Lum and Abner – Junk Mail. 440928

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: The triumphal entry is over, and its back to business as usual in Pine Ridge for the gents. They have a back log of mail to read. A bag of mail that Lum is sure for him, and will stroke his ego and his amazing legal abilities. <br> Abner just hopes one of the letters is from Little Pearl, but each one adds to the list of unpaid bills the gents have let slide. There's even investment opportunities to become a ventriloquist, among the bills from the wholesale house, and credit card offers at ladie's eporiums. Abner gets confused at how they make fur coats out of leopard skins. <br> Notices for insurance policies, membership information for a junior code breakers club, and enough to embarrass both Lum and Abner if their friends got wind of their secrets. Isn't there any personal letters at all? <br>