with six fingers on each handd, who began to build a house. He got as far as digging the cellar, but hanged himself before more could be done. As the local man prattles on, the trio of mobsters hit the road. Is the haunting story something to fear, or be amused with? Though it creeps out his sidekicks, the ringleader decides the haunted cellar is a good place to hide there loot, since the local superstition about it keeps people from snooping there. Marlene, Pete and Stanley find the abandoned cellar, and start to dig a hole to bury their loot. Strange events begin to creep the mobsters out. Wierd, supernatural events all have scientific explanations... right? All that spooky stuff is all in your head, isn't it? Our trio of criminals discover the errror of their ways just a little too late, and hidden secrets of the cellar are revealed. Listen and enjoy this nice spooky story. Make sure you listen with all the lights out, huddle under the blankets, or gather around a midnight bonfire to retell this tale.

 Superman – Yellow Mask And The Five Million Dollar Jewel Robbery. 8of15, 401023. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 11:48

The fight with the Yellow Mask and his henchmen shifts to one where the newspaper reporters team up with the cops to try to lay a trap for the villain. Will the Yellow Mask be lured out to fall into the hands of Clark Kent and the police? The mystery woman has been captured, and to trick the Yellow Mask, Lois Lane has agreed to take her place in the jail cell. In pursuit of the Yellow Mask, Clark and Jimmy find themseles driving at top speed towards a draw bridge in pursuit of the Yellow Mask.

 Superman – Yellow Mask And The Five Million Dollar Jewel Robbery. 7of15, 401021. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 11:44

After joining forces, the mysterious woman and the Yellow mask talk in their high rise building. Now that they have the jewels in their possession, all she wants is her cut, but the Yellow Masks sees potential in her, and tries to lure her to stick with his organization. What will it take? Will he be able to out wit her, or has the evil, International genius met his match in a woman? Elsewhere, Clark and Jimmy, are across town making observations about the wierd disappearances of airplanes, when the mysterious woman crosses their path. Will they learn anything new from her?

 Red Skelton – Juniors Good Deed. 481008 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:31

Red talks about doing some Fall house cleaning. Then about his brother in law. After Red stumbles over jokes about hair restoring, The Four Knights sing, Old Dan Tucker. Red puts a challenge to Rod to see if he heard Fred Allen last week, apparently on a quiz program. He then shows what it's really like in the homes across America when quiz shows are on. Willie Lumplump sits with his ear glued to the radio. Though his wife nags, he won't leave the radio. His neighbor has a medical emergency, but he won't let the phone be tied up. Interruptions, wrong numbers, and the threat of having the phone disconnected all have Willie going bonkers. Dave Rose plays, Beyond the Blue Horizon. A Page from the Mean Little Kid's Diary. Junior manages to do a good deed, but he can't figure out why everybody is so impressed by it. Before doing his deed, he has to get cleaned up, washed, and dressed to go out. Jokes about hygiene turn to those revolving about social events. Juniors good deed comes when he overhears plans to blow up the dam, and he spills the beans on the bad guys.

 Cisco Kid – Planted Gold. 531008. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 26:53

A wealthy real estate agent is expecting new clients from back East, and has a prime piece of land for them. Bandits have other ideas in mind and want him to play it their way so they can cheat the old couple and take their plot of land. Cisco and Pancho are to meet the old couple and escort them, but the bandits send them off on a wild goose chase. By the time the train arrives with the jumpy, and overly armed old couple, they mistake Cisco and Pancho for the bandits and chase them away. Putting their trust in the bad guys by mistake, the old couple are ledastray and fall into the trap. Will they be wary, and feisty enough to keep the real bandits at bay? Will they ever discover that Cisco is their true friend? Not without some mix ups, and gun play along the way. Listen and learn how justice is done, and the identities of the good guys and bad guys are untangled.

 Burns and Allen – George Disguises Himself As a Woman. 401007. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:10

An ongoing story has been developed. George has been hiding out from a gangster by disguising himself as a woman. The gangster has fallen in love with the gal that he supposes is aunt Clara. Will George be facing a marriage that he can't get out of? Who ever heard of two men getting married? How silly! Gracie has. Jokes about love, marriage and weddings rule among the cast before the Smoothies sing, I Love to Ride the Prairie. As George worries that he won't have long to live, Gracie, Senor Lee, the disgruntled sound man, and even Bud Easton get in jokes at George's expense. Can George learn some selfe defense measures that will protect him? Everybody seems to get the hang of the martial arts move, except George. Artie Shaw plays, Through the Years. Get ready for the big show down as the gangster makes his appearance. Will George be able to count on his friends? To close, the Smoothies join Gracie in a song, I Am An American.

 Jack Benny – Jack Listens To The World Series On The Radio. 451007 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 21:47

Flashback to witness Jack on the phone. He's having a fall out with his sponsor. This is a serious problem, but is Mr Jones taking Jack seriously?The spponsor seems distracted by a baseball game taking place on the radio. The telephone operators, Mabel and Gertrude, take center stage to comment on the futility that Jack is facing with his sponsor. Will Jack be losing his job? Larry Stevens sings, but his number is snipped. Mary and Phil give Jack a hard time over Jack's decision to use a publicity agent to boost his popularity. Rochester gets in his own jabs at Jacks expense. The fast talking publicity man shows up with a busy itenary for Jack. It so busy that it makes yu wonder whether Jack will ever get his play started. Phil plays, but the number is cut short. In honor of National Newspaper Week, Scoop Benny takes us for an inside look at a busy news room. Enjoy the colorful characters that make for good news paper stories. Gangsters, hot tips, murder, and a mystery to solve before the cops do. Rochester acts as a witness, and Phil assists Jack's investigation as the sultry Mary tries out a scene that plays up her sex appeal.


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