Retro Radio Podcast show

Retro Radio Podcast

Summary: Sharing family friendly entertainment through old time radio, and more.


 Philip Marlowe – The Fine Italian Hand. ep57, 491105 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:26

An immigrant man is worried that his son has fallen in with the wrong crowd. Can Philip Marlowe do anything to help? Bernardo has moved away from home, but his dad doesn’t know where. Bernardo isn’t very talkative, maybe Marlowe will get more information from some of his friends. Philip puts the moves on Paula, a dance teacher. She’s not telling all she knows either. The snooping leads to a murder scene. Did Bernardo have a hand in it? Philip has to break some bad news, but before he can, a red faced man enters. Is he a friend, or foe? Complications set in that serve only to drive Marlowe into a frenzy. A clear cut answer doesn’t seem to be in store for Bernardo or his father. Suddenly there are suspects galore, but it’ll take action from Marlowe to cut to the bottom of the tangled mess. Stay tuned to the epilog for the full explanation of how it all works out.

 Lum and Abner – A New Store Policy. 441002 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:30

The daily routine is back in full affect when we find Abner taking orders over the phone, and of course the store is out of everything. Or is it? Lum has to give Abner a class in customer service, and demands he treats customers politely, and with respect. Like he did before the war. Abner claims it won't be easy to keep smiling, and be known as the happy merchants once the widow Abernathy and her young 'uns descend on the store. The idea of having a fire sale confuses Abner, especially when combined with the thought of being a happy merchant. Gossip about other merchants who wear high collars get the gents laughing. When a customer approaches, the gents get the chance to try out their new salesmanship techniques. What will grandpap think about the perky enthusiasm?

 Burns and Allen – George Tries To Impress Fifi. 401104. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:53

It's the day before election day in 1940,, and the day where we pick the man we want to live with for the next four years... but not the way Gracie thinks. Scandalous. She has a little confusion over the idea of Daylight Savings Time as well. Election humor and mixed up words are the theme of the day when Senor Lee jjoins the conversation. Artie Shaw appears, and teases George about the girl he saw him dancing with. Who is FeeFee? Artie plays, The Blues from William Grant. George is excited to think a showgirl like FeeFee is interested in him, but Gracie shifts gears by talking about her latest date at the movies. What advice can Gracie and the cast give to George to impress the showgirl? While George steps out for a moment, FeeFee shows up, and is as impressive as George has claimed. Plus, she has a connection to Gracie that is a secret from George. What is that all about? The Smoothies sing, Trade Winds. The big moment arrives, and George asks his cast to be on their best behavior. Yeah right. Will George learn FeeFee's secret? George's hidden poetic, romantic side comes out. Artie can't stand to let George be misled anymore, and takes George aside to spill the beans on what he knows about the showgirl, but George has his own twist to the plot.

 Jack Benny – Jack Is Sick After Being Robbed Of 10,000 Dollars. 451104 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:30

On a morning drive to the studio, Rochester changes a flat tire. Making a stop in a drugstore, Jack encounters an autograph seeking kid. Phil Harris joions him, along with Cass Daily. Larry Stevens sings, It Isn't Even Spring. After a couple quick jokes at the band's expense, Jack takes a treat to Mary. Amid the jokes on love, Jack gets in a jab towards his favorite comic rival, Fred Allen. Phil plays some travelling music, and Jack continues to get ready for the show. The telephone operators, Mabel and Gertrude swing into action to gossip about Jack. More travelling music from Phil finds us visiting jack in his dressing room, and a parade of characters that include Frank Nelson as his barber, Mel Blanc as the inspector who has been investigating the robbery of last week. Jack's publicity agent is on hand to claim the robbery was also just a publicity stunt, then begins to lay out plans for a big contest. A contest that will cost Jack $10k in prizes. What kind of a contest could that be? Stay tuned to learn all the details in upcoming eppisodes. Larry Stevens closes by singing, Until the End of Time. Note: the tires on Jacks car are said to be Generals. The early sponsor of the show once claimed it's tires were free from blowouts. I suppose the wartime use of rubber caused folks to run them much more thin than the manufacturer recommended. For those who might not remember, Mel Blanc was the robber from last week. Now he's the inspector? Good character acting, oris Jack just a trusting soul?

