Cisco Kid – Planted Gold. 531008.

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: A wealthy real estate agent is expecting new clients from back East, and has a prime piece of land for them. Bandits have other ideas in mind and want him to play it their way so they can cheat the old couple and take their plot of land. Cisco and Pancho are to meet the old couple and escort them, but the bandits send them off on a wild goose chase. By the time the train arrives with the jumpy, and overly armed old couple, they mistake Cisco and Pancho for the bandits and chase them away. <br> Putting their trust in the bad guys by mistake, the old couple are ledastray and fall into the trap. Will they be wary, and feisty enough to keep the real bandits at bay? Will they ever discover that Cisco is their true friend? Not without some mix ups, and gun play along the way. Listen and learn how justice is done, and the identities of the good guys and bad guys are untangled. <br>