Vic and Sade – Victor R Gook Fontonelle. 431011.

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Audio is a bit mushy with some record noise. Russel is at home getting cleaned up after a day of playing outdoors. Sade isn't home, and Vic is worried that supper won't be ready on time. He has invited BB Baugh for supper, and is afraid that the supper plans won't be enough to make a good impression. BB Baugh is an inventor, an accomplished musician, and a man who Vic has written a poem about in order to gain the man's favor. <br> Russel gets the poetic style of a fontainelle confused with a softspot on a baby's head. Vic wants to put his poem to music, but Russel isn't any help in untangling the musical scale. <br> Trivia: <br> <br> * Vic tells Russell that a 'fontanelle' is a spirited march, a spritely gallup or a gay dance. Russell contends that a 'fontanelle' is a soft spot on a babies' head.<br> I could find nothing about a musical work called a 'fontanelle.' But Wikipedia clearly shows that Russell was right. In other words, the song title literally means, Victor R. Gook has a soft spot on his head. <br> * For supper, Sade had planned on having left-over meatloaf, canned vegetables and canned peaches.<br> * B.B. Baugh has replaced Alf Musherton as the 3rd chair on the Sewage Disposal Worker's Band - which appareantly has changed it's name to the Sewage Disposal Workers Semi-Classical Silver Cornet Ban. (Recall that this was a made-up club name Vic gave Russell to resign from in an earlier episode.)<br> Seems apparent by now that the Sewage Worker's band is made up completely of cornets. The fact that Baugh is 3rd chair in the band proves there are numberous cornet players in town. As a matter of fact, the cornet seems to be far the most popular musical instrument mentioned on Vic and Sade. <br> * Russell says that B.B. Baugh is the inventor of Stingyberry Jam. (This is tackled at length in a later episode.)<br> * Vic says that B.B. Baugh is an accomplished musician, artist and a talented composer.<br> * B.B. Baugh lives at the Bright Kentucky Hotel. He had composed the song for Vic between the hours of 8 and midnight by candlelight in his hotel room with trains chugging by his window.<br> * B.B. Baugh wants to publish the piece and put it in the official songbook of the Sacred Stars of the Milky Way. It seems to me we can assume from this that B.B. Baugh is also a member of the lodge. However, until I know for sure, his name will not go into the Sacred Stars of the Milky Way section of the blog as a member.<br> I believe this episode contains one of the funniest little sequences in the show's history, when Vic and Russell discuss when Sade might be home from shopping.<br> <br> --Trivia provided by Jimbo, as found at <a href="">the Crazy World of Vic and Sade. </a> Make sure to visit, and check out the database of names, look at pictures, and learn all about the other aspects of the world of Vic and Sade. <br>