 Behind The Mike – Sound Effects. ep8, 401103 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:44

Graham MacNamee has 2 radio sound effect experts on stage to show how he makes various sound effects as a short story is narrated. Trains, footsteps, doors, fights, horses and wagons, and row boats. Character actor, Gilbert Maxx, tells about his background that helped him with his broad range of characters. He demonstrates by playing a scene by doing all the parts from kids to the aged, various dialects, and a sound effect or two. Oddities in Radio. A prominent radio announcer shares a story from his early days, and his aspirations to announce on the popular Coconut Grove radio broadcast. An accident with a stage hand blew his chance at the famous night spot. Though a young technology, traditions in radio were developing. The Atwater Kent Hour was an early show that is now revisited to relive a few moments of its musical variety, and tallent show format. Kind of like American Idol of it's day. Letters from Listeners. CJ Ingram, of the Jersey City Journal answers today's questions. Is it true Bob Burns is a crack shot with a rifle, as proclaimed? What was the very first broadcast, and the call letters of the station? The answer was, and still is controversial. When was the first broadcast of the Metropolitan Opera? What was the first program to appear on a networlk? Announcer for Fred Allen, Jimmy Wallington appears to share a story. A woman struck with appendicitis, and crossing a lonely stretch of the Mojave dessert with her husband, was rescued by a man and his son as they travelled. Later, while acting as announcer for the Atwater Kent program, the first prize singer, Donald Novas has the rest of the story. i

 Gunsmoke – – bell is back. ep231, 560909. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:47

Who is Bell Aimsley? Although both dock and Chester are excited about her return, Matt seems to be grumpy over the whole ordeal. She has run off With a man who has turned out to be an outlaw, But now she is back to tell that she was forced to run away with jess Kryder. Business is booming in the Long Branch saloon, as mat goes to chat with kitty About the latest happenings with Belle. The Aimsley ranch is little more than a broken down homestead. Matt and Chester have to ride out to report 2 Mr. Ainsley that young filous may be following in bells footsteps. Is there any signs that Jesst Kryder’s been around? Is he playing each sister against the other? “Who knows what a woman thanks,” comments Chester to Matt. When they find young Phyllis and make quick work with Jess, Matt threatens to cut a switch from a plum tree if Phylus gives him trouble in returning home. Will this be the thing that causes phylous to change her mind, and go home?

 Show # 859: Listener’s Choice: Dance Dance Dance | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Part One of this two Part Dance retrospective. This week; Songs about Dancing in the 1950's and 60's

 Lum and Abner – Junk Mail. 440928 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:31

The triumphal entry is over, and its back to business as usual in Pine Ridge for the gents. They have a back log of mail to read. A bag of mail that Lum is sure for him, and will stroke his ego and his amazing legal abilities. Abner just hopes one of the letters is from Little Pearl, but each one adds to the list of unpaid bills the gents have let slide. There's even investment opportunities to become a ventriloquist, among the bills from the wholesale house, and credit card offers at ladie's eporiums. Abner gets confused at how they make fur coats out of leopard skins. Notices for insurance policies, membership information for a junior code breakers club, and enough to embarrass both Lum and Abner if their friends got wind of their secrets. Isn't there any personal letters at all?

 Father Knows Best – Diet Discussion. ep89, 510920 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:34

At the breakfast table, Jim Anderson complains about the kinds of food his family eats. The kids think he means their table manners, or the amount of food that they eat are the problem. do the kids need more cholesterol in their diet? "what is all this nonsense," Jim wants to know. Is there a family argument brewing, and why does Kathy need to keep washing up? She won’t really disappear if she continues to wash her hands and face, will she? despite distractions, and interruptions Jim finally tells why he’s concerned about the family diet. He is to introduce a dietician at the Chamber of Commerce dinner. the new Clark diet impresses gym so much He wants his family to be on it for the next few weeks. However, his family thinks the diet is horrible. mom recruits Bud, And Betty to help her get rid of dads texido. They won’t have to shoot anybody, will they? As Jim dispenses a multitude of nutrition facts, the kids become eager to help mom in the kitchen to do dishes. Mom reveals the real problem is about Jim not being able to fit into his tuxedo. Under the guise of alterations, mom, Bud, and Betty attack dads tuxedo. Did the family do the right thing? How did things go with the speech at the formal dinner? Tune in, and find out.

 Dragnet – Big Seventeen. ep117, 510906 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:51

Juvenile bureau. A crime wave is growing, and its centered on the youth of the city. Responding to a report of a fight in a movie theater, Joe Friday, and Ben Romero comment on the decline in teenage morality. How do these things break out? Arriving at the scene, the cops take in the damage. The manager tells about the fight, as he worries over the damages done to his displays. The names of the kids aren't unknown, and a list of them is handed over to the cops. The investigation begins in an upscale neighborhood. Denials that sweet little Harry could be involved in such a rumble are made. It gets harder to deny when Harry has dropped a box that his dad identifies. Harry turns to tears when Joe revealsthe contents, marijuana. In voiceover, Joe tells how the case advances, and Harry tells about other narcotics the kidds were using. Johnny is a big time smart guy who has been supplying the teens, and Joe continues the voiceover to explain the grown up problems that drugs can lead into. , Messing with heroine can even land 17 year old informants in the hospital. With the situation stirred up, and cops on his trail, Johnny has gone into hiding. How much does his mom suspect? His girlfriend may know more, but maybe not the extent of the danger he's in. Can Joe and Ben reach Johnny before he gets himself into trouble he can't get out of?

 Jack Benny Ski Trip to Yosemite, Part 3. 400218 (RV58 retro639) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 43:33

he gang finally arrive at the ski resort at Yosemite, and matters take a turn around when it comes to Jack and Mary’s attitude. Enjoy this installment from the Retro Radio Vault. Bonus Tracks * RipleysBelieveItOrNot 414 WomanInvitedHerself * Kaye Kaiser 1940 Friendship - (Harry, Ginny, Jack & Ish, vocals). * Glenn Miller. Marian Hutton sings, Romance runs in the Family.

 The Avenger – Wingate Heirs. ep13, 450831 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:02

Old Captain Wingate can't trust anybody, including his lawyer, Royce. Can he expect any loyalty from his long time house servants? As he plans on reworking his will, the grumpy old sea captain seems to burn one bridge of loyalty after another behind him. By the time Brandon arrives on the scene with the cops, the relatives who also stood to be cut out of the will claim the salty old gent died on impact from the fall from his window. The four nephews inherit the estate, but they must meet a strange demand of the will. Each in turn must spend the night alone, locked in Captain Wingate's quarters, and with no contact with the outside world. Brandon, and Fern think it's wise for them to learn a thing or two about the folks who live in Wingate manor before the affair continues further. Inspecting the old mansion turns up little, other than a dripping water pipe, and other cdusty rooms in need of repair. Is there any danger that the nephews will also jump from the window, and meet the same fate as their uncle? is there something fishy going on with the household servants, and lawyer Royce? Figuring on springing his own trap, the Avenger calls to account the motives of the bad guy. Wiill he be able to outsmart the killer, or at least turn the tables on his mind to drive him crazy and extract a confession?

 Lum and Abner – Lum Appreciates Everything At Home. 440927 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:30

With the trial coming to a dramatic, and happy result for Lum, we find him in high spirits in the Jot Em Down store. He never realized how much this old store, and all itds artifacts and displays meant to him. The sentiment goes over Abner's head, though he's also glad to have his old friend back. Lum's pride only allows him to see himself as the key person who got him off. It takes Abner to remind him of Squire's part in the legal battles. Lum never wants to leave the simple life of tending the store. He's even willing to grab the broom, and sweep the floors for Avner. A phone call allows Lum to drop the broom, and boast of his legal prowess. Distractions keep Lum from the manual labor he dreams of, and he tries to write down the amazing new ideas that come to him. New Edwards sayings, chances to boast to friends on the phone, and soon Abner's dreams of having Lum do some of the manual labor in the store are burst.

 Dragnet – Big In-Laws. ep115, 510823 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:23

Robbery detail. A gang of hijackers is terrorizing the city, forcing truckers from their cargo and steeling the goods. On this foggy day, Joe Friday meets his disgruntled partner, Ben Romero as he goes to be briefed on the latest case. What has the usually laid back Ben so stressed out? His in laws are visiting, and getting on his last frazzled nerve. A trucker tells how his load of whiskey was taken from him. Forced into a car, and made to wear welders goggles while his truck was stolen, it's the beginning of several other similar crimes that Joe is soon confronted with. Is this an inside job? Could it be someone inside a trucking company, or an owner of a company? Investigation leads from truckers to gas stations, and any other connection that Joe can think of to link the robberies to each other. A visit to a golf course reveals some fishy behavior when a truck has been pulled over near by. Mundane police work, based on only shreds of evidence are explained in voiceover. Payoff comes when evidence is found in a gray sedan. A trucker, turned jewelry salesman, is at the heart of the thefts. What ever could have possessed the man with the nice wife, and nice middle class home, to havve turned to a life of crime? Probably in dealing with his overbearing mother in law. I guess its a win win situation for the guy. He either wins with the riches of a life of crime. Or he wins by getting arrested, and is whisked away from his in laws, and can enjoy a nice, peaceful life behind bars.

 Our Miss Brooks – French Sadie Hawkins Day. 551030. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 19:29

When a particular English teacher isn't getting attention from a particular biology teacher, what is she supposed to do? Mrs Davis reminds Connie that the French teacher is a close friend, and not a bad choice to go on a date with. The always financially challenged Connie Brooks finds a $100 bill, word gets around fast. Mr Lablanc, as well as all of Connies gentlemen friends are more than willing to take her out. As long as she is paying. Connie goes along with Lablanc, Boynton, Conklin, and even Walter Denton to a fancy restaurant, but she has other intentions for her money.


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